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Posts posted by GrayFrequency

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

    Grind doesn't bother me too much

     I can agree to that

    1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

    if you actually have some interesting mechanics on weapons and frames to offset it...I can stomach a little grind if I actually looked forward to new weapons and toys to play with,..that made said grind for mods or whatever was worth it.... but every time we get a weapon it's awful on stats..or if it has some gimmick and it's just as bad...I mean c'mon guys...didn't you love rifles that  looked through walls or could peak around corners...or just gave a useful buffs...why so stingy?


    All weapons and frames are different in strengths, weaknesses, what type they are. Of course some weapons are going to become your favorite or they  become the "best" weapon, same with frames. You just have to make it worth it. Find something you want next, and go for that. Try something new, and unusual. Or maybe you just need a break for a little bit then come back. If you play anything too much, you're eventually going to get tired of it. Of course a blank weapon from the start is going to suck. This isn't COD, most players aren't trying to stealthy go around every corner slowly to get a sneaky headshot.


    8 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Well, if they actually at least tried to give something that's replayable because it's fun and not bait people with new instanced drop that make you play a mode until you get them and forget it exists when you drop them, maybe people wouldn't complain so much about grinding? Just sayin. 

    I think some drop rates on certain items could be somewhat adjusted, but I agree with @MagPrime

  2. Hmm have you played OSRS?


    MMORPGs are in general, grindy games. These games are supposed to last for years. There are supposed to be rare drops and things. Sure maybe a couple of drop rates could be fixed, but it's not supposed to be easy and instant.

  3. Idk it's just a thought.

    It'd be cool if we could make our own captura glyphs, and add cool borders. Something simple, but it wouldn't override the Tenno ticket, or current glyphs.

    It wouldn't hurt anything, and would add more customization. (Maybe a player really likes to use that frame, or it's their favorite kavat, so it becomes a personal glyph...)

  4. 8 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    You could have bought the grand Tennocon ticket. Those people get their own unique Glyphs, you know.


    Yes, but why not have an ingame glyph maker? It would be limited to what's in captura, so the ticket would still be a thing

  5. I do like some glyphs, but I'm fairly picky and change them semi-often. First I had Excalibur, then Nidus Halftone, then Cherry Tree, then I went to this one, now I'm using the Buried Debts glyph, and I'm considering changing my glyph again(that's not even all of the glyphs I have used). Even though I went through all of those glyphs, I still haven't found one that is my "favorite".

    What if we were able to make our own, with what's in game? There could be an option in captura menu/settings, that you select and use like a smaller camera, and it saves to your first free headshot slot. (There would be more slots(10+?), I'd even be okay with earning the (20)platinum to buy it)


    1. Enter captura scene with desired Warframe/Companion/Weapons
    2. Strike your pose, jump in the air, stand in front of a rock, remove all lighting, whatever scenery you want
    3. Then your warframe is unmoving in the air, or wherever to get their photo taken
    4. Go to captura settings, and find and click headshot or custom glyph headshot, or something
    5. Specific boundaries would appear(you would be able to zoom in and out), and there would be a 40% layer of transparency(maybe you could adjust that in settings too?) outside of the boundaries, so you could tell how it would look as a finished image.
    6. Then once you take the photo, it would save in a new tab of glyphs called "Custom" or something like that.


        Ability to change borders around glyphs. Examples: Prime orokin border, argon crystal border, cephalon transparent blue, sanctuary transparent yellow, geometric shapes, plants, space, standard borders, holidays, special mastery rank borders, special event borders, nightwave borders, etc.  

  6. I don't really have a favorite glyph at the moment, so I switch glyphs semi-often. The first one I liked was the nidus halftone glyph, then I went to this one, and now ingame I currently have the saturn six glyph on. Vitruvian, Designer, and Tennocon glyph packs are pretty cool too. 

    IDEA: What if we were able to take a headshot of our warframe, kubrow, kavat, companion and use that as a glyph? It would be a special mode in captura, and it could be selected in the captura menu settings. You could also use the same image filters as there are on posters, and in captura. The boundaries would initiate and be a fixed size, so you could move the boundary around to what you want to take a headshot of. The first one could be free, and you could delete it if you wanted. There could be like 10 headshot slots, so you could do one for each loadout or something. (I would use it even if I had to pay 20 platinum per slot (after the free one of course).

  7.      Late to the thread, I agree with @SyBuhr with the fact that Warframe needs a Market Place + Visual Data

    This would help alleviate problems, riven prices, and it would lessen scammers.

    Visual data would be great so the players know what to ask for, for an item. Or to see if they're about to get scammed, and current pricing trends.

    Also a Market Place would prevent random scams, because you could buy an item straight from it, that another player placed.

    Example scam: Bulk trading items, other guy doesn't hold up his full trade and leaves after half way through (even when they're trading increments of plat in agreement to pay full). Then after that happens what are you going to do about it? You are out of your special item or maybe even plat. And if you invested plat into what you were trading, you just lost plat, the items, and time. But if there was a market, you could've just gone and bought it, no scams, no problems.



    --The Marketplace could be a part of one of the relays (to keep interaction), and you could have a small ui (outside of the market relay, it could also have market data) to see if you sold items.

    --There could be a length of time on how long items can be listed. Keep same current trading rules and apply those too (MR restrictions to prevent scamming). 



    Visual Data Example: http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Rune_scimitar/viewitem?obj=1333

    (Displays osrs item Rune Scimitar and trade data over a month. You can click on 3month, 6month, and trend to see more data. There's even green arrows if prices rise, and red arrows if prices fall


    If you look at the top, there are items scrolling across the screen like a stock market.

    • Like 1
  8. Also I 100% don't see what's wrong with how credits are applied to the game. It functions well. 

    You need credits to do certain things. Just like you need Orokin Cells to build certain frames, weapons, etc. 

    Yes this a game where you grind. This a scifi mmorpg. You're going to have to get stuff to do more stuff with it. 

    Credits are too easy to get. Make your way to Neptune, do the Glast Gambit quest, and then run some indexes.

    I am actually glad DE included the Index in the game, since you can earn credits from it. It is just a bout finding the time to do it really. 

    Note: You also need credits + ducats to buy stuff from Baro Ki'Teer.


    (If you are bored of earning credits then go do some relic runs or something else. You don't have to do one thing only, there is so much you can do in Warframe.)

  9. 4 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    you've not got the upgraded incubator then... upgrade it as it doesn't cost anything now.

    Upgraded incubator? I have all of the segments, and upgraded my incubator to the max. Kubrow, Kavat, Nutrio, Archwing, Personal Quarters, etc


    (I will go ahead and apply the Nutrio Segment again, to see if it changes anything. I wouldn't mind pulling a kubrow out of stasis for free.)

  10. There are many uses for credits:

    1. You can buy the main blueprints for non prime frames, and weapons with them
    2. You can invest it into the index and get more
    3. You can rush your kubrow out of stasis
    4. You can buy holiday stuff for a dollar
    5. You need it when trading items (tax)
    6. It's used when you research stuff in dojos, and build things
    7. I think you have to spend a good chunk(along with bonds) when you visit Ticker
    8. You use it sometimes, when you get to the next level in your faction
    9. Need it along with endo to upgrade mods
    10. Primed Mods, Pizzas, Potatoes, Ephemras, Ciphers, Keys, Foundry Items, etc
    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, Lobosandia said:


    It's fine that you disagree with me, but trying to use reaction gifs to make me sound ridiculous without actually saying anything is really lame.

    In short, could you not?

    confused girl GIF

    Lol..you do realize that you just did the thing that you were offended about to the other person?


    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    prices are pushed up to a point that rivens for that weapon become inaccessible in general

    It may be inaccessible for you. I generally don't see rivens that are 10k+. I normally see them under 5k, every time I log into Warframe, or Discord.


    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    Rivens are fundamentally different from other items because they can change over time due to disposition adjustments by DE.

    I know that rivens have disposition changes. I have a few on me right now. You missed my point.


    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    Yep, it can be done to any item, but I'm talking about rivens in particular.

    That is why I mentioned rivens, right here:

    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    Now about "market manipulation". This can be done to any item, riven, or whatever.


    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    Your solutions to this issue are not even solutions, nor do they make sense. All we need is market transparency.

    They're not solutions I would go for (hence the "no" part). My point was that market manipulation can happen anywhere, no matter what you do. I think I made plenty of sense. Well, we know the average prices of items. I would, however, like an additional market ui interface trading system ( and before everyone gets mad, because I think it'd be nice to have a Marketplace, it is just my one opinion amongst a forum of thousands+ of players. spare me clem clem )

    10 hours ago, Lobosandia said:

    Why'd you pick cooked herring?! Go for lobsters!

    In all seriousness, I hope DE implements something like this because they clearly have trading data. The data they are presenting right now does not take outliers into account.

    Lol I just picked something 😜 

    Yea it would be nice to have a chart or some sort of trading data display. 

    1. Playing with my favorite and first prime frame I ever earned(1 yr or 2 ago I got her after watching [DE]Rebecca play with her on a halloween devstream, she was also using akstiletto prime), Saryn Prime
    2. Going fishing, or mining
    3. Getting special items, decorate my ship, and touch up/improve my Dojo
    4. Do misc things like riding on my kdrive, or holding giveaways for my clan
    5. FashionFrame/Take screenshots of things I think are cool and posting them on twitter/my site
    6. See what kubrow/kavat I can get (so fluffy)
    7. Finally finishing something that I put off, such as earning a new frame, unveiling some rivens, or getting the next NW item (feelsgoodman)

    I am currently at over 300 login days (picked Zenistar if you are curious), 1200 hours on Steam, MR 17, and created a Mountain Tier Rank 9 clan with a fleshed out discord. 

    Also this is a little bit random, but (to anyone): It is good to take a break sometimes. It's a horrible feeling to become burntout on your favorite game. If you're feeling this way, play another game, try something new, hang out with friends, or work on your skill/interests. Something to change things up a bit, until you come back. 😄

  12. (This is in general to the thread, not to anyone in particular)

    Rivens can be pricey in the thousands of plat, yes. But you don't have to buy that riven from the person who is selling it for what you think is too much. Maybe you can go get it instead.

    You could look around, maybe be patient and wait a day or so before you see a decently priced riven of your choice (I say patient because rivens are an expensive item). You could also peek on a few warframe discords where players will trade rivens, maybe even say you are looking for a certain riven and ask to be pm'd. Maybe even ask for the riven in the trading post threads on the forum.

    I don't think rivens should become untradeable.

    Yes there are rivens that are valued at a higher price, because of a player's willingness to earn the riven themselves, endo it, rank it up, roll it to the desired stats (especially god-tier) and spend a lot of kuva, time, and possibly some plat. You can also apply this to items. Some items are more costly than others, because of time, rarity, difficulty, and current trends.

    Now about "market manipulation". This can be done to any item, riven, or whatever. The only way to get rid of this, is to remove anyone who does this (no, because everyone has done it at least once, even if you think you haven't), and to put set prices forever on rivens/items (really? no). 

    Don't forget about the triple gold bulky lotus kubrow imprints having the ability to sell for over 3k plat. It doesn't bother me at all, either. That person took time and their own platinum, more than likely, to get that special final kubrow. I imagine the same is applied to most rivens. 


    When talking about markets, I do however, like to have a reference to previous prices, and current trends.

    A good example of being able to see market data is this: http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/Herring/viewitem?obj=347

    This link shows a chart for herring (a common fish in runescape), when you scroll down a little bit. You can see 1-6months worth of trading data.

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