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Posts posted by Matheoryon

  1. In archwing keybinds, I like to use Q as shaft left, and E as shaft right, however Q is also the same button for my gear wheel outside of archwing, which is unusable outside of archwing.  I cannot bind both as Q, so Bug? I would like multi use keys as with with melee channel button E, which isnt effected in this case, and that obviously cant be used in archwing.

    I would also like to unbind sprint/roll to just sprint as I have no use for sprint/roll as I use just roll, and only ever toogle sprint on or off with another key.

  2. Im reverting back to 436.15 in hopes that it will be more normal like before where places like POE usually can sustain a solid 144hz with all max settings on a 1070. Under higher utilization, I noticed with the newer drivers it struggled to sustain higher clock frequencies such as 1650mhz.

    It could also be that I did a DDU on 436.15 for 436.30, though I dont see how that would effect it.

  3. Play what else? Destiny? Warframe is one of the singularly best games that has ever been made. I am looking forward to DE's rendition of lord of the rings online when it comes. Maybe AOC or one of the mmo's on this list here https://www.nerdmuch.com/games/5184/new-mmos/

    Yes this game can be on the easy side of things, but its not difficult to challenge yourself. I dont see many vets doing conclave for instance, though most people find that slope far to steep to climb. 

    So who exactly is leaving warframe? 

  4. On 2019-07-31 at 9:07 PM, (PS4)VaNiDgE said:

    You see this in a lot of east Asian films. I was visiting a friend and his mum and ad were watching soap opera and they had robocop and terminator theme during a car chase. It was pretty hilarious. Another show i remember had final fantasy Fethos Lusec Wecos Venosec.




    Happens alot outside of america. I was watching some univision news about the cartels and they where explaining everything that happened to the halo theme. It was kind of amusing, but at the same time very involving.

  5. 1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    try reducing your graphic settings in game one step at a time to see if you notice a difference.

    smooth 60 to 75 fps with 1080p should be possible with everything at high graphic setting (not ludicrous) for Vallis, not sure if 1070 can fully handle ludicrous levels.

    Vallis is extremely graphic intensive not due to fault of the hardware , there are definite optimization issues.

    It is also suggested to get rid of Vertical sync , suggest you read this following article if you are interested.



    Thanks. Disabling it did boost it nominally, though nothing dramatic. It seems that works best when in full screen, to which there is a slight boost again as I recall from awhile ago. Im going to delete this post as it really  is kind of pointless. Just enjoy the game, and dont care to much about not getting over 120fps all the time lol.

  6. 21 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:


    what is the fps you are getting? 60?50? 30? Have you set the frame rate to a fixed value cap in settings? 

    Just uploaded images. Frame rate is locked at 144. Though disabling vertical sync yelds slightly higher fps. Ya I know, total idiotic first world issue going on here. I really just need to enjoy the game at the moment. I dont know why I cared about this all of a sudden.


  7. Its kind of rare that I hit any sort of fps drop due to lack of cpu or gpu resources, and looking at msi afterburner this becomes apparent as cpu usage is normally around 30 to 60 percent, and gpu around the same. There are some places such as on P.O.E or the Vallis where lowering certain settings does offer that increase such as anisotropic filtering, though gpu usage usually doesnt increase accordingly. This is all with max settings at 1080. 

    Maybe a Gsync monitor? I dont have that, and yes this is a 144hz panel I have. Here are some utilization pictures. I didnt get in cpu, but it was only around 30 to 60 as I said before.



    Apparently it likes borderless better when doing 4k mode. Not sure what it is about full screen vertical sync, though I didnt try full screen without it. I dont know what difference that would make.


  8. 19 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

    Afaik FPS has nothing to do with host connection, the only thing a host can affect is the ping. If you want to be a good host then get the fastest, most stable internet connection you can have and don't keep any downloads running or overload your PC while hosting a session.

    Well according to my gpu analysis, fps drops are probably engine related, or along those lines. I think this is mainly to appeal to the console market which doesnt go past 60, but does good on high settings regardless, but the 120+fps market suffers, and that would be me.

  9. Title says it all. I already went though speedguide.net if that says how far I went, but maybe there is something more host optimized rather then solely user? Something more server based so that way when I am host I don't server lag the game or cause unnecessary ping and low fps. I assume that's a symptom of a poorer host vs a better host as there is a notable fps increase when doing an area solo on the same graphics settings. All the while, GPU and CPU utilization are usually not even that high, so I can generally conclude then that its server performance and not on my end. This can also be tested going from minimum to maximum display settings.

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