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Everything posted by Ordo_Machina

  1. I do not run eclipse on any other frame other than mirage, partly because I mostly play mirage. These nerfs have me rather annoyed. Mirage players have to suffer because DE's mistakes. Firstly if they don't want eclipse to be so strong on other frames, why give eclipse as a helminth ability in the first place? Secondly if they cannot make the ability work with their lightning system, and are blind to the obvious solution players want, why do the players suffer when it's DE who can't make something work. Now whole eclipse has been relegated to being a mod, not an ability. Just make it so mirage herself gets the toggle QOL, and the ability's math stays the same with her, while the helminth gets the new math. It is just utter bs that a frame most commonly used as a nuke frame has to be nerfed because of helminth. (Sorry for the rant.)
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