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Posts posted by (XBOX)Skiller115

  1. 5 minutes ago, Deminged said:

    So many people out there just attempting to laugh at those who had the chamber before, justifying any way, even the lasiest (which DE took) just to see the rich losing their money. 

    How to not hate humanity these days...😒


    My cup runnith over with tears

  2. 13 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

    There's a pitfall the game never tells you about: Liches can't have the same weapon twice in a row. If the lich you spawned last time had weapon X, you can't get weapon X again on a larvling, you have to do a different weapon first. This only applies to liches you spawned yourself, traded ones are not affected by and have no effect on this restriction.

    Man I wish I known this last night lol I did close to a hundred runs and I just gave up on getting the Kuva Chakkurr and just went for the Bramma

  3. 1 hour ago, nslay said:

    What? Enthrall+Reave? That's always worked that way independent of Index. It doesn't work on some bosses and it has significantly reduced effect on Nox, Ancient Disruptors and Eximus units. The problem with Enthrall+Reave is that Reave requires quite a bit of energy and you're often passively losing all your energy with all those index points. You can get the Enthrall for free with Mesmer Skin, but that's it. If you build up a lot of time early on, you might be able to rely on Enthrall+Reave for a short time later on... but it's definitely not sustainable.

    No that's not what they were talking about or me, I added the quote to my previous comment.

  4. 18 hours ago, ZinGrin said:

    I think this was the hotfix for that:

    Fixed scoring 30+ Index points at once resulting in a huge damage boost. Dying / Reviving would remove the damage boost.

    Oh wow, so that's how people could kill stuff using Revenant in index by using bugs lol!

    I managed to last one hour and 20 minutes solo with mag but I didn't have any damage boost shenanigans to help me.

  5. Why are you guys letting this guy derail the thread by arguing with him? His argument is literally the devs didn't make Revenant the way I wanted it to be therefore he sucks! I will now use every opportunity that arises to complain off the topic of the main point of every thread until DE changes the Warframe into the way I wanted it be and everyone else be damned!

  6. What's with the hate boner for Revenant? The only ablity of his that needs changing is his one as it's useless for a large amount of reasons. But Mesmer skin being bad?? Lmao Revenant is the only frame in the game I have never died with in an actual mission! No not even level 200+ arbitrations could make a dent!

  7. 8 hours ago, Benour said:

                                                                                            Nothing will beat melee in DPS.

    If you think that some sheety kuva karak (lol at that guy) or ANY primary/secondary (except snipers cause they have combo counter + Gas with Bane/HM) can outdps / do more kills per minute than melee you are simply r*******. Yeah that might be true in toddler difficulty and yeah with HM some weapons can scale decently even over 200+ armored enemies but thats just few weapons (and with riven ofc). Mostly weapons with enough base dmg and crit to be HM viable (snipers are perfect for this, Opticors, Chakkhurr, Prisma Grinlok, Zhuge prime, all bows and few others can do decent/meaningful bleeds). HM is literally saving grace for many crit weapons, without it primaries has literally 0 ability to scale and yet some clueless individuals are starting threads about HM being removed, smh.

    Secondaries are "useless" (cant scale) only useful for stacking elements for CO melee or stripping armor if you go endurance. They good until like lvl 200 (most of them falloff MUCH sooner im being very generous here).

    And even if you run 4x CP melee >>>>> primaries (except snipers as we learned before). If you think you gonna kill lets say lvl 500 with primary/secondary you are delusional.

    If DE were to bend to your will and buff everything that's not melee to do similar damage as melee weapons what would be the point of using melee weapons to get close to these elusive level 200 mobs that 99.9% of the people that play this game will never meet? 

    Lets take for instance the Kuva Orgis, it has 7 meters explosion radius. Mines with 56% toxin damage, Nightwatch Napalm, and a bad riven can deal 32000 Corrosive damage alone. Now if DE were to buff it to deal equal damage of your scaling melee weapons my Orgis would be able to deal 200k damage or more in one shot in a 7 meter radius! Why on Earth would I want to use a silly melee weapon ever again if I could just blow away anything not named level 150 Heavy Gunner or Bombard in one hit from half a map away?

  8. 12 hours ago, vegetosayajin said:

    I have a 40+% toxin kuva karak, the weapon is fine but the kill time is way slower than any melee I have.That is the point of the topic.
    And if you are using some wf buffs this is not a test, test is without any arcanes, wf buffs, rivens and hunter munitions.
    If you can kill lv170 with no outside buffs and rivens in a couple of bullets(half a magazine most) show it.


    It's not a "problem" for me, I just agreed to the topic at hand, because it's a fact that primaries and secondaries feel weak compared to melee.

    Yes I have done it (with 52% toxin Kuva Karak) without any damage boosts but I did have a riven which I'm sure you'll discount rivens unless it's on your melee weapon of choice to attempt to build your argument. We think that primary and secondary weapons as a whole category should not be buffed just to do the same damage as melee weapons. Melee weapons have a range limit while Rifles and Secondary weapons that are not shotguns or beam weapons effectively don't have a range limit.

  9. 7 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    From what I've been told, a lich backbreak does not yield ten murmurs, it yields 10% of the progress to your next unveiled mod. The first/second/third mod require 35/60/85 murmurs, so a stab only yields 3/6/8 murmurs. OP didn't save himself 60 murmurs, he saved himself approximately 34 murmurs

    Well you're wrong and whoever told you didn't know what they were talking about.

    "Testing a Requiem Mod on a Lich also advances Murmur progress, roughly 10x more than a Thrall on average"


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  10. 7 hours ago, vegetosayajin said:

    Primaries need a buff and a very good one at that.
    Most of them don't work well without the crutch mod (hunter munitions).
    And I'm not talking about lv40-120, but above.
    Secondaries are much stronger overall, but they are in the same path as primaries.
    For both types you expand a lot of forma, have all the prime mods etc and still have to shoot lv135(the max level I can test in simulacrum) a couple of times(in weaker weapons 2-3 mags) before he goes down.
    And no, rivens should not be a factor, only standard builds.
    Melee(even after they nerfed CO and BR) still scales well into high levels.

    That's because your guns are weak, my Kuva Karak can melt level 170 Corrupted Heavy gunners like butter in a forge!

  11. Chroma's 1 and 4

    Mesa's 1

    Zephyr's 2

    Excalibur's 2

    Valkyr's 1

    Hydroid's whole kit

    Grendal's whole kit

    Nyx's 1

    Gara's 3

    The removal and replacement ablity of Ember's acclerant

    All ablities of every Archwing except Amesha in Railjack

    Revenant's 1

    Nekros' 1 Soul punch

  12. 50 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

    In recent times, I've been increasingly depending more and more on melee for pretty much everything that is high level content.

    That isn't to say that primaries/secondaries aren't able to do the job, but rather that melee is so OP currently, that ends up being the logical choice as primary means for dealing with most enemies.

    I'm sure I'm not alone here, is this the general feeling around the community as well?

    If so, do you think DE should consider buffing primaries/secondaries to balance things out?


    Acceltra and Kuva Karak disagrees with you.

  13. 18 hours ago, (XB1)LA DU7CH MA5T3R said:

    If you haven't noticed lately that riven prices are ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, then you haven't watched trader chat for longer than 5 seconds. And it all boils down to a group of players, dubbing themselves "riven mafia", spiking prices on the market to absurd prices and then shaming you for not having 15k plat to spend on a mediocre riven. Oh you wanted a riven that actually has relevant stats? Those start at 20k.

    Now must of us know how ridiculous these prices sound. A smaller margin of people, sadly, dont. And of course there's newer players and those who have just never had the need to trade,  that are getting on trade chat for the first time and seeing these posts. Now they have it in their head that that is how rivens are supposed to be traded and if good rivens go for that much surely a bad riven could get me a couple hundred plat right? 

    Welcome to the trade chat of today. 

    Something needs to be done, there's no reason that a group of people should be able to ruin the market, constantly express how they "run" the market, dub themselves the "riven mafia", constantly shame other players yet nothing is done. I've had a friend quit playing because her felt bullied in chat and didn't want to deal with it. I've had conversations with countless players in game about the things this group of people have done and how they treat people. 

    This isnt right. Something needs to be done. 

    Lol did something change overnight during my vacation on Forza Horizon 4?

  14. 2 hours ago, LimHighgate said:

     But after ORB VALLIS gets it's insane difficulty, impossible status unscrewed. 

     Considering the game's mass appeal to the "grind it fast and ditch it" player type, maybe go back in and make OV and Thermia fractures and stuff POSSIBLE AT ALL for solo players. 

     Make it as grindy as you want, but ffs do something because it's driving new players away. 


    Every part of this game can be soloed

  15. 16 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Performance is not the largest influencer when the price gets that high. An example is when you have two of the exact same Riven Mods, let's use Vectis as a good start, but any works.

    Vectis Riven A is CC DMG MS -Mag.

    Vectis Riven B is CC DMG MS -Mag.

    Riven A has A grades on the Multishot, S on the Critical Chance, as well as A- on the Damage with an F on the negative magazine size.

    Riven B has B grades on Multishot, C on Critical Chance, C+ on Damage, and C on the negative magazine size.

    Riven A is unrolled with a Madurai polarity.

    Riven B is rolled 3 times with a Vazarin polarity.

    The performance of both Riven Mods is very very close. However Riven A will be offered for 150k Platinum while Riven B won't come near that.

    Purchasing a Riven is about what it can do, but when you get into these prices, you are also buying a trophy piece.

    And on Xbox that riven would be priced at a tenth of that.

  16. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    For that to work they wouldve stealth buffed it first. In all my tests (granted they were months ago but no changes have happened since) shattering never worked with waves

    They always worked for me, you should try that test. I used it with a toxin only build against level 170 index guys and without shattering impact it would have been impossible to kill them.

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