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Posts posted by (XBOX)Skiller115

  1. 57 minutes ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    Shattering only applies from the hands actually hitting the targets. The air waves baruuk uses do not apply shattering impact

    No the waves do apply shattering impact, to test go to simaris and spawn a butcher. One hit from SS will completely remove all of their armor.

    That is unless DE stealth changed it in some update.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I wouldn’t say he sucks. His 2 is great CC, he’s an extremely sturdy tank with his 3 and passive, his one...exists. His 4 just really sucks and that’s honestly the big thing that’s bringing public opinion of him down.

    He's a really fun frame it's just his 4 needs a status chance boost or damage or crit damage increase

  3. 99% of the time the mission bugs out and after one Crewship is destroyed no other Crewships will never spawn, and basically in order for the mission to work properly is to have the host quit the mission and hhopeit works after the dreaded host migration! This also makes it so the host can never complete the mission! So far this is the fifth time it has happened to my squad in a row this is beyond rediculus also not counting the other game breaking bugs in which every single time I enter a crewship my primary and melee weapons mods completely stop working!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Vulpes21 said:

    Only I think that new look of Ivara Prowl is so ugly ? And when you roll animation look like they have 10 fps.

    I think it looks good and it now also shows you if you have prowl on when inside a Cloak arrow bubble so you can remember to turn it off

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Hyro1 said:

    The reason people are requesting the Daikyu has nothing to do with it being a Signature weapon or not, its requested because its a bow, and Ivara best weapon to use is a bow. Also people see it fits with her more thematically than something like a rubico, same how people wanted Mesa Prime to drop with Akvasto prime, even though akvasto was never released with Mesa, nor was announced as a signature weapon for her, just fits with her thematically.

    Yet for some reason people don't realize why DE didn't release her with a bow is because of the big obvious fact that she already has the most powerful bow in the game as her ultimate ablity! 

    It would be like DE releasing a weaker auto aim dual pistols as a prime weapon for Mesa Prime! It's redundant!

  6. Baza prime is still a pretty good weapon, just like Stradovar Prime people think both aren't that good and the main reason for that is because how utterly brokenly power creeped Tiberon Prime was in comparison! 

  7. On 12/17/2019 at 9:50 AM, The.Mad.Doctor said:

    With how Mag's bubble scales, I would have thought you wouldn't need power strength, or at least I don't use much on her. What are you building her for, just curious? 

    Edit: I do have a friend who runs with blind rage and two arcane energize on mag, and he loves her, just not my playstyle, I rely a lot more on her bubble.

    I use power strength for Polarize and Crush. Magnetize never needs any strength mods just a powerful projectile weapon.

  8. 5 hours ago, The.Mad.Doctor said:

    Dude,  what do you even need the power strength for, are you trying to optimize for level 50s or something? If you are trying to optimize for level 100+ then what are you even complaining about, power strength is one of the worst scaling stats due to enemies out-tanking the dmg (exceptions are debuff frames, but even then, enemies would have to be high level for that to even matter). Even if you were making a build to somehow one shot lvl 100+ enemies with only your abilities, I have a hard time believing you can't proc growing power with a gas Secura Penta at that level. Also just fyi, I'm not saying that they shouldn't fix it, I just like providing counter points to peoples arguments. 

    Also, sorry for taking so long to reply, I tend to not be on the forums every day, especially on the weekends.

    I play Mag and every bit of power strength matters a lot to me, this can mean the difference between wiping a whole room or just damaging everything but still have to run around to kill all those not dead stragglers. Also just to confirm myself earlier I tested the damage output of my gun, I use corrosive on my Secura Penta and as of now I can oneshot a whole group of level 100 Graneer Lancers in one hit and can oneshot a Lancer with a direct hit at level 138! All without corrosive projection! So in order for me to even trigger Growing Power when using mag is to have to sit in a mission till the mobs get to over level 100 or have to specifically run around trying to find a heavier unit to proc my elements on!

    And the final point is that you agree with me that this needs to be fixed but instead you try to turn this into an arguing for the sake of argument about my motive on wanting this fixed. My motives for wanting something fixed is irrelevant to this discussion as it should not matter why I want it to be fixed, it should be fixed now matter why someone wants it to be fixed.

  9. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    We don’t have it. It was taken out of our update due to key binding issues.

    Well they should have just kept the archwing nerf out of the game then instead of deleting blink from the game for a minimum of a whole month since they knew it didn't work at all!

  10. 19 minutes ago, (XB1)DS Monkfish said:

    According to the latest patch notes, we don't have blink at all right now on consoles. The bindings were borked and they couldn't fix it in time.


    So basically they gave us this broken update and now we have to wait 1-2 months till we can possibly use blink again? Wow they should have kept this update to themselves!

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, ChampionSmart said:

    its bound to your roll button so rebind that to fix it

    if you cant rebind on xbox idk

    On Xbox if you rebind LB (Crouch, Slide, and Roll Move Down) to a different button it just moves ALL of those functions to the button you bind it to. Leaving you in the same position as you started in!

  12. 8 hours ago, The.Mad.Doctor said:

    What? You just said, from what I'm getting anyway, that you're oneshotting everything, and that makes it harder to oneshot everything. Unless maybe you're talking about gas procs bouncing off of mobs onto stronger enemies, but even then, I feel like the scaling should be fine outside of armor (unless you're using rhino or something).

    I guess you have never used the Aura mod Growing Power? Basically you're saying that since my gun can oneshot the mobs I therefore do not deserve procing an element and getting 25% more ablity strength for my Warframe, unless I basically nerf myself by using a weaker low damage high Firerate weapon with high status just because reasons?

  13. 5 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    If you're one-shotting your enemies, then you're not in high enough level content for status procs to matter.

    Have you ever heard of a mod called Growing Power? I use it quite a lot and not many things can survive 58,905 damage from one shot of my Napalm Secura Penta which used to proc all the time now mobs have to be at least level 75+ or elite mobs to not die in one hit from it, in order to just proc Growing Power or Gas procs!



    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, The.Mad.Doctor said:

    I kind of thought of it as, "if something is going to get one shotted, then you probably don't need the the extra power yet. Not until the enemies have scaled a bit at least." However, I do agree that it nerfed gas builds though, because you can't turn a high status weapon into a sort of launcher type weapon at lower levels.

    The problem with this logic is that it completely falls apart when I can just switch to my Dera Vandal with 99.8% status and can still trigger it on anything level 30 and up.

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  15. I started to notice this right after update 26 launched on console and basically it ruins Growing Power and gas procs. Basically now in order for a status to proc the target has to survive getting oneshot otherwise you don't get ANY proc which makes Growing Power useless on any high Damage status weapons like Ogris or Akarius and most status melee weapons especially with Condition Overload! Please fix this DE!

    • Like 1
  16. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

    Okay, so I play mag in sorties and even solo flood missions. As long as you are running the mod for polarize you will be okay, unless you have to deal with nullifiers and arbitration drones. She cannot deal with them (or anything you cannot CC), and does not have the survivability to handle any incoming damage. This could be resolved by making skill two a free cast on location versus a target (and possibly increase mag prime shields a bit). Passive is 100% useless. It is a weak vacuum...

    And this "few decently balanced frames," statement... You know there are many frames that have 100s of ehp and deal more damage than she does? Is the fact that she is loaded with CC a reason to have no survivability, when the CC does not work when you needed the most?

    Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge!

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