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Posts posted by Hitomo

  1. I did it only with negros ... and while thinking about using its powers for distraction or quick kills ...


    I dont like the randomness as u cant beat the parcour undeedected if every fregin laser is activated ...


    the only reason that justify this missions, aside the cool factor of new tiles and tactics, is to have reason

    for crafting Cyphers (finally!) ^^


    run / use cypher / run / shoot / USE CYPHER ... done

  2. Tenno are losers that dont have enough plat to buy stuff the normal way, so they lay war and slaughter across the universe to farm the resouoces they need to craft new shiny and mor powerful weapons ...


    you know, like that oil resource and the poeple mass murdering for it on our own planet at the moment ...

  3. thats why I had 600 in mind, I guessed armor is also usefuel in terms of survivability ...


    I see myself running at enemys, deflecting their damage while holding the charge button pressed and performing cool stance related combos ^^


    but, okay I will have a closer look at the individual Frame Powers ...



    the HUD Options seem to only take in account the in-Mission Interface ...

    maybe they implement something later, like bigger Fonts and fix the navigation Interface ...

  4. hey pros


    I am trying to figure out wich frame to get next for a nice and satisfying melee experience


    I figured that all frames have like 100 Stamina except Valkyrie, wich has 600, correct ?


    does this have any influence, because I dont seem to run out if stamina with any of the Frames currently

    while doing things ...


    is it true, that if u equip only a melee weapon, it will level up faster ?



    and finally, I am playin at 4K Resolution on my 1080p Monitor, but this imposes some problems when trying to read the chat or other text displayed like in the Navigation Interface ... and in planet view the overlay UI is totaly miss placed,


    click this ^^



    any solutions besides buyin a bigger screen ?



  5. this froums text editor does not let me quote or copy/paste anything ...


    @kitteohatto  yes, I try to work myself through some mudbox models at the moment as well ^^ ... if u are an expereinced modeler, organic looking stuff is done in almost no time with these programs today ...

  6. face it people, this new Frame looks as much as a dragon as every other Frame we have atm ... I mean nearly all Frames qualify as being 'Dragon themed' especialy with the cosmetic helmets and scarves and armor and stuff ...


    I think ash is visualy the least special frame, and seeing some of these design elemenst being rehashed here triggers negativity ...

    Looks like a quick mudbox job to some of us ...


    but I as well think, the new frame is not very inspired at all

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