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Posts posted by Hitomo

  1. I did this with banshee a long time ago, to get the last drops of challenge out of warframe ^^ , but this was before damge.types 2.0 ...


    so while I wait for my archwings to be finished crafting, what happened to the cool particle effects in this game, all gone  :_(

  2. I dont see your Problem, this game is to make much money not much players, isnt that clear by just playin it ? stop banging your head against this wall and you can have again with what is there ... cause this game is exactly like a year and a half ago ... maybe more watered down ... but playin a Level from time to time is still a blast and thats it ^^




  3. No need to lower the price of something that appears for free in alert missions. Seriously guys, you need to go play other games like Vindictus where the guys behind the games are the most greediest of ***holes ever. DE is one of the best companies in gaming I've seen yet and they are miles a head in business strategies while being amazingly fair to the player base from other companies in my mind.


    except they are selling the most expensive merchandise t-shirts ever in ganming history ...

  4. the funny Thing is, a Little bit more real life experience could have saved you all the dishaertening disappointment

    was this the first free to play game for all of you?


    I always said we had luck they choose the remains of the org DS wich was a top notch gamne itself,

    to rob and use as the meat in this free to Play model


    you all got milked, now you are empty and worthless and you are get dropped like a hot potatoe ... oh, snap ^^

  5. lag is insane ... I set my ping to 200 and still games lag like hell, before I usally played with 300 ping Setting


    new grineer speech totally sucks, the old one was 10 times superioir


    new menu-HUD does not work with mouse properly


    no really, why did you changed the grineer speech, its just generic now


    I think the Point is near when everything I liked about that games will be gone or changed


    good luck on PS4 with this

  6. the Arsenal is okay, but I hate how the camera constantly Switches when moving the mouswe across the Buttons


    also nvigating the three mini-Buttons that appear per eqipment Icon are hard to navigate

    and you are prone to accidently hitting an unwanted button wich makes the camera

    Switch to a new Position ...


    considering this the new UI is no improvment over the old,


    damn Controllers, this isnt the PS4 ... make it good for mouse users again


    when I want to equip the pistols and then go to the coloring of the Frame

    I have to perform awkward movments with th emouse to make this possible


    also, everytime you Change something in the appearence menu it resets

    the Frame to hold the Primary.weapon ... so you constantly have

    to go back anf forth


    who is testing this? ... ah, right, me, I got it

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