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Posts posted by (XBOX)motionROTATION

  1. I could dig it. While o do occasionally like melee I pretty much never use a secondary. I wouldn’t mind rocking two primaries or 3 primaries.  Having multiple weapons of the same type for those that love them but with different builds for different factions seems fine to me. 

    It might be too hard to implement based on how they coded it however, but it also might be easy

  2. 2 hours ago, BoarWarrior said:

    What about platinum for slots? I guess this is not a problem if you buy platinum, but I could see it being a problem for those who don't buy platinum.

    I find the grind just right in the game, and farm, for everything except kuva because of hunting those god rolls. It's just too much if you're after them.

    On my main, I waited for a sale and bought 1000p for $25 give or take. That has lasted me forever and let me buy all the slots I could want. I only started buying non-slots when I began trading.  I don’t think $25 was too much for Warframe. But for someone not buying, I think earning platinum can be pretty easy. Maroo’s sculptures can easily sell for 5p a piece if needed, people always buy relic junk and you might get lucky on Baro weekends, derelict mods etc. how well known those are, idk, but I don’t think it’s terrible either. Not even talking about jackpot rivens if you get one  or 30-50p for unvieled. 

  3. I’m aware the index exists. On my main I’m in no need of credits. But for a new player credits are scarce, the index requires knowledge of said place and the will to find a party that will probably carry them while they do nothing. I think the index is a terrible addition to the game and doesn’t combat the issue for newer players well. 

  4. Just now, (PS4)iQuedas said:

    You clearly don't know many games...

    I think new things to grind for, while making old things less grindy, is beneficial to the game. It gives old players something to do, and new players don't feel so overwhelmed or like the "end" is unreachable.

    I started a new account recently to see what it was like to start out again and I think the biggest wall to building and upgrading is the credit cost to everything. If credits were more plentiful I think it would be real beneficial.  Why have alerts for 10k credits when each mission could just give 2k more I think. 

  5. The amount of grinding in Warframe is “just right” for newer players or players that lack everything.  But it feels abysmal for veterans. Take Revenant for example. The neuroptics being rare isn’t terrible to farm if you’re still leveling you Cetus reputation. It’s the most efficient bounty after all and you’re bound to get it eventually.  But for a player that has everything and never wants to go back to Cetus, it’s suddenly behind an absurd wall. Why it’s rare and not uncommon who knows, but regardless for newer folk it’s not a big deal. 

    It feels like that’s how most updates happen though and I’m not sure how I truly feel about it. In the end, the game isn’t hard and having a grind is something to do. Why people spend platinum to get non-prime stuff I’ll never know as that directly lets you finish the game faster. But to each their own. I usually buy rare axi parts because I hate farming relics, others can buy what they want too. 

  6. My guess is that DE probably programmed the system poorly and has to manually update all riven dispositions rather than it being automated. But regardless they haven’t changed.  If rivens were truly fluctuating, I bet very few would have a disposition of 1 and it’s still possible that many high MR required weapons would remain 5 stars just because more players can’t use them. 

    It would be interesting to see the weapon usage stats for every weapon and see how much each weapon is currently being used. While there is definitely some MR fodder weapons I bet the usage is regular enough that maybe they’d all be close to 3 or the average anyway.  But it’d still be great to see the data and see where DE cuts the usage percentages off at. Are all players calculated in or are beginner weapons omitted because nothing else can be used anyway? Would they measure current usage or lifelong usage? All good points to see

  7. So you did a bunch of reading, perhaps saw that the Pyrus project will last until the 18th, and want us to confirm something that none of us can?

    Heres what we know. The Pyrus project lasts until the 18th. Plague Star comes after. That’s all we know. 

  8. Generally, every large clan will have knowledgeable traders in them. Some say the endgame is fashionframe but for some it’s tradechat. I would hazard a guess that if you join a 900+ member clan then it’ll have plenty of traders to help with prices and such. 

  9. 2 hours ago, LightningsVengance said:

    the first time I played the Sacrifice I used the mote amp...

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    20 minutes of Umbra completely dominating me I'll never get back.


    Imagine having to do it twice because the dumb mini game afterwards bugs out if you have reconfigured controls.  Shoot, die, shoot, die... finally win. Wait, why isn’t this working?! WHY?!?!!!!!?!

  10. TLDR: Don’t worry about anything and just jump in. 

    If you’re worried about your damage output then run a frame with CC. If you’re worried about surviving then run a tank. If you’re still dying then run a frame with invisibility and mooch. 

    When I was first starting Sorties, I worried like you. You’ll get better over time, the resources will help, or the platinum you earn can buy you better things. As someone who can solo everything I don’t even care about which teammates I get anymore and odds are they won’t either. 

    PS: Here’s a secret. If you’re looking for a carry, the better players who can solo everything don’t recruit for sorties (some do but it’s fewer). Your odds of getting higher MR players increases if you just do a PUB. But my memory might be a confirmation bias because I don’t pay as much attention anymore.


  11. 42 minutes ago, ZargonKing said:

    I see, gameplay wise for POE, Arc-Wing and Casual PVE, what's it like using a controller?

    Personally I prefer controller. I recently started up an account on PC to redo all the early missions and try to get a new player perspective. And I tried using keyboard and mouse but I’ve found that Warframe has too many buttons for me. I even customized my controls and it never felt fluid. 

    As for the controller, I’ve customized that too and my only “complaint” is that melee is awkward, but it’s only awkward in that I can’t leave my thumb on the analog stick and swing at the same time. You could mitigate this by leaving it on R1, but I like power flexibility more so I put it there and all I ever do is mash melee (I hate stances), so it was a good trade off for me. 

    As for Archwing, I didn’t have Archwing prior to switching to controller so I don’t know how it feels keyboard and mouse, but for me it’s not too bad. You just have to hit sprint to go fast, L1/R3 to go lightspeed, and then just hit sprint again if you wish to aim properly. It feels kind of awkward but doesn’t all of Archwing? I have not tried the expiremental controls. 

    As for regular missions, my control scheme is reconfigured with mobility in mind. I play with “Bumper Jumper” popularized by Halo and have slide on R3. This makes bullet jumping/gliding effortless and I find I’m often better than PC players that I’ve met so far (Granted I’ve only played with people less than MR 15 on my PC profile).  I think it’s perfectly suitable. I will say that aiming was a tad easier with mouse though (or would have been if I wasn’t too rusty) and I could see Eidolon fights being smoother with a mouse as I sometimes pull my cursor too quick with a controller on Xbox. But I also play trinity and so I run a jump a lot as opposed to DPS behind a volt shield so idk. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

    You don't farm you don't get rewards?! What a revolutionary concept in this new, never played before game, called warframe.

    Grinding may not be new but spending hours fishing in a game about being a space ninja and shooting things is. Some find it boring, it’s not a great fishing simulator either. 

  13. 4 hours ago, mikakor said:

    Hey, fishing is quite relaxing and gives a F*uckton of standing without much effort. If you don't like fishing, then just don't do it. But let it happens in Orb Vallis for the others. 

    Except fish parts will probably be required for gun parts. And fish will probably give parts for bait for other fish will give bait for other fish which will give bait for other fish. So for an activity that is “optional” it also locks out a lot of content if you don’t want to spend platinum 

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