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Posts posted by (XBOX)motionROTATION

  1. I could see the prime blueprints requiring non prime versions in addition to rare resources. But part of me wants it to require prime parts. They could just make new relics specifically for those 4 parts and not the rest of the frames

  2. The way most games operate are: if you’re struggling with content: prioritize defense (ie tank frames). 

    Once you’re able to survive: ease into damage frames (casters)

    Once you can survive without tank stats and kill without damage powers: dabble with support or niche frames. 

    If you feel comfortable with support frames then you’re ready for any frame. Some might argue support frames earlier (to heal etc) but personally I think that promotes leeching behavior which ultimately makes a player consistently attempt content they aren’t ready for yet. 

    Focus on leveling up mods like Redirection and Vitality and slap them on each frame. Grab a sentinel with mods like Guardian and Medi-Ray (I don’t use pets so I don’t know the mods) and you’re already better than most players. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ReddBeard said:

    Apologies, but I think you have misunderstood me. I don't need these resources at all. I am not complaining about getting too little. I have nothing left to build other than consumables, and I do not need the resources. 


    What I am trying to say is that there is this mechanic in the game which doesn't really impact anything. For me personally whether there are a large amount of resources in these rewards, or very few, I am unaffected. This was more a suggestion for those who are affected, and for the value of the entire rewards system as a whole. 

    This makes sense, and it's not something I had taken into account! But then it brings me back to "What value does the login reward system add to the game, if the rewards themselves have no value?" 

    Because it hooks people, because it indicates future rewards for 50-day rewards, and it gives value to the rewards that actually mean something. Some players find it fun to spin the lottery and see what they get. Nothing will benefit every player bus as a whole this extends player retention in the game even if it doesn’t directly benefit you. 

  4. Having not-so-good rewards helps make the good rewards impactful. It’s a die role. And if every reward was good then two things would happen.

    A) Nothing would feel good anymore and B) it would devalue everything. 

    Like it or not, this game is a farming game. If they gave you everything you want, then what’s the point of playing the game? There are players who simply log in everyday and quit, they aren’t going to reward them past the milestones.  Having now played 100 days, 10000 credits might seem lame too, especially when millions are too difficult to get, but the logins aren’t meant to be anything other than “thanks for making us part of your day” rewards. 

  5. I think that Kuva Survival has the right way of things. Other survival missions should generate ways to turn the air pods into rarer resources or something similar.  Maybe every 2 you’re guaranteed a singleton rare drop of the planet it’s on. That or make every survival for Kuva so one can farm resources and Kuva simultaneously 

  6. I built a zap because I haven’t traded for Rakta and didn’t want to spend platinum. But my zaw ended looking like Saba from Power Rangers and I made Ash look like the Green Ranger so I’m infinitely more happy I built a zaw. 

    So I say if you can model it after s favorite dagger then go for it

  7. I too have a Dehtat riven but I went the pure crit/speed way. It had yet to fail to kill anything I’ve fought so far (sans maiming strike).  So... yeah. I also just like mashing one button and it works like a charm, a massively bloody charm. 

    Edit: mines a polearm since it can also make rapiers right? 

  8. Honestly, once you start focusing on only one thing, that’s when the game becomes a chore. Don’t do one thing first until done just to switch to another. Mastery is pseudo-important but so is being able to clear content. 

    When I was still cruising the star chart, I tried to build one really good primary and one really good secondary. That way I’d always have a good weapon to fall back on and I could level two more at the same time. 

    Take your time and don’t rush. Rushing to specific content ends the game prematurely for many players. And avoid exp leveling spots as long as you can

  9. I was actually thinking about the over abundance of energy for a few weeks now. Zenurick trivializes the game and the energy regen should be removed. Then higher content should ban restores. And then, content should be able to be balanced around frames capabilities. Ideally anyway 

  10. My Dehtat is named Blue Moon (after Guan Yu’s blade). 

    My dagger is named Saba after the white rangers sword from the original power rangers. My Ash prime looks like the green ranger though. Oh well

  11. Hydroid is a great frame. He’s not the best at anything he does, but he’s the jack of all trades. He had invincibility and healing, a dash that also drags enemies, a barrage that can strip (which I don’t use) and a huge cc attack. In short, he can do almost everything. It’s sweet. But again, if you want the best at anything he does, choose another frame.  But he’s still my top 5 favorites, probably top 3. 

  12. Personally, I just leave the mods at rank 8 or 9. I’ll build up Endo, periodically sell my mods that I have more than 100 of (I sold 3000 for 17k Endo last night), if I’m desperate I’ll do the quest for a sculptore. Then, when I use a mod I max it and forget about the “too high” ones. 

    I sell all sorti sculptures for plat. Free money and the game doesn’t need maxed prime mods

  13. I could see anime shorts or mini-series akin to the Halo animated “movies” they’ve done. Nothing too long, nothing too deep but a fun alternative to give a little life to obscure bits of canon or to flush out a link between conflicting pieces. (Like how an event really happened but got lost or mistranslated between the resulting factions etc)

  14. While significant grinding for new Warframes, resources from Cetus, and new weapons requiring resources that players don’t have 600,000+ already stocked up does hurt, you also have to look at who it hurts. 

    New players still have that sense of progression that we’ve known and loved. Each planet has a new Warframe (minus Mercury which should have one imo as Mars is too long to have 1), and the weapons up until the dojo becomes accessible with credits or the newer weapons with rare requirements, still give those players easy to work towards while sticking up on resources towards the more current gear.  Sanctuary Onslaught, if released in the beginning can offer newer players benchmarks for how well new gear stands up. It’s problematic only to vets because they already have everything needed to slaughter it. 

    So why is it so grindy to vets? I think in part to appease the very same players who are complaining. The moment you have something new, the game becomes obsolete and the forums get flooded with “we have nothing to do.” There will ALWAYS be a point, in any game, where players have done everything. The grind might feel excessive, but it also prolongs your experience. Personally, the only thing I dislike about Khora is the kavat genetic codes, but I digress. 

    Focus was the original long-term progression. With Cetus and Operators coming to the forefront, the focus costs had to come down to make them worthwhile if DE wants them to be a prominent part of the game. It feels more fluid now. Something has to take its place to give players something to strive for or they’ll be in a content-drought within moments of new content. 

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