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Posts posted by (XBOX)motionROTATION

  1. Operator movement differs from Warframe movement because it utilizes alternative techniques, ie void dashes. Not having access to double jump is fine as the little “kiddos”are smaller and aren’t machines but have magic-void powers. However, I feel the implementation can be better with two distinct changes: 

    (1) Let sprinting as the operator disable stealth

    (2) Let the operator void dash as a double jump outside of stealth


    The Background:

    While I play on console and don’t know the PC controls, I have highly edited my control scheme to utilize movement to the highest ability. Controller space is compact, but I’d argue my set-up makes movement both fluid and intuitive. This is where the Operator movement feels clunky and is inconsistent with Warframe movement. 

    Premise 1:

    By having to hold crouch to activate stealth, it assures that the operator can enter invisibility at will which is good. But to exit invisibility (Like to simply sprint out of the way of an incoming projectile), one has to re-hold crouch and then sprint which adds extra time and often results in an inability to dodge by simply strafing when a void dash is excessive or a player wants to retain the void meter.  Letting sprint disable stealth and then just reapplying stealth, lets the player flow more seamlessly through combat. 

    Premise 2:

    Movement as a Warframe involves lots of jumping and dodging. The operator may not have the muscle to bullet jump and glide but they have space magic to dash. If the operator has the ability to dash without activating stealth (though they could still dash while in stealth), then it gives them more tools for combat and realigns many of the core gameplay components of Warframes with the operator while remaining distinct. The operators have slower sprint speeds and activating the slower stealth mode just to dash seems unintuitive and sluggish in practice. This will allow the player to sprint, (jump), dash, sprint instead of sprint, crouch, dash, uncrouch, sprint and feel more fluid.  This alignment of dashing in lieu of a double jump also shows how an operator has learned or applied the lessons of utilizing a Warframe to themselves.

    Ultimately by having more fluid controls and removing barriers or bad experiences from simply moving, I think it will heighten the experience and make the mode more enjoyable to use.  The operator is something that I’m delving into more now and I want to love it.

    Thank you for reading.


    For those that may wonder what my control scheme is the changes are: 

    L1/LB: Jump

    R1/RB: Use Power 

    R3: Crouch/Bullet jump

    Circle/B: Melee (this is my sacrifice for movement heavy controls)  

    L2/LT: Melee block (so midair is air-glide the same as aiming a gun)

    R2/RT: Melee Channel

    This bumper-jumper configuration allows the turning of a character without having to take thumbs off of the analog sticks for the camera to allow for more precise aiming with guns, abilities, and bullet jumping to extraction at the cost of melee (which one can argue uses less aiming anyway).


  2. It’s not terrible if you don’t own a lot of rare mods, have loads of cash, and aren’t looking for something specific. Also, the fact that four rare mods can transmute into a common mod is off-putting to many an individual.  Thus, transmutation is most likely to help new players, but, because they often struggle with credits, tends to be lackluster.   

  3. I don’t dislike the idea. A glyph or sigilmigjy br a better idea though (something without mastery).  Or a syndana with the clan emblem. Or one of those Japanese back-flags with the emblem. 

    Then you can show pride without someone at the top of a clan choosing something you don’t want. 

  4. 2 hours ago, -Narauko- said:

    You know you can build the mats for no effort? I never run invasions just can't stand doing the same thing 3 times to wait even longer for a reward.

    Haha yeah. But I don’t like running index either. I just wait for easy ones or the mood to strike. Regardless, I’m 23 now

  5. It’s a dash, it rag dolls enemies, it makes you invincible for the duration, it allows movement of your pool. What’s hard to understand? 

    Dash into huge crowds, pool up, spawn tentacles, stop pool and kill. Or, maybe you’re fighting and just realize you’re surrounded. Rather than jumping and hoping they don’t hit you just keep dashing. 

    Play more MOBAs and then you’ll realize how awesome dashes are 🙂

  6. What story? Oh you mean the vague quotes, theloose ends you have to piece together, the dark souls esque codex (which means you have to piece more together) and all the third party lore?

    i tried putting in time to like the story, but the ambiguous storytelling techniques make it a chore. While they have gotten better with recent quests, I really don’t care about it to be honest. I love stories but it’s not worth the time it takes to figure anything out only for them to release something that makes all the theorizing worthless anyway. 

  7. Lephantis isn’t any different than the other frames acquired through bosses, it’s a bad comparison. However, I do agree with adding variation: everything available through relics seems too easy. But the problem with that is by creating alternative methods it ruins the system they already have in place. So it would have to be a similar experience and probably have multiple relics disappear and let the new mode have more than one drop. 

    And with how buggy new stuff gets, we might as well just stay with relics. 

  8. I remember getting to 20 not too long ago. I thought that would be the last mastery rank I reached because everything left are dojo weapons for me and I hate the invasion missions and forma requirements. Now I’m 22. 

    Youvr definitely reached a point of not needing more. Take it slow so you don’t burn out brah (-:

  9. Sanctuary Onslaught, level 30 enemies. Awards are given after levels 2,4,6 and 8. The Chassis will be awarded ~8% of the time on levels 2 and 4, the Neuro can be awarded ~7% on level 6, and the BP and Sys can be awarded after wave 8 with ~5% each. 

    Good luck. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Xardis said:

    Buying stuff for plat DOES NOT support DE. Only buying plat does that. And yes, it might seam grindy to farm all the frames by hand, but once you do it, there is little else to do. Either you will start rationing the game in very small intervals and come back once something new comes out or it will lead to all out burnout. Buy the plat to support DE, dont use it to speedrun the game.

    After having experienced the above in all my friends that have quit, o agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.  BUT... feel free to buy the month long resource booster. 200 plat so you don’t have to farm materials too (or less so) is a great investment. 

  11. My problem with banshee is that it feels like her kills reach outside of the affinity range. I’m all for someone nuking the map so I can make a sandwich, but if I miss half the experience because her range is too high, then see ya. I check frames at the start and if I see a banshee I’m gone

  12. The dpad acts now as the old left stick and will snap the cursor, but it’s not the same. Sometimes to select one uses the A button and other times it uses X (relics). Opening tabs with other players in chat is the biggest pain because you have to move the cursor to their name and then to the drop list again. Finding names is pretty terrible to as the cursor flies over every letter. It’s atrocious 

  13. Generally, I selected things that I’d know I’d need. Each spear catches different fish. The second gem gun only adds range I think as opposed to the third level giving eidolon gems. 

  14. 17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Both Volt and Garas shields can be shot thru both sides by themselves and allies.

    In Volt’s case, the shield is small and only faces one direction. Gara’s shield can break in sections and (generally) doesn’t protect from above. 

    Frost, as you know, is a giant globe that covers in all directions and can have four of them placed on the field at once. They slow and freeze (if augmented). Being unable to shoot through them from the outside is his drawback. His bubbles are still the best at what they do, but being able to shoot through them would be easy mode. 

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