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Posts posted by --.B.--HARDCOREDAVE-

  1. 2 minutes ago, Xgomme said:

    So they should rework 1 and 4, but the godmode 2 is fine ? :clem:


    Imo Wukong needs 2 things :

    - 1st augment as a base mechanic, and make a new one (why not throwing like you said)

    - Defy should aggro any mobs in an area defined by range. And maybe find something to balance it, right now the only thing that can kill you is a magnetic proc (or any power nully)

    Yup his 1st ability should be throwable spinning rowards the enemy and knocking down enemies in its path and and upon hitting the intended enemy it knocks down the target and continues to spin and extends and hits nearby enemies knocking them down as well :) his 2 could draw aggro :)

  2. Just now, Somb3rBivalve said:

    His ulti already does most of those things. His staff increases in length with more power range as you get kills. In addition, the stance on his ulti allows for shockwaves already. If you hold right click while meleeing he will smash the ground a bunch and ragdoll people around.

    Okay but still his 1st ability should be reworked. 

  3. His first ability could be throwing his staff at a target enemy and it knocking down the enemy and spinning and extending to hit nearby enemies that can be modified by range and power mods affecting the range the staff extends and the damage it does as for his ulti can you make his staff grow longer the more enemies it hits and its range affected by range mods and create staggering shockwaves that will stagger or stun or even ragdoll enemies with sending them flying away or something like that. 

  4. Please take a look at his abilities DE and hope you rework some of them like his 1st and 4th abilities as they are severely outclassed by any other frame make wukong more fun extend the range of his melee make his 1st ability actually show or display his huge stick or something improve the ability animation cause right now he is kinda lackluster compared to all the new frames ability design wise thanks. . 

  5. 14 hours ago, Marine027 said:

    What you mean by "old void" i whould like to know, its still there with the mechanic you know.

    Why do people make it look Void not exists at all anymore? You still can farm relics like you used to farm Prime items.

    Only difference, now you can directly do it in the Void. You had to farm keys also right, people only are mad because now you can't stack keys anymore for new items.

    Overall i agree on the rest, more functions on maps whould be nice. Maybe even stuff taht works against us, see Kuva Fortress Defense.

    Yes I do know the mechanics of the new void relic system. Old void has this mechanic where you can activate laser defense in the cryodefense pods and it used to be fun to kill mobs or your team mates with it lol. not sure if that still exists with the new void relic system. 

  6. Just now, BeeOverlord said:

    I say we literally get to build a fort of defenses, and change the map as we like using resources we collect. Have the enemies drop a secondary resource only for the mission, that is used to make fortifications.

    Hmm i like this idea it sounds like the old Dark sector game mode back when solar rails and alliance pvp was still a thing ah the good old eclipse days :) 

  7. Just now, JSharpie said:

    but why tho.

    Something to appease old players and fans of this game in general I know some that would want this to happen who have been waiting for a long time :D and well its good publicity and marketing for the game see how Marvel movies managed to intrigue even non-marvel or comicbook fans to enjoy the genre that way the movie may be able to shine the light on warframe as an amazing Free to play TPS SCIFI MMORPG SHOOTER that people should try lol.

  8. We can dream right? like the 2nd dream? lol haha. But on a serious note with all the lore and cinematic quests DE has been releasing they should consider a CGI web series or maybe short length CGI movie revealing bits and pieces of the old war and more lore of this game which can feature the best aspects of this game which is farm cough I mean action totally bad &#! space exo suits gun and blade action controlled by enigmatic operators holding the secrets of the void. Showcasing fan favorite frames team synergyies inside game jokes and our memorable cast of funny weird mobs, enemy bosses and shadow stalker :D all building up to a series of CGI shorts or series of movies. Imagine Tenno Chronicles I: The Old War, Tenno Chronicles II: Deep Sleep & Awakening or something like that :))

  9. Well these are cool and all but I just want a special feature of sword and shield or axe and shield weapons to actually be able to run over enemy mobs knocking them down  by holding the block button while you have your sword and shield or axe and shield equipped. Been waiting for DE to add this unique feature to melee + shield weapons in game for a long time now. 

  10. On 6/26/2015 at 11:23 AM, daemonstar said:

    Here's very first topic post and my idea on a warframe. I've got a couple more but here is the first one. Anyhow, I'm inspired by chroma, being like a dragon and all. I wanted a more animalistic warframe that crawls around the wall or waiting to ambush the prey by hanging on ceilings. (Remember AVP game? like how the xenomorphs moves? I wanted something like that.) Abilities to climb walls and ceilings would be so cool. Let me know what you guys think? 













    Update 29/6/2015

    - passive slightly changed

    - savage bite now gains health


    Update 6/8/2015

    - 4th ability changed, ' Devour '

    - New artworks on 4th ability

    How is something as amazing as this not in the game yet??? another fan favorite frame waiting to be included in the game i voted for the dragon frame by endrian before and now we have chroma. I am hoping this one makes it in game as well soon. 

  11. In short DE please bring back the visceral effect of thrown melee weapons and make Glaive type weapons great again the old physx and gore back then for thrown melee weapons were so much better. bringing back the charge attacks was great but at the same time adding a pre-charge attack melee animation before throwing melee weapons such as (e.g glaive, kestrel, cerata, orvius and the likes ruined thrown melee weapons as a whole) DE please buff thrown melee weapons and make them GREAT again, 

  12. On 12/22/2016 at 7:54 AM, tbeest said:

    Use Slash weapons

    Even if we do use slash weapons as for me I glaive used to be my personal favorite it doesn't slice enemies in half anymore like it used to it either explodes due to power throw or relies on slash or elemental status procs. glaive back then had a guaranteed effect of slicing the part of the enemy it hit that made it truly unique back then before damage 2.0 was a thing. 

  13. On 12/22/2016 at 7:38 AM, Naith said:

    I'd just like to see more and longer lasting blood dripping from walls. I'd like to see it on my weapons and my warframe. I'd also like to see corpses and remnants of destruction remain for much longer than they do at the moment. Sounds kind of sick but this is what warframe loosely echoes. If anything make it toggleable/optional. Don't see how that would be too much.

    All in all so I can actually get through a difficult or fun moment and think 'holy cow, how did I survive all that?', with some feeling of progression. Right now it's gone in seconds, much like the moment. There's no record or evidence of your work.

    This and more importantly we just want to see glaive and other bladed thrown melee weapons return back to its glory days and actually cut and slices enemies in half like back then not relying on slash status procs. 

  14. On 12/22/2016 at 6:57 AM, Naith said:

    Some of the stuff was actually better though. Even De mentioned how gore had taken a hit due to dmg 2.0 and proc's.

    Physx was also better too. Yes we have new fancy lighting and what not, which is definitely better than what we used to have but some past graphics were decent too.

    this ^ the lighting and textures has been improved but the gore was a bit downplayed as it was more visceral before specifically talking about throwing glaive and seeing it cutting enemies in half in a guaranteed manner not relying on slash procs

  15. I've been waiting 3 years for banshee prime... so excited that she might be next that savage silence QT endgame banshee prime with them gold bits yum :) 

  16. DE used to have charge attack mods before they changed it to channeling mods these mods used to affect charge attack damage or charge attack speed (e.g killing blow, reflex coil and focus energy) I remember they used to be the must have mods on glaive type weapons back then as an avid glaive user. Please bring back charge attack mods and buff glaive weapons and remove the pre-attack animation before throwing. 

  17. Been playing since update 8 and so far I've just seen this game grow. I took a long hiatus came back after a year and saw alot more active players. My old friends fellow WF veterans are still actively playing from time to time. and I have to commend DE with the new cinematic quests and the lore :)

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