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Posts posted by Polsvoyce

  1. I'm not sure I can see melee working if its just an added combo system or something. When in close to a group of enemies, they need to be debilitated quickly, especially as they start getting higher leveled. Unless they're factoring melee crowd control, stunning and staggering per hit, and generally doing significantly more damage than they do right now, then I'm not sure I see the point.


    The video they've shown for Melee 2.0 is just against one enemy at a time.

  2. I don't like that general mobility in Warframe seems like the idea is just over with. I guess when I started months ago, I thought that the game's mobility was more like a promise of things to come, being in beta and all.


    Things to add? I dunno, off the top of my head: Quicker and more graceful grabbing of ledges (pulling up). Greater and more fluid interaction with environments (less strings of animations would be a good idea, as previously stated). How about a large, bounding backflip to get out of enemy swarms (a front-flip to get into them if needed, too)? Grappling hooks for the whole cast seemed like a neat idea if utilized well enough (sorry Valkyr, I think your sacrifice would be for the greater good). Aim-able melee attacks, like leaping over an enemy with a sword slice or swinging upward to hit airborne enemies. Quicker weapon swapping, ESPECIALLY since now they seem to want us to do so more often with dmg 2.0.  Increase running speed without mods - trying to keep up with the warframe races just isn't fun with slower frames. Running sweep knockdown (that kinda works how jumping melee currently does)?


    I guess I could keep going, but it seems kinda pointless when DE seems done with the concept for right now. That's ok I guess... its just when you think about that whole "space ninja" concept, it kinda conjures up the idea of ... well, simply more than what we currently have.

  3. Holding the jump button generally means jumping higher. I'm used to doing this, since it's how jumping works in nearly every other game I play, including everything from Team Fortress 2 to Super Mario Galaxy. Never, in any of these games, does it mean "grab that wall you're holding onto and fly across the map".


    Looks like someone already addressed the jump issue, but for what its worth, the "wall launch" bug or whatever it is, is entirely controllable and reproducible. The first initial moment you grab onto a wall, if you let go it'll launch you across the room. A super useful and manageable skill for just about any map for multiple situations. I'd actually hate to see this removed, now.


    Once your character starts actually wall running, you'll get the standard leap off of it once you release the button. Easy peasy :)

  4. Do try to get over that overwhelming sense of self importance, shibbo. Sure I've played late game. I use all of my frames while doing so. Some just have an overwhelmingly easier time to use than others.


    As is, I'm not even of the mind that Nova's #4 is overpowered. I'd just like to see some underperforming frame abilities brought up to speed. Its as simple as that, but I'm not sure you know what you're even arguing about - you just are.


    I'm sure others have noticed how desperately you're trying to make a name for yourself with your YouTube clan ramblings. This sure isn't the only thread you've done this in. I'd be genuinely excited to see what they've got to offer, too, but you're a really bad spokesperson for them.

  5. If you mean "utility over damage" then no, you're missing part of the point. I'd rather see damage increased on abilities so I could expect to kill a few enemies outright by spamming a skill or two, effectively removing them from gameplay.


    Plus, don't be so close-minded. If we're balancing damage skills against something like Nova's #4, I'd expect everyone's #4 to be just as good to use. At late game, Nova's keeps its utility, so why shouldn't I expect a ton of damage out of damage frames. Enough to be worth using, just as much as Nova's #4. But that's not really how the game works, right now.


    Or whatever. I have no idea what you're really talking about with a cryptic response like that.

  6. I find the method they're using to rework playable characters to be a strange and very slow one. Anyone playing end game, hopping between lvl 30 Warframes can pretty easily see where they're deficient. Most skills that need work are stat changes at worst. Things like Ember needing a whole new #2... I don't really think anyone was calling for that. It'd be pretty nice to get full reworks like that later, but right now if Nova is "the bar set which all other warframes will be measured against" then why isn't this actually happening? Adjust some damage numbers, make sure every other frame's abilities are of equal value, and then move on with the fancier stuff like changing out abilities.


    We still have to play the game in the meantime (or not) while they take time out to fix characters. Some more minor strokes toward that goal would be nice while we wait for the large changes. This game is crazy fun when there's free Warframe choice. Late game "everyone plays Rhino" parties aren't as much.


    (Regardless, still love you guys, DE)

  7. Coming from other games, I've been really happy that Warframe hasn't gone overboard with tie-ins and overall breaking of their theme. I guess I'd rather learn about some Tenno-centric holidays or something. I'm ok with temporary holiday events, but I'm not sure how I feel about candy cane weapons and the like being year-round.


    To each their own I suppose.

  8. I absolutely love that Valkyr's abilities mesh together as they do. I had some absolutely incredible times through low/mid level stages with her. Just, later, where her melee doesn't do damage anymore is just silly - though a lot of warframes seem to have that problem. The game is awfully awkward since update 11.


    I know we're getting a melee update in U.12, but that'll be for nothing just as Valkyr was if they don't focus on melee actually doing damage. Let the reward be worth the risk. 


    In the meantime, why can't we just have a damage boost?

  9. I think they should just give us a way to "spring" a la Parkour from the railing.



    Like tapping space would do the new vault, but HOLDING space would cause your frame to use the railing to leap from.


    As long as leaping from the railing by holding space shoots you off the same distance as run+crouch+jump does (or further), I'm entirely ok with this.

  10. I think the part about nerfing (or really, balancing) some of the warframes is under the assumption that other aspects are tweaked and toned down to make this all possible. Currently, Snow Globe is an almost-necessity in t3 defense just due to the nature of the game. Ideally, one frame shouldn't be needed in order to play that game type.


    Making rushing rewarding on some gametypes is a good idea. I like the restructuring of some of the stated gametypes too, but I don't think I'd like to see this implemented for all missions. There does seem to be a problem with the game as it is though. People who want to go fast don't want anything holding them back from doing so (rightfully so), but people who are slower might have reasons for going slower - of which might not all be intentional. It might simply be that they have a slow warframe, or that they just aren't as dexterous and need help from what was originally billed as a team-based game. I'd argue that most people rushing don't really need the help from others anyways, which is why they don't fear rushing in the first place. This simply leaves the rest of the team behind who might need their help. Again though, this might be a larger issue all together, and the game might really need a refocusing in order to get people to play with one another. I suppose a simple solution is to just add more two-person access doors, or to let the people who are rushing to leave the mission once they get to the end, so new people can join the mission in their absence. I think there are better options than that.


    For what its worth, I don't think there should be such a disparity between warframes with speed mods, and those without. There's already a large gap between warframes as it is, let alone compounding that with mods. I certainly don't want warframes' speed nerfed, rather I think every character's run speed without mods should be higher than it currently is, and closer to their max speed with mods (mods of which should be more of an icing on the proverbial speed cake). It already feels like speed mods are close to being a necessity with most frames, just to keep up with the pack. But simply, going faster is usually more fun than going slower - most frames feel ridiculous without mods. I suppose a simple fix would be to give the stragglers in the mission a temporary speed boost. A sort of rubber banding that would make it easier for them to keep up. Some Tenno really are treating these stages as racecourses in how tight they're taking corners or utilizing slip-running, and simply will not be caught up to with the system as it is.


    All in all, OP brings up some good points. They generally show that there are some old faults in the game that need tending to.

  11. Perhaps extra exp could be converted into a separate currency that would only be useable in a special shop for important or rare items. This could be a great way to get some of the more difficult to obtain mods, or maybe even a unique set of weapons not obtainable anywhere else (sort of like dojo weapons can't be obtained anywhere else).


    Regardless, I think the OP has a good idea.

  12. The more i use damage 2,0 the more i am starting to hate the game. I gave it a good run to try and get use to it but i can not stand it. I just want to get a gun out of my inventory and not worry about it not doing any damage to that kind of enemy.


    I really want this too. That's not to say I don't want customization and all that dmg 2.0 can provide, but I'd really like to see resistances and Armor removed. Those are the two things stopping a player from just picking up a gun and using it.

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