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Posts posted by Polsvoyce

  1. Love the change to wallrun. Toggle would be nice, but I like it as is.


    Love the vault maneuver too, but not entirely convinced tapping the jump button will do anything other than making vaulting harder to do. Not sure how to change it yet, but I've adapted to jumping slightly before hitting a rail if needed. Haven't had many problems with that.


    I'd also add that I'd dislike an automated parkour button. I like trying at a task and having the possibility of failing. Games that automate this stuff for me don't interest me.

  2. Stages go by quickly and easily, so I'm not sure that leechers bug me right now. Being kicked/banned just cause I don't have a load-out deemed worthy by others IS annoying.

  3. There's been talk about fixing melee, and adding combos and stuff to make it more interesting.


    I think I'd prefer to just aim our melee attacks. Jumping over an enemy and slashing them, or an upturned swipe for a flying enemy. Basically, positional melee attacks. This could make melee feel more practical, without the need to shoehorn a 'combo system' into a game like this.

  4. Removing the speed boost from slide will ruin the Run-Crouch-Catapult maneuver though, and I really love that move! :D


    I agree that stamina needs to be wall-run only though. There could be other ways of limiting 'mobility' and too-quick advancement through the stages, like more two-person locked doors or bosses like Jackal that wait for everyone.  Double locked doors would give slower frames more time to catch up, without something like stamina getting in the way of simple movement. I feel that the warframes in this game need to get more mobile all together, but that is a different issue from encouraging co-op stage progress - unfortunately I feel like the stamina reduction is supposed to address the latter issue and it feels like a bad way of going about that.


    Wall running needs to be made easier as well. I'd like to see more Wallrun-Leap-Melee maneuvers, or even the run straight up the wall and backflip onto your enemy maneuver. Its not that the concept of doing this is difficult, but if you're not confident that the move is going to execute when you tell it to, the more solid option seems to just keep pulling that trigger and aiming for headshots instead of going for the flourish. The mechanic that recognizes wallrunning needs some serious work.


    Large damage bonuses for doing these moves would be nice.


    As is, hardly anyone wall-runs or is doing stealthy, ninja-y tricks and moves in a game about being a space ninja. I go for the tricky wall attempt whenever I feel that I can, but its ridiculous getting stuck in a room where the only way out is wall-running upward - and watching all four ninjas get stuck since the wallrun isn't activating appropriately. Currently it seems like the ninja moves are for the skilled (or lucky!)... ok by me personally. I get around. But in all honesty I'd like to see everyone running around like space ninjas. Not just a select few.



    Keep on rockin', Space Ninjas.

  5. ...how?


    How? Well its pretty obvious James and I aren't going to see eye to eye on this one after how he started 'conversing' so I won't bother there. But since you're asking, I'll talk with you instead. I do like your thread, afterall! To answer you:



    Of course, all warframes win due to their weapons. To even say so is just stating the obvious. Some get the benefit of really great damage abilities that help with this - the term "Press 4 to win" exists for a reason. Loki, who has been around since the beginning, is heralded as an advanced users frame by the developers themselves. Obviously not all frames are created to be the same level of difficulty while playing. This means, and has always meant, that some frames are harder to use than others. Hence, Loki's existence invalidates whatever aggressive and silly point James was trying to make about difficulty.



    I feel that Nekros falls into this category! I want to play a more difficult frame, the game is giving me options to do so.


    Even if his skills are strengthened (within reason), but still do what they currently do, he'll still be a harder frame to use. Since there's already plenty of threads moaning over how Nekros isn't another Nova, I'd like to get back to how he is fine as he is. He doesn't need his skills entirely restructured to be useful (though I'll agree that some modest buffs could help).


    Terrify, as you've mentioned, is a wonderful panic button that also allows me to pick and choose which enemy I want for my #4, with some builds I get tons of use out of Desecrate (keeping my health and energy meters maxed out constantly), and SotD always changes what's happening on the battlefield whenever it is used. Does it outright kill everything for you? Heh, not in the slightest, but it gives the team more than ample opportunity to pick off the now separated and distracted enemy opposition. Bonus that they block oncoming enemy fire (and I subscribe to the idea that we should be able to shoot through the ghosts, but the enemy cannot).


    Maybe 'intended difficulty level' should be included in the text description for all Warframes? I can see how someone might feel slighted if they don't own many Warframes, and the one they did finally obtain was Nekros. I happen to own every Warframe out, so if I don't like how Nekros plays, I can move along to a different frame. Just so happens he's one of my favorites!

  6. After playing him to level 30, I'm in the camp that likes his skill synergy. I don't think I'd like to see any of his skills downright replaced, but perhaps improved upon. I really like the "press 4 again to detonate" idea.


    Desecrate works great if aimed at a pile of enemies.


    Warframe's pretty easy stuff right now. This frame could be buffed a bit in a lot of different ways, but his skills along with my mods offer me a different way of playing than just about any other frame right now.

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