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Posts posted by Polsvoyce

  1. I like the OP's idea. In general, warframes feel really slow without max rush mods, and run out of stamina far too quickly considering they're ninjas and all.


    I suppose they might be concerned that newer players would have a hard time keeping up or something? I figure they're already having that problem when most pick-up groups seem to all be running max rush anyways.


    Simply, the current stamina system when applied to movement is annoying. Movement in a game like this should be more fluid than it is.

  2. The rumor seems to be that we're getting a new melee system. That sounds pretty cool, but since that might take ...  'Soon', could we have a quick melee fix to hold us over? How about just an increase in damage or something, across the board. Make it worth getting close to the enemy.


    Or how about re-applying enemy stagger when we hit them with melee? I still can't imagine the reason why this was taken away in the first place.



  3. I suppose their thinking is that this will keep us playing more, and that might be true for some of us, but for others who don't consider themselves hardcore gamers, or are simply new to this game won't be seeing progress. An unpotatoed warframe already felt like it took forever to feel any change as it was, let alone now its just terrible.


    I'm not entirely convinced this was a good business move, but hey, their company not mine. It certainly wasn't a fun one.

  4. Been hearing the occasional rumbling here and there about Impact damage not applying correctly. My Cernos sure doesn't seem to be doing the damage it should, either. This true?


    That seems like a rather large problem with a fundamental way of damaging enemies in this game. If true, hopefully DE knows about this.


    (You know, a "problems we are aware about" page from DE would be nice.)

  5. This game has plenty of things to hunt, between weapons, playable characters, and items to make both better. I'm not sure I understand why DE is taking such a grindy approach for many of the Void missions.


    Hunting for most things in this game has been a positive experience for me. Needing the rare key to have an attempt at getting rare item isn't positive at all.

  6. If this was a not-so-happy accident from the enemy level adjustment in the switch to dmg 2.0, or an intentional maneuver - I'd just like DE to know that this game being fun is why many of us are playing, not out of some OCD tendency to level stuff (though I suspect that's the case for some people).


    Leveling a warframe didn't feel like an endeavor, rather just something that happened after a few days of general playing. Or in some of our cases, one solid day of gaming. Somehow, that just felt right and the last week or so hasn't been as fun.

  7. The way it is currently feels way outside the norm of progress per stage. This game has always felt very generous in the sense of 'reward', and I've really appreciated the game for that.


    I've never felt Warframe was unfair, but this really sticks out as an annoyance.

  8. I've got plenty of energy to keep #4 going almost indefinitely, but even with Focus and Steel Charge it seems like her damage is on the low-ish side of things since I've hit Lv30 and doing late game stages. Rocking a Redirection-buffed #3 doesn't seem to do much either.


    I guess I'm just curious if others are having a greater success with her in that regard. She started off pretty amazing though.

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