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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Yep, no XP for you weapons. However, don't let that stop you from potato-ing your frames; you're not going to kill 100% of the enemies you come across in every mission with your abilities.


    Just stick to a buddy. Also, I think unequipping a weapon slot channels the XP that would've gone to that weapon towards your currently equipped loadout. Your sentinel too. I would check out the warframe wiki and make sure first, though.

  2. Depends. Which one is offering the higher battlepay again?

    Americans and their nonexistent health laws.

    I can neither confirm or deny.


    I mean, it's pretty filthy and somewhat appalling in America. But, then again, we have Michelle Obama.

  3. You peruse the myriad of enemies who you stopped to take a picture of, while they were gouging chunks out of your teammates. Thanks to Helios, you also have the most thoroughly detailed scans of various containers possible.


    It is to be noted that all of the enemies in the Codex do not like you as a person. They have told others you are "dumb" and "look fat in that armor" and that when you're extracting, you can't see it but everyone is chucking you the bird through the windows. These scans are very detailed.

    >Laugh, exit, and select Mimas, Saturn

  4. Also how the hell would Full Auto, Burst fire and Duplex Auto work on bows?  that just sounds way too wonky

    Draw-time would be decreased?


    That's what I would think would happen, but that doesn't mean I think it's OK for bows to become near-automatics.


    Still, nice idea, just needs some further considerations/tweaks/changes. I can envision the Ogris's AOE and large Blast damage being abused. You might need to limit your auras to specific weapon types to prevent lots of exploits.

  5. I thought we improved after a couple of days since the Trinity and Nova balancing.


    There's less "DE YOU'RE DYING" and more "More cosmetic items, cooler cosmetic items, re-work frame & weapon aesthetics please, pretty please DE!" as of late.


    Everyone just seems to want to look more fabulous since armor came out. And then the game mechanic suggestions I'm seeing are getting progressively better (like Notionphil's Enemy A.I. thread today).


    All that toxic behavior was, for me, a phase generated from the Dark Sector conflicts not being up to par for most everyone. Fortunately, the last Devstream that showcased the new rail conflicts just razed that complaint into the ground.

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