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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. This discussion has been had so many times, there's not a single suggestion or proposal that hasn't been made. 

    Here's the proposal (I hope, because I really hate misinterpreting threads):

    Please give PS4 everything that I can get as soon as Sony will allow.

  2. But there was no soccer ball to the nose, just a guy pretending to have been hit, and then getting actually hit... for the glory!


    Here's a guy pretending to be hit


  3. On the contrary, anyone who hams it up and pretends to get injured like that deserves a headbutt :P

    A hit in the nose can take you down (take it from a guy who has been hit in the face with a soccer ball more than once), and if you ever see an Olympic soccer match, these guys aren't afraid to seriously injure someone for the glory.






  4. Nope, because I have a hard time analyzing the overall positives and negatives of really complex ideas.


    I'll just go ahead and comment anyway: I think this would be a great armor system.


    How would this affect Valkyr, though? (Everyone loves her armor value)

  5. In previous CHT threads, Rebecca, Megan (and now Drew who is admittedly somewhat new at it) picked out threads they noticed and commented some of the things that caught their eye.


    Sometimes huge hot topics would be ignored entirely.

    Well, I don't know if you know this, but Drew has a little plea on his profile:

    "Have some important Community Hot Topics you'd like me to look at? Please send me links in a private message!" ~end quote~

    Edit: (It is, admittedly, pretty bad advertising)


    So, a topic that escapes their eyes can still be eligible for the CHT threads if some people manage to send him a link to the same topic.


    A vote system would still be an improvement, though.

  6. When i started this game last year or so, I treated it solely as F2P, and I still do. Does anyone, apart from me, treat Warframe as F2P still?

    Cleaned it up (?)


    And, yes, despite my Founder's Badge, I do (Really only got it for Excal Prime).

  7. Mod points.


    I fail to understand the second "paragraph". A Loki can out-copter a Vauban


    Edit: Dual Zoren + "Absurd" Range in the same sentence?

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