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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Abbreviating a courtesy defeates the point.  If you can't be bothered to type out "Thank you" I can't be bothered to acknowledge your "courtesy".

    So acknowledge them with a courtesy of equal value.



  2. You can't find the stealth?


    Me neither. Guess it's hiding too darn well.


    Jokes aside, I still have hope that DE will someday add some real stealth, and I like your suggestions. Edit: We may actually need AI 2.0 before Stealth 2.0 now that I think about it.

  3. I'll say "Sorry" if I get downed. Really, I have that much self-esteem (Zero).


    But I actually like to wait for my teammates if I ever get ahead. It's just that, when they pass me, they never wait for me.


    I'm a doormat.

  4. But, yeah, the specters still need a buff.


    What are they actually for, by the way?

    They're like AI support clones. Real neighborly fellas who help you out in missions as if they were doing it involuntarily. 

  5. I'm more hoping that it means AI support for solo players... but then probably not, because they'd want you to just farm these instead... and I hear they are a pain to make

    There's a good amount of threads about the cost. Perhaps there could be a change.


    This human sees the glass half-full... I hate him.

    Friend, I get a really positive attitude whenever I make a thread. It's weird. Still, I stand by what I have proclaimed.

  6. And I'm being 100% serious.


    As most of us know, for the past few hours, threads have been created with much speed, listing off all the things wrong with Specters and how they're not worth it, that they aren't that much of an incentive to stealth the new Rescue missions.


    I'd say they're right. Sorta. I mean, DE has to fix them with all the complaints.


    Yet, amongst the ashes of this reactionary proclamation (calm down), there is a shining coal, something we must cling to, something that can give us happiness of the satisfied-consumer variety: the Specter BPs are not dependent on RNG.


    They're rewarded based on your demonstrated skill in completing an objective. Higher the skill = (Theoretically) a greater reward. It's definitely not perfect, but does that matter? The framework for a skill based rewards system is still there, and it can be improved.


    I, for one, welcome our new Specter Overlords Sidekicks, for they are (quite possibly) the heralds of a brighter future for this game, one less dependent on RNG.


    Let the tears flow. Or not. Depends on how much faith you have in DE, I guess.


    Keep doing what you're doing devs, you're headed in the right direction.

  7. "when everyone is super, no one will be." - Yoda, star trek, book 5.

    - Syndrome, The Incredibles.


    Other than that, this sounds good, but for some reason, I have to say no. It just doesn't "feel" right, I guess.


    Some cheap reasoning so I can feel better about making a comment: They're called "Specters". Ghosts. Literally the most pure projection of will (if you believe in the supernatural, that is). 

  8. yes you get 4 a day, 3 of which were wasted today, which basicly screws me out of doing any missions on my own away from the $&*&*#(%& pub players that use #$(*ing pentas in a stealth rescue which forces me to play that particular place more times than i want to

    4 revives for every frame.


    You have 3 Warframes? You get 12 chances at life.

  9. I'm pretty sure they're already on it.


    Calm down, buddy. Also, you get 4 revives for every warframe, which replenish daily, so it will all be OK.

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