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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. I'll deal with it. Trinity still has Link, so it's not that bad.


    But if they put a range on Blessing, I will cry. I'm not dealing with whiners who want me to babysit them.


    If they tweak Narrow Minded or lower Blessing's base duration, as well as keep the invulnerability period, but make it even shorter, followed by a period of an accelerated regeneration buff on all allies, I'll be happy.


    Accelerated Regeneration sounds like fun.

  2. If you want us to take you seriously, how about you be serious as well. Making S#&$ty haiku with broken English doesn't make you look intelligent or funny. You are trying way too hard to be cool.

    On topic: since I'm a generous person, I will ignore your crappy humorous attempt and say that yes, the status mods are unbalanced.

    I think you're taking him pretty seriously. Actually, you may be the most serious person in this thread. 

    This thread is sad. The Warframe community used to be pretty good at telling whether someone was joking around or not, but the posts here look like they came straight out of Basilmarket.

    No, this thread is funny! All you have to do is just laugh at the people who can't tell it's funny.

  3. Hear this simple prayer, DE.

    Learn to spell or at least form a sentence before you post. Seriously bro, it's annoying.

    Does it matter? His core message is something everyone can all agree on.

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