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Everything posted by Sir-fortesque96

  1. in practice when you use "pulverize" and you are in ball form if you eat enemies using "feast" or digest those inside you with "nourish" you go slower, in addition when you jump specifically in jumps caused by ramps or differences in height you get stuck for a couple of seconds as if you hit a wall or lost all the momentum you had I can't say what exactly causes it, perhaps Grendel's change in size with active ability causes interpenetrations with the ground however, the bug is consistent and 100% repeatable (unfortunately) if it happens you have to deactivate pulverize every time and the only way to avoid it is not to use the other skills together with pulverize, which is heresy because it was designed specifically to have skill interactions (and sometimes even shows up if one of the eaten enemies dies on its own)
  2. “Perfect Heavy Attacks” simply not there's no need to touch heavy attack builds, especially if it's to counterbalance the inclusion of "auto melee"
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