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Posts posted by (PSN)trontor

  1. 42 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

    I don't think Kuva karak needs a buff, its rather due to the fact that most automatic ARs are not really on par with other weapon types.

    If anything, I'd like to see a small increase in firerate, it is already a direct upgrade to the karak wraith after all.

    It is not a direct upgrade to Karak Wraith unless you get a very high roll from your Lich. I'm not asking for a massive buff here, just to get the same base damage as the Karak Wraith.

  2. 2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I mean, if Serration and Heavy Cal are the only mods on any weapon, it would always feel weak.
    Maybe explain you complete build. Serration and Heavy Cal are good mods, but they won't make any weapon great. It's about elemants, status, crits that a weapon because stronger.

    I only listed the mods which directly improve damage.

    My complete build is:

    • Serration
    • Spit Chamber
    • Point Strike
    • Vital Sense
    • Malignant Force
    • High Voltage
    • Vigilante Armaments
    • Heavy Caliber

    My version of the weapon also has measly 25% Toxin Damage. My current Lich has a 46% Toxin version of the same gun which should help.

    This build very reliably strips armor. But you need to empty whole clips into enemies at high level to kill them.

  3. 2 hours ago, DarthIronclad said:

    Not too sure will a buff make the weapon too op,as the weapon is fairly balanced in it current state,it has enough accraucy to be heavy cal viable,very low recoil,good crit and status stats,and even a small bit of punch through. The only downside is low base damage,and tbh i feel this is a fair and reasonable trade off.


    The stats are not bad but also not spectacular good. There are a lot of similar weapons with a lot better stats. This weapon gets in fact outclassed by various Secondaries easily.

    And the Karat Wraith is a very weak weapon. Matching its per shot damage is not going to make any weapon overpowered.

    • Like 1
  4. Hello,

    Kuva Karak really could use a buff. It should e.g. not have less damage per shot than Karak Wraith (unless you get a very high bonus damage roll). I've got maxed out Serration and Heavy Caliber mods on my weapon and it still feels very weak in missions above level 30.


    On 2019-10-26 at 4:37 AM, iSolement said:

    CC:19% /CD:2.5x/ Fire rate:5.00 /Mag:209 /SC:30% /dmg:5.6 impact+5.6 puncture+16.8 slash (28 in total)

    Don’t forget kohm also has the highest 5 dots riven disposition,

    But for how much longer?

    If the stats you posted are correct the Kuva Kohm can reach true 100% status with the four dual status mods. So it doesn't need Riven at all for a full status build.

    The one thing that has stopped DE from reducing Kohm's Riven disposition so far was their intend not to break full status builds. And now that they have released a variant of the Kohm which can achieve this build without a Riven there is no longer a reason to keep the disposition as high as it is at the moment.

    That would also make their newly released Kuva Lich system more appealing because the Kuva Kohm would be very desirable. And it is probably easier to get that gun than getting a Kohm Riven and rolling it with big enough boost to Status Chance.

  6. 6 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    Are you using a Plague Kripath? Because not only did it's range get trashed, it also received a stealth nerf since it got less of a damage increase compared to similar weapons (the damage increase being necessary to offset the changes to combo).

    All Zaw polearms have also been power creeped by Orthos Prime:

    • It retained its fast base attack speed of 1.17 and 70% Slash damage.
    • It deals more damage per hit than Cyath, Mewan and Plague Kripath.
    • It has an excellent range of 3 meters.
    • It can now reach 100% status change with only three dual stat mods.
    • It now has 24% critical chance and a 2.2 times multiplier. 

    So Orthos Prime now has better stats than Ninkondi Prime which has fantastic stats.

    P.S. I'm a console pleb. So I'm obviously not able to try that weapon. But it looks fantastic to me.

  7. @[DE]Rebecca: Hello Rebecca, as you are in charge of live operation this probably falls into your responsibility.

    Can you please add Kuva to this week's Nightwave Credit offerings?

    I strongly suspect that there are lot of veteran players who like me ...

    • ... have enough Orokin Catalysts (12), Orokin Reactors (10) and Nitrain Extract (59).
    • ... spent all their credits on Kuva the last time it was sold.
    • ... have acquired a lot of credits since then.

    The option to use my remaining credits to stock up on Kuva would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for listening.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, 844448 said:

    I think it's better to bring your son hunting vomvalyst (vom-vom) and take it slowly instead of taking him all over the place

    Hunting Vomvalysts with Ivara was how I got my 2-1-2 Amp, too. But most players don't even know that you can get a decent Amp this way. They probably join public Teralyst missions and hope to get carried until they get the cores for a decent Amp that way.

  9. 16 hours ago, ThumpumGood said:

    So he goes fail fail fail. Extreme frustration in having to die repeatedly(NO gamer enjoys that) in order to defeat Umbra with his gear.


    Just a thought and Idea. What say you?

    I agree. But IMHO the problem starts earlier. The last mission of the Chains of Harrow quest is already very frustrating with only a Mot Amp, an operator with 200 health and no health re-generation.

    Several hundred hours of game time later this is all easy because I've got a 4-2-7 Amp, an operator with 650 Health, Rejuvenating Tides and Magus Replenish. The problem is as often that the game doesn't make it obvious to you that you should and how you can get these upgrades.

  10. 2 hours ago, [DE]Sean said:

    A theory:

    I think this issue may only happen if you pause the app with the foundry listview open AND you have items in progress. This bug may be related to the timer that updates the progress bar on the list items. I have a feeling the issue will not occur if you do not have items in progress.

    I almost always have a Forma building. And after claiming a new Forma and scheduling the next build I often leave the app while in the Foundry listview.

  11. 16 hours ago, (PS4)trontor said:

    Reloading the Foundry does not fix the problem, only force quitting and restarting the app does.

    I've not been able to establish a pattern of what stops it working. I've just tried building and claiming an item which didn't break it. I've also tried logging out and logging in again which didn't break it.

    So far the app is still working after yesterday's restart.

    Things which don't seem to be causing the problem:

    • changing network connection (3G -> WiFi)
    • invalidating the app's login session by playing the game
    • examining and claiming Foundry items whose build was started with the game 
    • the daily reset
  12. 21 minutes ago, [DE]Sean said:

    Does the problem get fixed if you reload the Foundry page? (Open the menu > click Foundry > Foundry should reload)

    Also, are there any specific steps that you are doing that causes it to stop working? Like does it break after building 1 item, or claiming 1 item? Any certain number of clicks?

    Reloading the Foundry does not fix the problem, only force quitting and restarting the app does.

    I've not been able to establish a pattern of what stops it working. I've just tried building and claiming an item which didn't break it. I've also tried logging out and logging in again which didn't break it.

  13. 18 hours ago, [DE]Sean said:

    Last week's update ( included a potential fix but I'm not super confident it will fix the issue.

    Can you give me more details about your phone such as the model number and OS version?

    Also, when you click on a list item in the foundry, do you notice a button pressed effect? If you don't, then that means touches are being completely ignored. If you do, then that means the code itself is accepting touches but ignoring them for some reason.

    I've got the same problem on a Motorola Moto G5 Plus under Android 8.1.0 with the latest version of the Warframe app. Restarting the app fixes the problem for a short time.

    When the app is in the broken state it will visually acknowledge that I've tapped the foundry item but nothing happens otherwise.

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