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Posts posted by (XBOX)KayAitch

  1. 12 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    Sure...because what we need in augment mods are yet more bandaids


    11 hours ago, nooneyouknow13 said:

    This should really just be the default interaction with the skill. An augment would be better than it currently functions, but just cleaning up the skill would be far more desirable

    I agree, but Nova was never supposed to speed up enemies. That was a bug with corrupted mods that they decided not to fix once they saw how players were using it.

    I'd like an enhancement to Nova, but it's enough of a change to be an augment too.

    10 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:


    Thanks for the constructive feedback, care to elaborate at all?

  2. There are, very broadly, two ways to build Nova for Molecular Prime, fast or slow:

    - Slow is the default, you can slow enemies up to 75% with power strength.

    - Fast uses negative power strength to speed enemies up.

    Each has their niche uses. Slow is great against high level enemies, but has an annoying problem in some contexts - you slow enemies across the tile, so some enemies are going to be stuck close to their spawn points. This can really annoy your teammates, especially in defence where you'll all have to go hunting for that one slow enemy stuck at their spawn point each wave.

    Fast lets enemies flood to your kill zone, letting you rinse low level defence missions really quickly. However, if you get the balance wrong enemies are shooting much faster too, so weaker teammates and defence objectives can go down.

    This makes Nova a little niche - she's super useful in any pre-planned team, but for match making I never know which to take. My slow build in a Lith defence will annoy strong players, but my fast build will overwhelm new players (who might be cracking their first few relics). In the end I just end up taking some other frame.

    So, a new Molecular Prime augment: tap 4 to fire normally (so 75% slow on +power str), hold 4 to invert (so 75% fast on +power str). Enemies hit would be overridden, so a slowed enemy hit by the speed long-press would speed up.

    This would allow for some new tactics, for instance speeding up a wave of enemies until they were close, then slow them, kill them, speed up the next wave and so on.

    It would also make a more general purpose Nova build where you could get your team and then decide whether enemies need speeding up or slowing down.


  3. This would be a new mod, called {element} Bias, so Toxin Bias, Heat Bias etc. It would be a plexilus slot mod and fairly cheap (say 5) but rare any not levelled (like parazon mods).

    This mod family would boost the type to the top of the proc chance table, without changing damage at all. So, for instance, if you had a weapon with a lot of Radiation and a little Viral and you added Toxin Bias or Cold Bias to it then Viral would always status proc first.

    In the very small number of weapons that can get two overlapping types (say Corrosive and Viral) the damage for the type becomes the fallback sort order. 

    This mod would allow for some inventive builds. For instance, if the enemy was resistant to Viral damage but weak to Puncture damage, you could have Puncture do more of the weapon's overall damage but make Viral the most common proc.

    The inverse could also be useful, say {element} Aversion, which moves the element to the bottom of the proc table. This would save a lot of Impact weapons as Impact Aversion would save them.

    These mods would be plex because they don't change or increase damage, and because in a main slot you're always going to pick a damage mod first (why use Heat Bias when you could add a 60/60 heat mod), and damage mods would mostly be preferred, but this would make for some nuanced weapons (though yes, Impact Aversion and Toxin Bias or Slash Bias would be mandatory on some weapons).

    • Like 1
  4. The first is pretty decent, the second is bad.

    Some minuses almost always need a reroll, and minus status chance is one of them. 

    Crit damage ain't that useful without more chance, but it could work with Blood Rush.

    However, if you do have Blood Rush or Weeping Wounds the first stat on the left choice is really good - you'll build combo really fast, and get loads of crits. 

    Keep the first one, add Viral+heat with 60/60 mods, add more True Steel and Organ Shatter, and Blood Rush, then either Pressure Point or Condition Overload - you'll have lots of procs so the latter might be better. The Halikar gets free Blast and Magnetic procs, which suck but can work with CO.

    If you keep rolling you want crit chance first, then status chance, crit damage and a harmless negative like -infested. You never want -crit or -status chance, -status duration is bad now too. +Damage is always good, but worth less than more crit or more status.

  5. 6 hours ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    I feel like you don't know what the Kraken is and you are confusing yourself here

    Sorry, Karak. I don't know how I mixed up such different names. The Karak is a boring rifle. The Kraken is the boring pistol.

  6. 14 hours ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Clearly buying a forma bundle is the best option as things stand

    I'm one forma off maxing the last Kuva weapon, I haven't bought one forma. The trick is to always be building forma. If you don't have any blueprints run relic missions until you have a few, then start again.

    You'll have days when you have a backlog of forma, and those where you have 2 or 3 weapons waiting for one, but always have one on its way and get on with other things.

    14 hours ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    Clearly buying a forma bundle is the best option as things stand, however the paywall doesnt end there.

    I wouldn't, it isn't great value, but you can easily trade to get the plat for it too.

    14 hours ago, (XB1)ALTBOULI said:

    you will likely need an affinity booster

    Yeah, that one's harder to argue against. You can just wait for logins and then grind ESO to level weapons fast while you have one.

    I think the without-booster levelling rate matches the forma build time, in that you can level up and reforma about once a day.

  7. 2 hours ago, kgabor said:

    I found the Ayanga to be pretty good, mine has Radiation as the base Elemental damage and it works at the normal Archwing nodes, good enough for completing the Nightwave 500 kills challenge in Archwing missions

    It's OK in these missions, but the Fluctus can shoot through walls, it just utterly dominates old archwing content. 

    Neither Fluctus nor Ayanga is much use in Railjack's wide open spaces, as the projectiles move too slow.

    The Grattler is a little better now it has prox armed grenades, though their range needs to be higher, making it useful in RJ. This kind of leaves the Ayanga slightly better than the Grattler as heavy and in old archwing missions, while but worse in RJ. That's very niche for a 5 forma weapon.

  8. 1 hour ago, Aimop95 said:

    I was just wondering if these limitations were still present or if we could allow the Bravura Skin to be equipped on all rifles, as it's a really nice skin, and I'd love to use it on the Tenora

    Same here, but I bought the skin and not the bundle specifically because it was for the Boltor, which I never use. If they change it now If have to buy the whole pack again just for the bundle extras.

    So I'd say please don't change this unless you also make it possible to retroactively buy the additional bundle items if you have the skin.

  9. 6 hours ago, NoobReccoN said:

    As title said i hope there will be any possibility to re-acquire opticor vandal through void trader or reset thermia event progres.

    Seems unlikely, given how regularly the event runs. They aren't going to develop a reset and it would be a disappointing Baro item for everyone that didn't sell theirs.

    Far more likely is a giveaway for watching some stream or other. I have gotten Trinity Prime, Nekros Prime, Glaxion Vandal and others just from linking my Twitch account and watching streams.

  10. 1 hour ago, Shalath said:

    If you want to level something you hate using equip it and run some Railjack missions. Even flying solo I get decent affinity

    Or just go Hydron with a player with a nuker frame. Let them nuke and max focus, while you get the affinity on your weapons that you aren't using. Take a defence frame and you can unlock certain rivens at the same time.

    However, even with a booster this is around an 1½ hours (not counting the 5 days it takes to get the forma). In non-grind missions actually using the weapon it's more like 3-5 hours. After that much time I was sick even of the weapons I liked.

    Also, it doesn't apply to archguns, they get no affinity when you're not using them, the Ayanga is the worst grind Kuva weapon.


  11. 7 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    the three assault rifles fall in different categories (depending on which firing more you choose on quartakk and hind).

    7 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    So here if I used this logic, I would then argue that we don't need all these explosive weapons!

    They are all full auto rifles, with two that also have a semi mode and two different ways of selecting the mode. Yeah, they are different, but they are all very basic AR rifles. Warframe has miniguns, exploding bullets, shooting through walls, homing bullets, etc, and instead they went for 3 solid projectile AR with slightly different firing modes.

    I'd forgotten the explosives - yeah, we didn't need the Tonkor and the Ogris and the Bramma. Especially as I levelled all 3 while self damage was still a thing. The Ogris was badly nerfed, but then the Bramma so rediculously OP.

    The Ayanga was an absolute pain, but then an archgun was always going to be. I think the main problem is that it's useless in all the places you'd actually want a heavy weapon - it's not great against bosses (like say the Imperator Vandal or Velocitus) it's not much use in Railjack, and it does less DPS than most of the other Kuva weapons making it kind of pointless.

    I think they should have had an archgun though, maybe something crit/radiation focused that would be good for boss fights.


  12. 9 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:
    On 2020-05-26 at 6:55 PM, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    We're mostly on the same page, but I have to disagree with you on Boar Prime, its high riven disposition lets it compete with the Kuva Kohm.

    Dunno about Boar Prime. I have a crit chance, status chance, -recoil, -Impact Riven that completely removes the Impact stat on the Boar Prime, and killing enemies is still a struggle

    In this specific context (double fire rate mods) all the auto shotguns suffer because they all have kind of the same problem: shotgun ammo comes in packs of 10.

    They all run out, and once they have the weapon is extremely hard to refill. You need 4 or 5 ammo pads to refill a Kohm. It's great in a capture, but it's no much use in any endless missions.

    Same issue for beam weapons (with the possible exception of the Convectrix with its NW aug, but that sucks in other ways). DPS doesn't matter if you can't use the weapon because it's out of ammo.

    You can offset this to some extent with ammo mutation mods, but then you're on 3 mods (admittedly one plex) to do this.

    Frail Momentum should either give more fire rate than Shotgun Spazz, or cost much less.


  13. 16 hours ago, Els236 said:

    At least then it would get used! Because as it is right now, no one uses those sorts of mods, because you're wasting a slot that could be used for damage/crit/status, etc.

    They're niche mods, not everyday mods, which is why they're buried in Arbitrations (which only players who've beaten the star chart can even access) and not regular drops.

    I think DE want you to be able to build a sniper that's about energy regen at some damage cost, rather than make every sniper also good for energy regen.

    I find snipers work well on the plains/vallis, where enemies are often at long range and corridor killers are not much use. I don't think it gives enough energy to be viable really, but it could potentially let you run very low efficiency for a toriod farming Khora or something like that.

    It's a very rarely used mod because that's how DE want it - a niche use case that you play about with for a bit. That's what they want from most mods (including all the NW ones). They don't want any mandatory mods, and are extremely careful about adding new ones. As most snipers don't need the plex slot for anything else this would become mandatory (or at lease always more value than any other choice) on every sniper build.

  14. On 2020-04-21 at 4:50 AM, sly_squash said:

    If the tab I have currently selected to chat in doesn't need to close for some reason (like if I have region chat tab visible and I've just started a mission), can we not swap away from it?

    I can't count the number of times I've meant to PM someone after accepting an invite to their dojo that I've arrived only for it to go in Dojo chat instead. Or the number of times I've been loading into a mission and tried to get one more ad into Trading chat only for it to go into the Squad chat that it autoswitched to while the Trading tab was still accessible

    I don't mind the autoswitching so much except that it happens mid message. On X1 you have a floating dialog over the screen and you can't even see that the tab has switched.

    While you have an incomplete message, or even if you have keyboard focus on the chat message or dialog open on console, the chat tab should lock until you send the message or cancel out.

  15. 2 hours ago, Leqesai said:

    warframeteams is where I go to trade liches, and there are a pretty good selection of them on there

    You can't really use external resources to set up trades in any region but US on X1, it's extremely difficult to get into a dojo or Maroo's bazaar with anyone from outside your region. Possible, but nasty even before timezones.

    On X1 you basically have trade chat.

  16. It makes sense, it's not DPS, but... that's still a deal changer for the weapon.

    It gives energy when you get headshots with a sniper. Not a lot though, you need to kill quite a few enemies for each ability you can use.

    There are already similar augments:

    The Supra has [Entropy Burst], that gives you 25% energy every 1000 affinity.

    The Furis has [Winds of Purity], which grants lifesteal.

    In all cases they are not plex mods - I think they all should be or none of them should be.

    [Mending Shot] and [Energizing Shot] are plex, but don't create health/energy, they just give you a way to get it.

    So I'm a bit ambivalent about it - I like the idea, but if [Sharpshooter] was a plex mod I'd put it on every sniper, which I suspect is why DE won't do it. They don't want any new mandatory mods.

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, KittySkin said:

    Add to the kuva lich system either a rotation on the downed larva or a rotation on a per mission basis so you are guaranteed to get said weapon after said number of larvas.

    Yes, great idea!

    Currently the dice is rolled every time a larveling is spawned, and you can totally get the same weapon 5 times in a row.

    Instead, when you spawn a larveling spawn the entire list of Kuva weapons in random order. This larveling will get the first one, the next larveling the next and so on.

    When you get to the last weapon reroll the entire list and start again.

    Alternatively each time a larveling spawns with a weapon remove it from the drop table until you either mercy one or the table runs out. Same effect, whichever is easier to code.

    This would keep them random, but also save the rediculous grind sometimes (my first Bramma took 2 hours grinding capture on Saturn with under 2m per capture, I reckon it was something like my 40th larveling in a row) - the weapon you want will always come up within [however many kuva weapons there are] attempts.

  18. On 2020-05-25 at 12:23 PM, Chewarette said:

    I think that it's time to admit it: Energy Regeneration is just too good for Zenurik to ever be less popular, even if one day they tweak his Energizing Dash to give 1 energy for 5 minutes

    It's not even that, take away that passive and Zenurik is still the best school:

    - Electric CC on dash.

    - Slows all enemies (including lich and sentients) on blast.

    - Cheap heavy attacks that don't use all your combo.

    - All abilities free (don't cost any operator energy)

    On 2020-05-25 at 12:23 PM, Chewarette said:

    What do you think ?

    It's a good idea, but I'd rather they just let us unbound all the nodes, but only increase the pool cap by about ¼-⅓. Then you can build the operator skills you want.

  19. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

    Agreed. Whoever came up with the brilliant idea to add blatant and exaggerated artificial grind just to cover up a temporary boredom from a vocal part of the community - and make that artificial grind a permanent part of the game - I want whatever they had in the 5 minutes before they came up with that wondrous idea

    They tested it out with the Paracesis. People griped but they still levelled it.

    I'm ok with the mechanism though. I like having the flexibility in my builds. I have some weapons with more than 8 forma on them, first to fit a build and later when any change to it requires re-forma-ing. Any non-kuva weapon with a riven and that needs the plex slot needs at least 6.

    5 forma expected for a weapon I like, only a little bit of a pain for the odd weapon I don't.

    8 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    You make good points here, but weapon preference is largely subjective. For example: Personally, I don't like the bramma, nukor, kohm, or drakgoon at all!

    It is, and Warframe is a game that's all about weapon variety, but we got 1 bow, 1 melee, 1 arch, 1 beam, 3 shotguns, 3 assault rifles and 3 pistols.

    I felt they got away with the shoguns because of the variety in those shotguns - the Kohm, Drakgoon and Brakk are very different. They could have picked the Boar, Strun and Hek and we'd have the same problem.

    Lots of people like the Kraken, but it is the most generic gun in the game - it's the basic dependable assault rifle in a game full of space explosions, it's an AK47. I'm fine it being there, but then the Hind and the Quartakk are both semi/auto ARs (with numerous posts on here moaning that the Quartakk isn't more like the Hind). We don't need all 3.

    I kind of feel that the Kuva weapons should be the more interesting or quirky mechanics. The type that takes more than 20 mins to get the rhythm of. Guns like the Argonak and Buzlok would have been a lot more fun to spend that time with.

    8 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    I don't feel that limiting kuva weapons to only the types I prefer (or any other particular player prefers) is the right method going forward

    I don't either, but we shouldn't have 3 similar ones. I'm fine levelling 1 generic AR, I realise some folks prefer that kind of gun, I think 3 leads to burnout.

    Fewer, more varied Kuva weapons next time please.

    8 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    Ultimately, this is how I will treat kuva weapons going forwards: Some I will like, and I will level and forma those. Some I won't like, I'll ignore these until a double affinity weekend if I feel that I want the mastery rank

    That's very healthy. I'm going to get them all and grind through them, but I'm an obsessive completionist.

    • Like 1
  20. You can't style heavy weapons at all.

    There's a workaround of sorts:

    - Equip the weapon in archwing

    - Style the weapon in archwing, must be the 1st slot

    - Select another archgun as the current heavy

    - Switch back to get the styles from archwing.

    This is a PitA. It's broken.

    Please, just add an appearance option to archgun-heavy weapons and let us choose their colours.


  21. I'm MR28, which doesn't mean anything other than that I've grinded every weapon to max.

    I'm on my last Kuva weapon, the Kuva Hind, and I despise the thing. It just feels like an absolute chore to level it.

    I really like the concept of Kuva weapons, and quite a few of them have been really fun. I love the idea of resurrecting weapons from the early game in new guises, but... did we really need so many of them to be so boring?

    This isn't about them needing 5 forma, as such, I have at least that on a load of guns - I suspect 3 would have been enough, but that mechanic is fine. It does make the problem worse, as levelling the weapon you don't like very much makes you like them less.

    I really enjoyed the Bramma, and the Nukor, and both the Kohm and Drakgoon variants.

    But, did we really need the Quartakk AND the Karak AND the Hind? Did we really need the Seer AND the Kraken AND the Stubba? I get that they got some tweaks, but that isn't enough. The Karak is objectively the most mundane weapon in the game (in that it's an AK-47, every game has one), did we need to level another one 5 times?

    These weapons aren't bad. They're all endgame capable beasty weapons, but they're also all small variations on a theme.

    I'm not asking for any more Kuva weapons (god no, I'm done) but if these weapons had had a lot more variety levelling them would have felt a lot less of a chore. Fun weapons, but only one utility weapon of each type, would have been a lot more interesting. Instead of the tedious Karak the Argonak, instead of the tedious Hind the Buzlok, instead of the Kraken how about the Mitre?

    We don't need powerful utility weapons, but don't take my word for it, the two most used Kuva weapons are the Bramma and the Nukor, and they're both quirky and fairly unique.

    When designing the next wave of these (probably Corpus) please mix up the weapons - we don't need a Supra and Dera and Tetra and Cestra, pick just one. One utility weapon of each type, then please make the other ones fun.

    • Like 1
  22. 10 hours ago, taiiat said:
    11 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    DE totally did.

    they increased the Status, they did not increase the Status to be about equal roughly with their Multi-Shot and Fire Rate deltas to non Shotguns

    They did. Any build with < 100% status before now does about 3x as many procs.

    So a build that used to have an overall 30% chance, now has a much lower per-pellet chance but per shot (across all pellets) now has a 90% chance of at least one proc.

    That means for all <100% shotguns their change in status is 3x what it was, and yeah, that puts them with non-shotguns.

    All they took away was the 100% bug, which was broken in the first place. They aren't going to bring that back, and they aren't going to increase every shotgun until you can get 100% per pellet again.

    10 hours ago, taiiat said:

    the game regularly shuffles numbers out of a hat moving blah blah from being popular to something(s) else to be instead. almost exactly like MOBA's do, where ""balance"" is just a way to drive people buying Skins infinitely. which for Warframe also includes Rivens since Warframe has more than just Skins.
    can't even pretend that the game doesn't do that when __ may get nerfed for __ reason and later literally another Weapon will be created that does the same thing that __ previously did the same or even better. nullifying the excuse in the first place.

    If you don't like it stop playing. Warframe is an ongoing game, you won't find one that doesn't have to shift weapon metas over time. Destiny ships new powerful weapons with each update and leaves old ones unable to hurt the new enemies, the MOBAs you hate so much ship new characters and nerf old ones, there isn't a way to do this that leaves old weapons forever gold.

    I doubt I'd still be playing if the Boltor Prime and Lex Prime had been the top tier weapons for the last 5 years. Power creep and meta drift are not only inevitable but desirable, and if you don't like that I don't think Warframe is for you.

    Let's agree to disagree on this one. I came here to moan about Frail Momentum, not argue with very salty folks about shotgun status and the base game design.



  23. 2 hours ago, taiiat said:
    7 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    I mean, they did that already. They tripled the base status per pellet on every shotgun.

    no, they didn't. they gave them some Status Numbers, but not a value that's actually appropriate for their Multi-Shot/Rate of Fire differences to non Shotguns

    DE totally did. We knew what the base per-pellet chance was way back. Those stat numbers are not arbitrary, they're 3x more than what shotguns did before whenever they didn't hit the magic 100%

    2 hours ago, taiiat said:

    now they'll be literally helpless with Weapons trying to be a random assortment of 'pulling out of a hat' with their Stats

    I mean, that's what Borderlands does and it definitely works there. I don't think that's what they're aiming for. I think the idea is that Prime is a small improvement so that the game doesn't become too pay-to-win, in that many folks buy primes from Access/Vault while standard weapons are more earned.

    That's the intent anyway, whether they achieve it is another matter.

    2 hours ago, taiiat said:
    7 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    A static weapon meta burns players out, a dynamic one means the best guns are gonna shift some time.

    copying MOBA's in their completely knowledge vacant way to """balance""" is not a smart strategy

    I don't think that's what DE is doing, I don't think they try to balance weapons much. They don't want the whole "new season, your old guns are now useless", and they do fairly well at keeping a surprising number of old weapons current.

    Still, some are going to pass out of meta, so new ones can emerge. I won't miss the Tig Prime any more than the Boltor Prime (which used to be the best weapon in the game way back).

    Still, let's agree to disagree, stay angry if that works for you.

    1 hour ago, MetalGrayFox said:
    3 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    Every weapon can spare a slot for more damage,

    Too subjective,

    Isn't every build? I don't mean the best build or even a good build, I just mean a viable one.

    1 hour ago, MetalGrayFox said:

    Sure you can stack them, but if you only want to use one there should be a benefit to using heavy cal as you are sacrificing accuracy. That's more what I meant anyway.

    I broadly agree, but I think they're designed to be stacked rather than either/or.

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