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Posts posted by (XBOX)KayAitch

  1. 4 hours ago, taiiat said:
    11 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    The Gaze is good, but it build for that max crit and status and you hurt range a lot. I've not managed to build one that can seriously compete.

    Crit/Status Stats and Range literally have nothing to do with each other for Gaze. Range is determined by the Grip, which doesn't determine Crits or Status.
    what are you talking about

    Sorry, I'm talking about max damage, or the ¼ or so you sacrifice between the Gibber and the Haymaker.

    4 hours ago, taiiat said:

    my Gaze has a 38 Meter Range. that's a longer Range than Kuva Nukor(29 Meters).

    So Ramble or Gibber? I forget which maxed out range for ¾ damage.

    The Gaze needs the DPS, I tried building one for range and it was too weak. Mostly I used the Haymaker variant up close, to the point where it was one of my personal most used weapons.

    But, all the other kitguns are still way more popular, it's clear the Gaze isn't competing well even if we personally like it.

    5 hours ago, taiiat said:

    it doesn't matter that Continuous Weapons don't get Multi-Shot multihits, Gaze applies high Status without speccing for it, but none of the other Kitguns can say the same

    Build+mod setup would be interesting. I haven't checked it again in the new meta, but in the old status model the Rattleguts could proc much more effectively with the same loader/base crit.

    And TTK was always much higher with the Tombfinger meta, while the Catchmoon wiped out entire corridors at once.

  2. 5 hours ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

    I want a Kitgun variant of the Ocucor...I had hoped when Gaze got chaining it would be Ocucor style

    I like the Ocucor, I just wish it didn't have broken multishot. I feel like it's very much about that tendril mechanic - I even rolled a riven for max magazine because of it.

    I don't think that's right for the Gaze because it was retro-fit. Chaining beams is a straight buff, but Ocucor's on-kill reload-reset mechanic is a whole different beast.

    4 hours ago, taiiat said:

    Gaze was already good on release

    It was. I used Gaze a lot, but there's good and there's great. The Gaze on launch was the best beam secondary, but that's compared to a better Arca Plasmor (Catchmoon) or a better Astilla (Tom finger) both able to use strong pistol crit mods instead of lame shogun ones. Even the Rattleguts got consistently better DPS thanks to the weird ways beams work with status and fire rate.

    The Gaze was the best beam pistol, but the worst kitgun.

    4 hours ago, taiiat said:

    then they added an AoE to it and... i laughed at the idea of buffing it, but sure i'll take free Stats.

    I really wanted to like the Gaze. I built 3 and tried out 2 different riven strategies, mainly because I was bored of the other 3 kitguns.

    Then the AoE chaining came and I thought it would be a bit of a game changer, but too few chains over too short a distance means even the new range-nerfed Catchmoon is better.

    The Gaze is good, but it build for that max crit and status and you hurt range a lot. I've not managed to build one that can seriously compete.

    I thought that they had kept is scaled back because they don't beam weapons getting too powerful.

    5 hours ago, taiiat said:

    but again, ofcourse Kuva Nukor is better. but Kuva Nukor is better than 95% of Weapons at every single possible role a Weapon could serve.

    Yes, the Kuva Nukor is a bit rediculous, and I don't think the Gaze should be that, but it shows that DE are fine with long range beam weapons that also have massive chaining.

    The Gaze needs a buff in range (and the ability to use range mods), longer chains to more targets. That would make it more competitive with other kitguns.

    And yeah, the Nukor is the one pistol to rule them all at the moment, but that's a different problem.

    5 hours ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

    Just prefer the Gaze Stats, ability to reskin

    You can't reskin the Ocucor? I would guess that's to do with how the tendrils are tied to the weapon model.

  3. 2 hours ago, ScytodiDaedalus said:

    Maybe because new gamemodes are poorly "balanced" to have a complete disregard of most ability kits.

    Not really faulty of Garuda's kit

    It kind of is, in that they decided Garuda's abilities should do nothing. Some frames get to remain effective, some are useless, Garuda is one of the useless ones.

    4 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

    Skills 1, 2 and 3 are good. They do not need changes (augments do).

    Her 1 needs a lot of changes - the damage UI is off the top of the screen (should be indicator bottom right), the shield is buggy and doesn't work against some enemies, it should be affected by range mods (like Baruuk's) and the blood ball explosion should be much more visible.

    2 hours ago, ScytodiDaedalus said:

    one thing that would be nice so Garuda can use some swift 4's is to allow her to cast an uncharged 4 for 50 energy and charging it to a max of 100. As of now regardless of charge on the 4, it will always cost 100 energy.

    It's a nice idea, but compare her to other nukers like Ember, Equinox, Saryn - all are much quicker casts anyway. Just make her 4 wider by default and much quicker (just the casting animation, no press and hold to use). If you want it wider it should be affected by range mods.


  4. 9 hours ago, _Schokolade_ said:

    Her 3rd is literally just a stat change. She can generate energy buts whats the point?

    She generates energy but sacrifices health, but she also gets a big damage buff with low health. You can use it with her 2 for self-sustain energy and health, or run a glass cannon build and rely on Quick Thinking to keep her alive.


    Her problems are more fundamental to her 1 and 4, which are awesome but far too clunky to be competitive with other AoE DPS frames. You should be using her 1 and 4 all the time, but they're too slow so you don't so you don't think she needs energy.

    However, her biggest problem is that most of the enemies you'd actually want or need to hit with massive bleed damage are immune to her abilities. It doesn't work at all on Demolysts, or Sentients, or Liches, which leaves her nothing in her kit for that content. She can nuke entire tilesets on the star chart, but is too risky for Arbitration and too slow/reliant on her 4 for ESO.

  5. On 2020-04-09 at 4:12 PM, keikogi said:

    You can't fix the schools if you don't fix the energy economy itself. If zenurik is the school of energy people will flock to it because it gives them the most powerfull resource in the game

    Even if they fix that Zenurik still has cheap heavy attacks, slowing down enemies and electrical CC for free. It's still the best school even one you remove that it's the one that gives you energy (at a trickle at best).

    On 2020-04-09 at 4:12 PM, keikogi said:

    As per fixing focus itself the operators need their own 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 skill with a cool down so the focus schools can truly differentiate themselves. Each school would have a realiet chance of adding something to your gameplan.

    I like the idea, but it's a much more drastic redesign. Maybe in its own post? 20 new abilities is a lot of design and balance work.

    On 2020-04-09 at 3:51 PM, Steel_Rook said:

    Their drop rate is far too low as far as I'm concerned, and their method of acquisition far too unreliable

    Yes, more energy orbs should drop from more enemies.

  6. Please, please stop making islands of content. If you must (I get how it makes sense with Agile Development and for manageable change in a big system) please merge that content in to the rest of the game before moving on to the next shiny thing.

    I like Liches, but they're an island. Once I have all the weapons I want levelled I'll never see one again. They have nothing to do with any other gameplay loop: I cannot to any other content while lich farming, and I cannot progress against the lich while doing anything else.

    I like railjack, but it's another island. I've levelled up my railjack and what now? Oh nothing. Taxi in Scarlet Spear? Great, I guess that's a month when it finally lands on X1, but after that railjack is dead again.

    Even when these islands work as islands (like ESO, Arbitrations, Index) they're a minor distraction. Modes you play to get a thing and then stop. Loads of players aren't logging in or coming back just to play them.

    These islands are a ton of dev work, but they're not what Warframe needs. Each one buys you a few months while we rinse them, then they become Lunaro. I've never played Lunaro, there's never been enough X1 players in my region to get a match. It's utterly wasted.

    Meanwhile, in the current Nightwave 'Intermission' I'm at level 90ish. That's not an intermission, that's just what NW is now, endless ranks for credits. NW was a brilliant idea that you've left to die. Glassmaker coming soon? Great, that will be fun, for a few weeks, then back to intermission for another 6 months.

    What is the purpose of NW? I thought it was like battle passes and the like: a reason to keep maxed out players coming back to do fun little challenges and get new stuff. There hasn't been new NW stuff since October. I have all the alert cosmetics and mods, I have more nitain than I'll ever need, this is now just a way of getting extra Kuva.

    Please stop adding islands. Merge what you have in now. Bring liches to core content, I should see them when cracking relics, on Kuva floods, on sorties. Bring railjack to core content, it seemed so promising that first time we reached a mission objective and realised it was the asteroid/galleon tileset. Finish those before adding anything else.

    Put a dedicated team on NW. Their job should be to ensure that there is always an active NW. Intermissions should never be more than a couple of weeks. That frees your main content team to add finished, integrated stuff (rather than buggy islands) even if that takes longer. 

    I'd rather have had 3 NW seasons than the launch disasters of liches, railjack and scarlet spear, one after the other. Half of the streamers I used to follow have quit, most of the remaining just post videos about how much Warframe has fallen.



    • Like 3
  7. 22 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Was thinking blast damage could also chip ammo and health orbs off of people, as well as a little armor now and then like shattering impact

    I mean, it works for new Doom.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

    you mentioned nerf and zenurik in the same sentence, so now it's a sure thing it will get nerfed

    It's not overpowered, given it's taken me about 2 years to max this stuff. The other schools are underpowered.

    11 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    I would sincerely hope they have the decency to put another simple, cheap, passive energy gain system in game

    I would probably have a node in every school that gives you energy, but with my idea you could unbind the node from Zenurik and use it everywhere anyway.

    11 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    My thoughts so far is add a little bit of energy gains for shooting magnetic proc'd targets status lvl 4+.

    It's a nice idea. And maybe Impact (the most useless and annoying proc) could give health orbs?

    9 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

    None of this solves focus schools obviously. I wouldn't know where to start with that, though. If you removed Energizing Dash, the remaining focus abilities would have some situational usefulness, but never be a blanket necessity, and there would be no immense incentive to choose Zenurik

    If you remove Energising Dash it would suck, but Zenurik would still slow enemies, electrocute stun enemies and cheap heavy attacks. It would still be the best school. All the other schools pay a lot of operator energy for either minor damage, minor healing or a shield that's gone in a single hit. I'll take the slow+CC+spam heavy melee thanks.

    Zenurik doesn't need a nerf. It's the only school anyone uses and it still feels way underpowered for the amount of effort put in to it.

    Most of the schools feel balanced for level < 30 content. Oh, burn all my operator energy to do 500 damage? Seems worth it. Burn all that energy for 250 extra shields? Sure, that seems worthwhile 🤔🤦‍♂️

    None of the abilities should cost operator energy, because none are as good as Zenurik's and Zenurik's are all free.

    All the abilities need to scale off frames or mods or something, because doing less damage than my guns means I'll just use the guns, and so on.

    • Like 1
  9. I have maxed out all the focus schools, with millions of focus left over, and this isn't unusual for players with similar playtimes to me.

    I run Zenurik 95% of the time, because it gives energy on dash, maxes energy from orbs, makes heavy attacks cheap, electrocutes enemies and slows them down (especially useful for Liches) for no extra energy cost.

    I used to occasionally run Naramon, for melee affinity and extended combos, but mostly it isn't worth it now as Zenurik's cheap heavy attacks are more useful for any weapon where you'll ever use the heavy attacks.

    Madurai is useful in a few very specific contexts, but mostly a little bit more damage just isn't worth being able to use your abilities less.

    Unairu has that one wisp ability that's got a very specific use case. Rest of it is trash. It also has a bug where some operator cosmetics seem to glue you to the floor.

    Vazarin should be healing/support, but generally there are arcanes that are just better for that. Most of the nodes eat all your operator energy in return for rubbish shields. It did have the dash to heal which was useful for healing objectives, but that's now been nerfed.

    In addition to Zeniruk having the best passive, most useful side effect and some of the most useful nodes, it's also cheap. All the others (but especially Vazarin) are full of nodes that eat all your energy if you void blast or dash in return for very mediocre buffs. Does anyone want that radial blind Madurai node that eats all your energy on your way to the one useful damage buff one?

    Zenurik is almost always the best focus school, its so much better than all the rest it's just rediculous. They nerfed the Catchmoon because 25% of players used it, but 90% of players use Zenurik and nothing.

    I don't want them to nerf Zenurik, instead:

    - Remove all operator energy costs from every node, if Zenurik can have electric stun and slow and regen for free it's a bit rediculous that other schools are burning half your operator energy for much less powerful buffs.

    - If Vazarin is supposed to be the healing school it needs to outperform other heal mechanisms.

    - Allow all nodes to be unbound once an entire focus school has been maxed. These should be much more expensive, say 5 million focus.

    - Only allow these nodes to be applied in other maxed out schools for twice their usual cost

    - Increase the focus pool cap to 200

    This would allow players who've maxed multiple focus schools to build bespoke ones, or take the one or two nodes they really need from one school but run another. It would give all us 750 days-ish and above players something to work towards in focus.

    • Like 7
  10. 4 hours ago, Raso719 said:

    It's generic. It's blunt force trauma. Piercing is an Impact. Slashing is an impact. Impact is..... what? A more boring impact than the other two

    Piercing is a hole punched through armour, slash is cutting someone in bits, impact is driving their head in, or that Doom kill where you smash a demon's skull down into their ribcage.

    Warframe's stagger is boring, but there are any number of grisly satisfying impact weapons in other games that connect with satisfying crunches and spatters.

    Slash overkills cut enemies in half, puncture pins them to walls, impact should gib them into grisly chunks.

  11. I understand the Prime reload changes. It's a compromise between some real balance issues:

    Secondary fire is basically a more effective Ogris, using more ammo per shot vs buckshot and having a higher ammo count is a real nice way around that.

    However, if the new Corinth Prime reloaded a mag of 20 the way the original did it would take over 9s to fill a clip, which is crazy.

    But it's also painful for a lot of us who used the Corinth a lot and had the firing rhythm as muscle memory. It feels broken to us, and it feels like the weapon has lost some personality.

    Yeah, even though a clip of 20 on a one-shot-one-kill crit shotgun is objectively better.

    So, a change that might keep old fans happy:

    - Run out of ammo, try to fire and the current reload happens

    - Tap reload and the current reload happens

    - Press and hold reload and you put one shell in at a time as long as you hold it.

    - On this press and hold mode keep the reload timing from the base Corinth, so 2.3s would load 5 shells, full reload in 9.2s.

    This would keep the personality of the Corinth, keep the sustained fire for the old players who syncopated with it, but also keep the improved utility without creating an overpowered launcher.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, TehGrief said:

    I had actually made a similar thread over a year ago highlighting this change

    Yeah, the old mechanic was flat busted. The companion buff at least makes it apply to razorflies.

    I think they have a huge improvement in the new model, it's nearly there. It just feels a little awkward to use and range based buffs on a mobility frame feel off.

  13. On 2020-04-02 at 4:46 PM, Raso719 said:

    Impact Ideas:

    • Proc a small AoE of impact damage from concussive force.
    • That's it. This damage type is kinda boring

    That defeats the point of a rework. Propose a change to make it interesting.

    9 hours ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    Puncture is now a jack of all trades, not really perfect for anything but very good overall

    Why? A jack of all trades weapon would be one with IPS in roughly equal amounts, it shouldn't be the proc of one damage type. That kind of goes against the design philosophy - every type is supposed to be good at something, bad at other things (not that they actually succeed, but that's the intent).

    8 hours ago, Lone_Dude said:

    Parazon mods exist(energy orb drops, radial blind, parkour velocity), Mercy gives you invul frames, procs Arcane Ultimatum, haven't tested it with Skiajati, so it might also proc that as well. Its a utility status type, useful for certain frames and builds

    Yeah, but none of these are really worth the amount of time it takes to execute the finisher on one enemy. Generally you're better with a finisher-opener (like Inaros or Excalibur's) and a regular finisher.

    The enemies where you would really want that chance of a mercy kill are the really hard targets, the problem is that most of those (for instance Demolysts) are immune to status. If I needed mercy kills to help with rank and file enemies I'd have other problems.

    Maybe if they significantly boosted the buffs you could get for a mercy kill. Maybe.

    I'd still rather kill the enemy though.

  14. 1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    Maybe make Titania a flying reservoir?

    That would be grand, but also give buffs like crazy, which may well be OP.

    1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    I would prefer to keep the mechanics of auras

    That's grand, but don't you find they mostly don't reach your teammates? Outside defence I find I just rarely close enough for anyone to benefit.

    I think if it's intended to be a solo buff then it needs to be cheaper and easier to cast, and if it's intended to have a support element it needs to not be cancelled out by you using your 4 (which it almost always is).

  15. 13 hours ago, Talinthis said:

    the corinth prime airburst should automatically detonate after a set distance if it hits a wall or an enemy, say... the distance of the regular corinth? or maybe slightly farther.. whatever. no need to make it clunky like it is currently. this would be an amazing change and make it much better instead of hitting an enemy in the face or the wall right as you try to detonate it.

    a simple change such as this would really make the weapon shine.

    The thing I keep doing is hitting the trigger again to detonate, but I don't see in all the explosions and noise that it's already bounced harmlessly off something, so I fire another round I wasn't expecting and that shot's wasted too.

    Fkkng annoying.

    It should either:

    - Detonate on impact (as Prime, MR14 and limited shots in this mode that should be ok) or

    - Remain triggerable for 1s after impact

    If you really don't want these to be used reduce the radius/damage by 25% in these scenarios - that way we still mess up, but the penalty is much less painful than wasting another shot.

  16. Titania's Tribute is much more usable now, but quite clunky to set up and painfully slow.

    With this in mind the buffs should be more useful, and one way to do this would be to make them much more shared, like Wisp's.

    Currently only Titania can see the buff, and nearby allies get a proportion of her buff while they are close to her. But she's flying around so generally they aren't.

    Instead remove the range and instead just make it so that each ally player can see and pick up the buff for themselves. Each player could only pick up each buff once, with their own timer starting from when they pick it up.

    This would let Titania swoop in, recharge her Tribute and go back to flying around, while still supporting more grounded teammates.

    • Like 1
  17. 17 hours ago, Nine said:

    However, while I do adore her as always, I would desperately urge you to consider adding a "Prime Toggle" esq. switch to allow her base and Deluxe skins to utilize these beautiful new wings.

    That is how it works with Tennogen skins, but delux skins are usually something else.

    I think Titania's delux skin's entire concept has some issues with Titania Prime...

    The delux skin's concept is that when not in Razorwing the wings become the tails on a long coat, which is really cool. However, with Prime's new walking anim that means that neither her legs nor her wings move as she walks around, which feels janky.

    It's a pity, as I loved the skin on base Titania.

    I totally agree that you should be able to turn the energy wings on, or just maybe always have them on if the frame is prime, regardless of skin.

    But I think we probably need additional options for the new walk anim, I love the feature, but would like to turn it off with her delux skin (and only with that skin).

  18. On 2020-03-31 at 12:18 AM, Vitalis_Inamorta said:

    Unfortunately your suggestion isn't much better because your puncture proc is effectively just a generally worse sidegrade of slash procs, since they only scale to 200% vs slash's 245%

    200% instant vs 245% ticks over 6s. DE could tweak those numbers to whatever feels balanced.

    On 2020-03-31 at 12:18 AM, Vitalis_Inamorta said:

    Your impact suggestion is unfortunately even worse than your puncture suggestion at the time being.  Shields only scale linearly, so even with enemy shield gating they're everyone's non-issue compared to the multiplicative scaling of health/armor.

    Yeah, that's more of an issue with shields still being weak. I don't think every type can have bypass armour as its gimmick.

    On 2020-03-31 at 12:18 AM, Vitalis_Inamorta said:

    So here's my suggestion:  Slash loses the ability for its procs to ignore armor, but they scale with successive procs up to doing, say, 300% damage vs flesh over three seconds.  Puncture procs have the ability to completely strip armor with enough stacks, but have an independent duration per instance and when they wear off the armor comes back.  Impact procs temporarily stop shields from regenerating, and shorten the shield gate duration for each proc stacked before the gate popped, and each proc during the gate's effect.

    Yeah, all good suggestions too 🙂

  19. 1 hour ago, Vitalis_Inamorta said:
    3 hours ago, (XB1)KayAitch said:

    They've gone from being the pinnacle of the old status meta to the dregs of the new one.

    Shedu got better.  Basmu didn't exist in the old meta

    That's kind of my point, it feels designed to be a great weapon in a meta it missed out on.

    1 hour ago, OmegaVoid said:

    It's a great boon in missions with Ancients

    I mean, there's just not that much content where those are a problem - they're not in Scarlet Spear, or Railjack, or Lich missions. The kind of missions they are the leeches are a problem much sooner. Radiation procs just aren't that useful compared to Slash, Viral, Toxin or Heat.

    1 hour ago, OmegaVoid said:

    You exaggerate. Basmu hasn't power-crept anything out of the meta, but it's a well-above-average weapon with quirks which give it a distinctive feel.

    Yes, above average, but not enough to be out of the MR fodder category. Probably on a tier with most of the clan tech weapons. I am exaggerating, but it's a status mix that would have been special in the old meta, but is mediocre in the current one.

    These weapons feel balanced for the old meta, underpowered in the current one, they need to do more damage.

  20. 20 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    You get Viral debuffing, Heat Armor removal and DOTs, as well as Electricity CC (and throw more DOTs, more DOTs).

    You totally can, and it's fine. It works. But it's not the extra-special that the Shedu was at launch.

    The electricity+heat dual modding is fiddly and awkward, not bad, but not anything you really want now that only heat is something you want, but you can't mod into that without getting radiation (which you don't really want either).

    They've gone from being the pinnacle of the old status meta to the dregs of the new one. For the Shedu it feels like it was killed a few months in, but the Basmu is tragically dead before it was released.

  21. When I got the Shedu it was pretty awesome: add Toxin, get Gas & Corrosive, two of the best status procs, then pile on crit.

    Basmu seems in the same situation, with that Gas+Corrosive it seems like in to old status meta it would have been a worthwhile reward.

    Now we have a new meta, where Corrosive is weak and Gas is useless, and these weapons feel like MR fodder rewards that are way to painful to get for how effective they are.

    I think a fix for the meta is some way away now, and I think it's where DE wants it - Gas now adds persistent AoE to any weapon (but reduces it's damage,) Corrosive is still useful for heavy Grineer, but no longer the mandatory answer to all armour.

    With the 'trick' of heat on one, electric on the other for weapons is not the massive boon it once was. And these weapons need something that makes them reward-worthy.

    Shedu and Basmu need to do a lot more damage, ideally also adding base Tau damage so that they're strong against sentients. They need to be woah, this is good, rather than hmm, that's an interesting gimmick.

  22. Slash: still great

    Puncture: er, DR is nice and all, but if the enemy isn't dead with a load of status procs on them what's the point.

    Impact: dear god why? Just why? Falling over was terrible, but parazon finishers are slow, the use case for a finisher on one target being worthwhile (given the number of enemies you have to kill) is very small.

    So, a suggested fix that fits with the rock-paper-scissors of the original design: Slash for health, Puncture for armour, Impact for shields...

    Puncture proc: Rupture - armour isn't stripped, but puncture damage bypasses it at 50% for 1 proc, 100% for 5 procs and 200% for 10 procs. An enemy with 10 Puncture procs would take double damage to their health from puncture damage. Enemies without armour keep the current DR proc.

    Impact proc: Shatter - similar but for shields. Impact massively increases bleed through and 10 procs doubles damage to shielded targets. Enemies with no shields keep the current stagger+parazon chance.

    This would make both types worthwhile, rather than causing status weapons that are mostly Impact or Puncture often being MR fodder.

    • Like 1
  23. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    True, there's too many unnecessary damage types. 

    Then maybe magnetic procs deal the current proc and damage to all shields in a radius. Damaging and halting shield regeneration for an area is at least more useful than single target.

    Or... it could do what I suggested in the first place and proc to cause health damage against shielded enemies.

    2 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Not really, the way i had it planned, doesnt matter if you deal 1000 in a single hit or 100 hits of 10,

    So as long as you've procced Magnetic the damage carries through, but the shield has gone who who cares by that point. I'm still.not getting why you think that would ever be used when Toxin exists.

    2 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    If you're doing magnetic to bust shields, then swap off to a weapon designed to kill that enemy, that requires a quick-swap mod to make magnetic even practical as is.

    Or, we'll just do what we do now, ignore the shield exclusive damage because it's useless and put Toxin on both weapons.

    Unless new enemies are coming soon with monstrous new-meta levels of super fast regen shields I'm still not seeing the point of any weapon that clears shields but sucks against health. Yeah I could swap it out, but why bother when I could just use Toxin?


    Magnetic should be strong against enemies that have shields, not strong against the shields but weak against the enemies. I'm really not getting how any of your counter suggestions fix that fundamental problem.

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