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Posts posted by eksby

  1. On 7/31/2016 at 0:02 PM, K4GZL said:

    Major Update:

    Trendline chart v1 is complete and up on the website. As of this post the amount of data to show in the trendline chart is bare, but it'll update with new data at the start of every day.
    At the moment, it works for everything except for the Mods that aren't "duds", i.e. most of the game's Mods. That will be one major step to take, of course.

    Another major step for me to take would be to perhaps modify the process of "gather all the data for an item, then feed it to the charts" so that the bulk of it is on the server-side. That will be especially important for the trendline chart, I think.

    Also, I've noticed that as of now, any "loading" that occurs takes a little longer than usual. I assume this is because of people visiting warframe.market a lot to set up offers after the Acolytes returned this weekend.

    P.S. I think I should consider the possibility of excluding the offers of offline users from the data-gathering process, especially the sell offers.

    P.P.S. Feedback of these plans/ideas as I lay them out is wholly appreciated.

    I think it'd be a good idea to exclude the offers of offline users. 

    Looking good, as usual! Although I feel like the plots are still a bit difficult to decipher. Maybe instead of the numbers being hidden until you mouse-over the plots, they should just always be visible?

  2. Dang, it looks different in missions than in the orbiter tho:

    In orbiter:


    In mission:


    I tried to make another one using Abomination's DNA + different kubrow:


    In mission:


    Sadly just headless and no tail.


    Is it just mine who are headless in the missions? I was hoping that they'd show up like how they look in the orbiters...

  3. On 7/9/2016 at 0:02 AM, K4GZL said:

    I have a little regret for not completing the trendline chart before Specters Of The Rail hit. Would've been interesting to see what direction the prices for the Void items go in.

    As for how that's going, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to actually store the JSON strings that comprise the buy/sell offers. While I would like to integrate a MySQL database into this webpage, I feel like that would make things a bit more complicated. I'm considering storing the "history" of each item inside a bunch of .txt or .json files to be called by the trendline chart for charting.

    Aw, yeah that would have been really interesting to see. 

  4. 20 hours ago, HunterFenrir said:

    The homing can stay provided they reduce the rocket's ability to freaking do 360s because come on that thing has almost non existent fins and still follows us better than our own kubrow's. Would be nice if u could blow em up urself too or just have some sort of warning display on the UI going like *LOCKED ON* so we know to run for our lives

    A "locked on" IU would be interesting!

    13 hours ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

    Just give bombards the player Orgis (doesn't have homing capabilities) instead of the NPC's AT-Ogris.

    Or give players the homing capabilites

    11 hours ago, Necrius said:

    1) They should reload after each missile.

    2) Missiles should be a bit easier to shoot down.

    3) They shouldn't be homing or at least not that precise.

    4) They must not hurt us through covers/walls.

    Forgot about the covers/walls thing, they fixed it for catlady and her ignis so that'd be nice to see bombards get the same treatment.

  5. On 5/31/2016 at 10:25 PM, Paradoxbomb said:

    It would be nice if Bombards were more like Kela de Thaym 1.0, whose rockets didn't home in and were actually very noisy both when charging and in-flight, but they traveled faster and she was able to lead them so you still had to pay attention when dealing with her. Deploying smokescreen to mask herself and nearby enemies was a nice touch too.

    All that said, the only thing they shouldn't adopt would be the ability to deploy rollers, I think we could all live without that.

    ^That could work too.

  6. Honestly, a quick and easy way to fix Bombards would be to make their missiles larger and flashier, so that we can actually see them. And louder too, with some distinctive sound so that we can hear them as well. And maybe tweak them a bit to be slower, and not have 360 degree tracking. 

    As it stands, I can hardly see or hear when a Bombard fires its missiles, so that makes it a bit hard to dodge it or do something to counter it. :(

    What do you think should be changed about Bombards? What is your opinion of them as they are right now?

  7. 6 hours ago, K4GZL said:

    Yeah, the general pattern is that the selling orders have a higher price range than the buying orders. The "buy low, sell high" way of doing things.

    I'm wondering if I should not plot the selling orders at all, since the buying prices - i.e. the prices that people are actually willing to pay - are more important anyway.

    1. I had originally tried that before, but when I considered the fact that one can click on elements in the legend to toggle the visibility of particular traces in a chart, I decided to just put everything onto a single chart, with the user having the option to hide the traces that they don't want to see.

    2. That would definitely be the next logical step for the project to take. I think that rather than "toggling" it from the starting histogram chart, it should get its own separate page/tab, or the histogram chart could be pushed down to make way for this "trendlines" chart, whatever works.

    P.S. It really sucks that I cannot draft these posts to save and post later.

    I feel that the selling orders are important, because when I look for things to buy on warframe.market I always buy from the lowest online seller. I never set up any "buying" orders, because I don't have the time to wait for my order to be filled (limited time each day to get on warframe). 

    1. Oh, I didn't realize that. That works then, but maybe you could put a little tip that tells people that you can toggle the traces? 

    6 hours ago, K4GZL said:

    1. I can modify the server-side code so that it doesn't include any trade offers made by players whose Online Status is "Offline".
    Although It would majorly shrink down the datasets that the charts can work with.

    2. I think that recording the amount of trades that successfully occurred within a time interval would require warframe.market to put timestamps on the trade offers, which they currently don't do.

    If it's possible, maybe you could try what trade.tf does with their site—every day they record the buy/sell prices (for warframe, it could be like you said, the online ones only), and plot it out over a long period of time. Then it's easier to see the trends that way, even if we can't tell exactly who bought what. 

  8. I use both. Potato'd and forma'd both of them. It feels like the Orthos Prime has more range though, and it slices through enemies faster than Tipedo does imo. I don't use stances very much though, so I'm mainly talking about the quick melee. Tipedo has a sort of shorter range quick melee, whereas Orthos Prime has a more sweeping one. That's why I generally prefer to use Orthos Prime if I know things will get dicey, but I still enjoy and use Tipedo quite a bit. 

  9. Looks good so far, but maybe for things like Serration and Hornet Strike, there could be different graphs for each rank? Because as it is right now, it's a little bit confusing. There's a bit too many things in one graph because of the 10 ranks.

    Also, if you've seen the Steam market graphs like http://www.trade.tf/price/1141/6/None or http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Mann Co. Supply Crate Key, those types of graphs are a little more intuitive for the average user, than using point graphs. Maybe there could be a toggle to show the graphs in a format similar to the Steam ones? 

    Great job so far though, looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

  10. 1 minute ago, Venom-Snake said:

    Well, this is a bit of a weak argument considering how low the chances are: but you can get Nitain by doing the Ship Sabotages and finding all 3 caches. The problem is that the things from alert is completely random and its limited to 4 a day.

    I dont know if it might help but, maybe putting the Wardroid App on your phone might help. Male it ring when a Nitain Alert is coming when you are avalible to enter the game but not currently playing it.

    "Each vial is produced by the painstaking expression of billions of rare, ocean-vent dwelling microorganisms. "

    Its a vial full of rare bacteria.

    I do have the app on my phone, the problem is that I'm usually not able to actually get on and do the alert because I'm out of the house. 

  11. Just now, Venom-Snake said:

    Considering I have been ignoring the Nitain Alerts that are not Exterminates and I got 31...

    Its a type of thing that rewards players that play the game for longer than those who have things to do in RL, but Loot Games are like that.

    Think it's a little bit different, because I have enough resources for everything else. Just not nitain, since it's time-based. Other resources I can farm within the window of time I can play. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, Ebohcalyps3 said:


    Wait after all that are we losing the ability to color the horn again? I have had it colored for the last 3 years.

    Seriously is there anyway we can just get the option to have two different color layouts 

    It seems that 50% of the people with this frame will be upset either way unless we can just select the color we choose.

    Someone had a good idea to have a tintable or not tintable button for tinting the metal. I think that'd solve all the problems in this thread:


  13. 19 hours ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

    I hope for a Warframe specific games, like you won't need to have that frame because the game will let you play as that frame to play the mode.

    Valkyr racing using her first ability, wall latching contest

    Loki speed puzzle button press using Decoy, 

    Rhino Wall destroying using his charged dash ability

    Ash shuriken target practice game

    Excalibur pillar slash contest (most pillars slashed using slash dash) and so on xD

    Volt 1- Race with some buffs lying around the map that stacks the buff up to 3 times! 2- target shocking ... whatever xD you shock a target and try spread the electrical shock to other targets without losing the connection between them (SHOCKING isn't it, I'll show myself out)

    Though Frost doesn't have a slide ability,  I'd love to see a side effect of his first ability that allows him to slide for faster sprinting, that would make him be a racer in a roller coaster shaped map- I don't know how to explain it xD

    Extra: FashionFrame contest where 5 people join to show their fashion choices and other 10 people just vote for the best one. Winner gets a random cosmetic fitting the used Frame's theme (dumb idea but hey, thats the point!)

    Warframe specific games where you don't need to have the frame, now that's a good idea! It'd be nice for new players too, to sort of "preview" frames.

  14. 51 minutes ago, paragasu said:

    bursa cart!

    Okay, I'd play that. That sounds awesome.

    42 minutes ago, (XB1)OTF SERENiTY said:

    From what I know there are two modes you can play: competitive and exhibition matches. The objective is to score goals with a giant ball using vehicles (think soccer but with cars instead of people.) 

    I haven't played it yet so I don't know much :)


    Oh huh. So, I'm guessing archwing instead of cars then?

  15. 45 minutes ago, Catacomb said:

    That magonbigi fashion contest thing looks interesting, but maybe not IN the lunaro thing lol.

    Yeah, maybe not in the Lunaro thing. But that would be cool to see, maybe it'd make more people go to the relays every week for fashion contest! Could be pretty awesome, kind of like a community bonding event. 

    15 minutes ago, VyralVanKill said:



    i want tenno soccer (murican one)

    just imagine seeing rhino just being the carrier and just kicking it into the goal every time

    Somehow I'm reminded of Grifball from Halo now that you mention American football. I'd be down for that, or something similar!

    10 minutes ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

    Quiditch archwing?

    Atlas bowling?

    Volt/Neza Foot Race?

    Ivara/mesa shooting range?

    Loki/ash/ivara hide n seek?

    A shooting range sounds kind of interesting! Maybe it could be like those carnival game types, win a prize if you win haha.

    Hide and seek would be cool, I wonder how that would be implemented?

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