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Posts posted by waaaaaaaals

  1. Every faction is a warmongering, unsympathetic machine. Because of how bad the writing is at DE, they had to flat out tell us the Tenno were the good guys. Like thousands of other people, after hearing "You have amnesia, but you should totally trust me" I was wary of the Lotus' intentions. The writing for this game is akin to  a Saturday morning cartoon and that is just sad to see. The Tenno are murderous thugs, they garner no sympathy. But NOW~! We gotta stop the Grinner from spreading...into what? The only 3 factions that consist of humanoids are the only 3 that matter. There are no civilians that we know of, we are not trying to bring balance or peace. Lotus uses us like mercenaries for hire, we end up helping both sides all the time.


    So this entire lazily done event has presented two options.


    1. Help the Corpus and fail to uphold the only purpose given to the Tenno by DE, which is to save Tenno

    2. Help the Grineer and get our fellow Tenno back. Then use the awakened Tenno to fight back the Grineer.


    A Tenno is worth 20,000 Grineer or Corpus, maybe more. If every single mission is extermination or whatever the Corpus missions are (I wouldn't know since I am not a traitor), this event is a bust. There is nothing to these missions. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was more than single mission runs. Have large flowing fights, Have you fight along side a Champion like Vor/Kril or a pack of Hyenas/Jackle. Have some interactions with Vor to show the uneasiness between us, that he vehemently hates us for foiling the Sling-Stone operation. Maybe have some Fomorian ship missions to get the Infested involved in a different capacity. There is no reason this event could not have been a combination and expansion of concepts and ideas previously explored. I was hoping for more free-form choice driven levels, having multiple objectives; to interact with the enemy. You know, have it go all out. This event is reward heavily, but light on content. You know, the stuff that matters. It introduces no new concepts for game modes/the way we play, just more needless grind.


    I will say it again. If you create compelling and fun gameplay, you don't need 1000 weapons or 300 Warframes. The ideas here were nice, the delivery of information was botched and the logic is just stupid. This coupled with the fact it is the same game being played, just with window dressing. This event does not create or give off the feeling of being "epic" (hate that word). It is just a means to show off new content and does nothing to promote creating player-driven choices that resonate in the gameplay. It is still running up and down the same interchangeable hallways killing the same enemies. This event shows off how stupid the A.I. is. Instead of moving as a unit with them, they all just cluster F*** around. I was picturing boarding parties, squads of structured/diverse units, you know make it seem like it wasn't just the A.I. being dragged along by a sting. I was expecting to maybe encounter Vor in the field. If you are working with the Grineer, he pelts you with scathing remarks, but asks your team to take out a generator and gives you some men and a bomb to do so. Then you return to him for a final push. Break up these more structured missions with the samey rushed oriented crap and you got yourself a truly grand event in scope. The allied Corpus/Grineer are not even helpful. It is a novelty at best. They get in the way and the number of enemies present do not warrant the number of Tenno or allied faction present. So you have a "huge battle" happening within the same confined areas all other missions take place in, yet you jam more people in there (a majority of which you cannot shoot); the number of enemies does not require so many allied soldiers like I stated. If you were to spawn with a boarding party or a Champion unit and a party, then proceed to work through the level with a clear objective in mind; that would be way more compelling and something actually different(granted not much different, but still). You would have less clutter and a more directed flow to the mission.This event wreaks of laziness or lack direction/imagination, maybe both.


    To break this down into being about telling your story for the sake of telling your story, that is not the way to approach this. You are only looking to create means to an end in which you tell the story of the Berserker; which will become stale if it is presented in a similar way the current lore is. To run through a level and hear the same dialogue over and over and over again sucks, it lessens the impact of what is said. If we have to grind for Berserker prints and a story is attached to the levels in the form of "words words words words words" of the same 5 or so lines of dialouge, you have screwed something up.


    If you are only focused on telling one story, focusing on what is best for your story; you are doing it wrong. You need to tell your story in the best way possible for the good of the product as a whole. If that means compromising your story to let the players make a choice, so be it. If you are going to game the system to try and force a Corpus victory to tell the story of the Beserker, again that is dumb. This sudden interest in lore is just that. Instead of taking the time to think this out and present it a compelling way, you rushed it out the door. You had to change the stipulations at the last second to make the event even make any kind of sense, which it still doesn't.


    This has become an extension of the grind with window dressing and not the awesome event it was made out to be.



    What really really bothers me is they gave us choice and said it was about bringing depth to the game .etc, the usually stuff.

    Now it looks like they're going to spend the entire event playing micromanager, it's stopped being even remotely about choice and has become a case of them manipulating the results to give themselves their desired result.

    Suddenly those threads suspecting DE of rigging previous events seem much more realistic than they appeared at the time.

    It looks like choice is only interesting to DE as long as it's the choice that they want the playerbase to take.

  2. Give players a choice between two sides and they'll fight each other for eternity instead of focusing on the developer.

    DE has been tired with being the butt of the criticism for the game's faults for a long time so they is a convenient way to divert the playerbase's attention at a time when they need to look at their most competent.


    Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.

    Perfectly fine apart from the multitude of crash issues people have had that seem to congregate around the boarding rooms or the fact that the spawning starts to break down if your team is too efficient at killing their targets.

    Being able to make it to the extraction point before the last enemies have had a chance to spawn, even while wiping every single target out, doesn't sound like perfection to me.

  3. We all watched the Live Stream.


    We all know what Project Zanuka is. Result of Project Zanuka is a Tenno with her Warframe "skinned", subjected to mind rape so she would fight for Corpus cause.


    Do not allow Female Tenno to be flayed alive and mind raped.


    Supporting Corpus is supporting torture and mind rape of female Tenno.

    Don't forget that the Corpus are highly sexist even to their own faction.

    There's not a single female Corpus anywhere in the game.

    Supporting the Corpus is supporting massive sexism.

  4. I believe that the religious comment is unecessary. Please, let's keep religion out of this :)

    Except the Corpus are a cult so it isn't entirely unreasonable to talk about religion when comparing the two factions.

    Not sure what religion the Corpus inspired though, they do like their money.

  5. I am sorry to be this blunt, but your ignorance is appalling. The Corpus are not misunderstood friendly merchants. They are a PMC outfit with torture and extortion methods that mutilate people for their own gains, including live experimentations with TCV strains and slicing up Tenno to 2understand their secrets". You don't know these things. You are argueing from ignorance. I am not.

    Not only are they a PMC hellbent on exploring ways to make money in any way they can regardless of ethics, they're a cult as well.

    Also there are no female Corpus so they're misogynist/sexist too.

  6. Winning for Grineer gets you x wraith, winning for Corpus gets you x vandal. Or both sides give same reward only with different message.

    I'm betting on the same reward with a different lore entry.


    What if i told you, we are the few thousand and the everyone else.

    But DE said there are four million Tenno! That can't be a cynical marketing ploy to make us think there are four million players, can it?
  7. Isn't that common sense? I mean people who know a lot about something can get stuck in a certain way of thinking, like saying you can only have x in a particular way, while someone inexperienced is pretty much always thinking outside the box.

    Pretty much but common sense tends to go out of the window, industry professionals get so stuck in their ways of thinking, working, everything, that they can't operate any other way.

    It's just that from my experience, most companies understand that this happens and work to counter it through quite a number of ways.

    I dunno, maybe DE doesn't really go in for this stuff, a quick look at an employer rating site gives me the feeling they have more problems going on than are apparent.

  8. My lack of experience in game design makes my suggestions inappropriate, I guess. And when I offered, I was more or less put on hold and then never approached again, even when asking a second time.

    That's both really bizarre and incredibly misguided of DE to do that. Experience only goes so far, things like talent and potential are equally important, if not more important than experience.

    Going down that sort of route tends to lead to massive stagnation.

    The company I work for runs these workshop things for kids to learn stuff about various jobs. One of the things they learned very quickly is that you never discount somebody based on their level of experience.

  9. It is the weaker choice in the current scenario.


    Here's an example of how an equal choice could work.


    "Tenno, you have heard the transmissions of their bickering. All of their interests aside, we can intervene. I have contacted both parties, and made a plan.


    Remember the Fomorians? I proposed to Alad V that we will strike Grineer targets of opportunity, in exchange for technology. He does not know we have intel about the Tenno he found. Go in, and stop the Grineer, and while you defend the Corpus installations, find the coordinates of the lost Tenno. We will exfiltrate them, while you keep the attention at the conflict site. If you cannot keep the site long enough before you found the coordinates, the Grineer will seize them. Be alert.


    Or you help the Grineer on this one - fight the Corpus into submission, drive them off their installations and let the Grineer have at it. They do not know about the Tenno, as far as we could gather. The only thing is, when you have the coordinates from the rubble, you cannot let them fall into Grineer hands - you need to be fast and make it off the sites before the Grineer will have time to notice things are amiss. And if you don't wipe out all Corpus, they will alert their superiors that those coordinates are compromised. Be thorough.


    Both paths are viable. Chose which side to suppport, but keep our goal in mind: saving your fellow Tenno. Now go!"


    At least that is what I think would make some sense here.

    Why aren't DE employing you as a writer already?

    As usual, this is a much more interesting and thought out plan than what we've been shown so far by DE.

  10. Really, Maybe you need take of your Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.


    Lotus Transmission Correction:

    The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

    “If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”

    Well done there.
  11. Blood on the Sand was art. Don't you diss fiddy.

    In it's own way it was, mostly because it was terrible writing as an expression of something, mostly a development team having a laugh at the expense of the subject matter. It's something that can be shared in.

    Warframe's writing feels like it's more through neglect, which is pretty lame and not the sort of thing people can be entertained by in the same way.

  12. Really, Maybe you need take of your Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.

    DE spent over a week with forma droprates at 0.67% and several months with some seriously wonky rates on heated charge for defense missions.

    They don't fix thing quickly even when it's pointed out to them.

  13. It does make sense if you think about it really hard

    Read it again without the fanboy goggles on.

    Thematically it makes no sense, first the Lotus says they can't in good conscience tell you who to pick before only listing positives for one side and negatives for the other.

    It's plain bad writing, almost to the point of being a three card trick with one card missing.

    Also we already know exactly what is happening to those captured Tenno, they're going to end up being diced up as part of U11 so the playerbase's choice has even less bearing on meaning anything to the lore/story/whatever.

  14. But you know as well as I do, subtlety is the key. There are a million ways to assure Alad V keeping enough pods for Zanuka after the event, like "According to our calculations large number of pods are missing they must be transfered in the chaos of conflict." there I came up something that makes sense without thinking about it before I post.


    I wonder who will be thrown under the train for them, all they do is reinforcing "Taking any action will only make thing worse. Sit this one out till they weaken each other then swoop in to save the pods".


    Whoever is writing these should be ashamed. Ashamed I say!

    They could have even done stealth-based missions to board a ship and cause it to fire on the opposing side's ships to help promote the conflict between the factions.

    That said they'd probably pull another "Alpha Team" and have an imaginary group do the actual bit of stealing the pods back while the Corpus are too busy to notice / put up a decent fight instead of the players.

  15. One, they're not in every game, messing our radar and therefore survivability and objective.

    Two, they're not in every game, where 90% of all moa's are instead Fusion's, rather than 5%.


    You foolish fool.

    So you're saying completing events helps to keep us from experiencing new content past the events?

    Maybe we should have purposely failed the Arid Fear and the Fomorian events so we'd have more to do ingame right now.

  16. yeah, say that when the grineer win and we dont get the new frame for awhile because of it

    The new frame is coming with U11, which is so far off that a small time event won't make a bit of difference to it's release date.

    Besides that, DE are desperate to keep people playing, player rates are dropping and they see adding more frames as a way to keep people playing.

    Even DE aren't misguided enough to shoot themselves in the foot by holding completed content they have back just for the sake of it.

  17. That is some absolutely painful writing right there, I think they're trying to give the game an illusion of depth by giving the playerbase a choice but it just seems like a rubbish choice backed up by even worse writing.

    Sadly the bad writing is a symptom of DE's approach towards writing that doesn't seem to go away, it's as if they see writing as a throwaway tool to explain development choices rather than as anything important.

    It leaves the game the same grade of writing as such wonderfully written games games as 50 Cent : Blood on the Sand.

  18. No I agree, it's my issue with replaying older JRPGs - in games where you spend 99% of your time in combat, the combat system had better be damn good.  I just wish that people could give feedback in a normal manner instead of dramatizing everything because I find it irritating and I think we should all have the expectation that weapon/enemy stats aren't going to be balanced upon release and that for a couple weeks at least things are going to be wonky as heck but we need to point those things out to DE and go back and try them again after changes are made instead of flipping tables and demanding people to be fired/shot ect.

    That part is mostly DE's fault, they've managed to set quite a solid precedent where they will either do nothing or do very little unless the playerbase gets very loud or somebody has absolute proof that DE has got something wrong.

    In fact getting loud and obtaining solid evidence are the two methods that have been seen to motivate DE the most. Look at the speed DE changed their minds about forma droprates when the 0.67% rate was datamined, up until that point, they were adamant the rates for forma weren't an issue.

  19. Well, I see everyone using Soma. Is it because everyone can access it ? Or because the weapon is too powerful ? Think of why people are using the same things. Because I don't see people using the same colors at all.

    I also think a point has been made by closed alpha/beta players (or at least one of them on this topic). They deserve something to prove they were here. I would go for the usual forum special badge, but also for an in-game awesome avatar. That way it gives them something, without new players being affected by the lack of a weapon (which again GIVES mastery and plays a little bit differently).

    You're always going to go up against this sort of criticism when trying to tackle exclusivity, even when it impacts things like game balance. There's a certain section of just about every playerbase that value something only if others can't get it.

    On Guild Wars 1 the developers started giving event items out that were from events seven years previous, which met with massive hostility from a portion of the playerbase. In the end, one of the developers ended up posting something to the tune of "If you only appreciate an item for it's exclusivity, that others don't have it, then you don't deserve it" and those were just cosmetic items.

    When it comes to this game it's just absurd that some of the best stat weapons are limited to a three or four day event. Loads of people have made suggestions that the exclusive part could be the "skin" and that the base weapon and all it stats would be available to everybody. Somehow this gets the same kind of resistance too.

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