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Posts posted by waaaaaaaals

  1. Friday, I work all day, I don't have time to play for 5 hours to get Banshee. But, an "?" pops up with Vauban's Helmet? SWEET! I have time for that.


    Saturday hits, WEEKEND! Time to get Banshee, I can play for hours get that drop.

    This looks like a fun example. I'll fill one of these in too!


    Friday I work all day, six Vauban parts float on through the alert system while I'm at work.


    Saturday hits, Pistol and shotgun scavengers all weekend with the odd steel charge thrown in to spice it up a bit.

  2. Im just asking a forum to discuss matter relevant to founders only, as prime skin, prime weapons, etc.. nothing else. 


    Surely those aren't only relevant to founders seeing as how it's very likely that the greater majority of people with the Frost Prime blueprint aren't founders.

  3. No basis for this assumption other than ... hope. 

    What about the point where DE said Frost Prime was originally going to be platinum only?


    Shows that they've been at least thinking about primes for platinum, which is a fair amount of basis.


    I think the reward is awesome but it does need components from update 8. If you think this is "grindception" it's a fair point. But this type of reward was originally going to be Platinum only! There is a wack of credits as well. In live stream we'll lay out some stats and give props to players and clans that rocked the Fusion Moas.


  4. Most players (myself included) will tell you that the Bronco is the most viable shotgun at the moment.

    Only as so far as that it's not counted as an actual shotgun so it doesn't get the ridiculously over the top nerf to effective range.

  5. Die solely from sleep dep? Sauce? I used to be very interested in the subject and read some interesting accounts, but never involving death. If you are going to pull out possible death due to video games I would very much like to see proof. I am doubting, but not saying you can't be right. Only that when I used to read about the subject there were no MMOs.

    Quite a few cases around here are a few links to get you started.






  6. I'm saying this with tongue firmly in cheek, just like I assume the OP started this thread.



    Actually I'm quite serious about this.


    You are right about self-awareness but there are a disturbing amount of people who either out of hope, desperation or lack of some kind of mental process that the rest of us have, don't seem able to stop themselves.  It's like their "Ok just 30 mins more, surely the alert I want will come before then." train of thought doesn't stop.


    There is a legal side to all of this too, stuff like most MMOs doing their best to remind people to take a break/rest, some even go further with various mechanics to stop people playing excessively. Not that Warframe is an MMO (even though companies love to try and paste that genre on anything is these days), but something like those quite well thought out alternatives to the current alerts could be much less risky for DE in that sense.

  7. With current events as they are, there seem to be quite a large number of people going without sleep tonight in the hopes of a Glaive BP alert popping up so I figured now would be a prominent time to discuss this genuinely concerning issue.


    Do you you go without sleep (either regularly or periodically) because you feel you might be missing out on alerts? and have you suffered adverse effects from doing so?


    It may seem a dumb thing to ask but it is quite serious. There are loads of documented cases of people dying from sleep deprivation from staying awake, playing online games nonstop. Looking at it from that perspective, alerts could be rather dangerous.


    I'd rather not see somebody get themselves killed all in the name of a blueprint or an artifact, if it can be avoided.



  8. They could in theory release vandal skins, which wouldn't be bringing them back per se but allowing people to get the stat upgrades that the vandals have.


    Of course it would rile some people up but exclusivity doesn't seem like the best reason to make the greater majority of the playerbase use inferior tools. 

  9. I think the reason why many users are complaining is because the Glaive was talked about early on and never was it mentioned that it would be platinum only (and alert as well). Which is why upon today's release some users feel cheated.

    Reminds me of something that happened with Dungeon Defenders, weeks and weeks of hype without any attempt to mention their plans. Then they dropped the ball into the laps of the playerbase and told them to deal with it.

  10. It became public knowledge that certain tools can let you give pretty much anything you wanted given a bit of messing about since an awful lot of information is held clientside before being updated back to your account, which is a rather 2002 feature to have in an online game.


    With trading on the cards, they're probably really determined to stop this getting out of hand before it causes too much damage.


    The most popular tool gets you a ban while it's running, other stuff might, false positives for stuff like steam and maybe even video capture stuff aren't entirely unlikely.

  11. This is against our EULA.

    That is a slightly odd thing to have in an EULA. If a program isn't interacting with the game in any way, shape or form then it shouldn't really be any of your business whether it's running or not. Guilty until maybe proven innocent is never a good policy.


    It also raises the issue of false positives or even minor things like hardware/software macros being picked up by whatever detection you're using.

  12. Edited it to make it not so confusing ^^

    Competitions between players. Who kills the most in 10 sec or whatever....

    Asymmetry can be a good way to go about it.

    That being said they could quite easily reuse some of their work with Dark Sector's multiplayer, doing something like the Infection mode except swapping in a Stalker warframe.

  13. Couldn't find anything approaching proper confirmation of if this was alright or not.

    I mean really basic stuff like using Setpoint to have an M1 spamming button so you don't feel like you're killing your mouse when you end up using a semi-auto weapon against a boss or something.

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