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Posts posted by waaaaaaaals

  1. Well, I think at this point we can assume what DE said about how it was the publisher's fault DS turned out so bad isn't entirely true. They're driving Warframe's entertainment value into the ground well enough on their own.

    You shouldn't be so unfair to them, they'll always be able to go down the same path of creating entertainment value as they did with their

    . Warframe certainly seems to have the potential to do the same thing.
  2. The fact that you're still taking a lot of this as circumstantial evidence means no one should really expect you to manage to post something more intelligent even if you tried.


    You're right, it's their game.


    So... well, why don't they play it themselves?

    Maybe if they spent a day per week playing it, the game would be in a much better state than it is right now.

    They could even have a department dedicated to doing this all week, providing much needed feedback before making a public release. It could even be called the "Assurance of Quality" department or something like that.

  3. They should have bigger priorities right now than ensuring we don't see what they're hiding.

    Their priorities seem to have taken a major shift lately, opting for quick fixes and taking up a rather aggressive stance towards the playerbase as a whole instead of understanding why things happen and working from there.
    • With the so called "misuse" of the refer-a-friend program they opted for an IP block and threats of bans rather than understanding why people were doing it themselves instead of inviting real people.
    • With the changes to forum rules they seem to have decided that certain sets of feedback aren't what they want and have resorted to a much more Stanley Woo method of moderating.
    • With these changes them seem to want to avoid more embarrassment by being caught out on drop table changes they're certain are fine and won't be noticed.
    I've said it before but it seems an awful lot like their current primary concern is their corporate image. Not wanting to look incompetent or their game to look like an absolute mess in the run up to it's console launch.
  4. No matter how you look at it. People forcefully opened a file that should NOT be opened...

    That's an incredibly absurd way of thinking. Files exist to be used, not to sit there.

    Aside from anything else, seeking knowledge for the simple purpose of learning is never, ever a bad thing. It benefits everybody.

    It's highly unlikely that we would have seen any of the drop table fixes in the last four or so months without the datamining that went on. Of course it made several higher ups at DE look like they were either liars or incompetent, which is probably why this has been done now.

    A lot of change like this and to forum policies seem to be more about DE's image than anything else, which seems to point to them being worried about how they're perceived as a company in the runup to the PS4 launch.

  5. Lets do a quick recap of what happened over the last month. This will expose the real reasoning behind the encrypted drop tables.

    - DE Ninja nerfs Forma reward rate from Void Reward tables

    - Forums flood with questions regarding the Forma Blueprint Reward nerf.

    - Livestream 14, Scott and Sheldon both say Forma Blueprint Rewards are working as intended, just a matter of dilution.

    - The community uncovers the datamined drop tables, revealing Forma Blueprint Reward rates were NERFED to ~1% (Proving Scott and Sheldon lied to our faces.)

    - Apology letter from Sheldon. (Literally, not even 2 hours after information was datamined.)

    - All data regarding loot tables are encrypted.

    Now, without those datamined tables, DE can get away with "Lying to our faces" and not worry about a dataminer coming up with the actual facts. If the tables were never datamined, would Sheldon even consider an apology letter? No, probably not. The issue would have just been blamed on a "bug". To go back to Sheldon's apology. "One thing that we failed to remember, and therefore history repeating itself, was that adding more items into the Void drop tables, obviously increases the rarity of everything in the Void. So, rarity for things like Forma went up." Were his exact words. Changing a reward rate to 1% from 12% has nothing to do with adding new items. The number was intentionally changed.

    Looking from the outside, all I see is DE trying to cover their tracks. Trying to make sure they can get away with lying about "dilution" or "bugs" without having to worry about datamined tables proving them wrong.

    Don't forget that this was the second instance that DE faced massive embarrassment over the datamined droprates, the first being mainly focused on the incredibly absurd at the time defense rewards.

    I'm sure if they ever show rates ingame they'll use some sort of vague star rating system where 1%-20% is one star, 21%-40% is two and so on, that way they don't have to "spoil" how abysmal some droprates are.

  6. And subsequently, for voicing the resulting negative emotions, people get reprimanded via disciplinary actons of the administration team.

    Seems it's only constructive if you're professing your unconditional love for each and every part of an update.

    Reminds me of the moderation style of Stanley Woo.

  7. I am past complaining. I am at the point of morbid fascination. You kids keep clapping to everything thrown into your lap. I'll be here, giggling at this. I am past the point of anger, resignation, depression, whathave you. I am in the healing stage of contempt, followed by cynical amusement.

    It's the point where the Titanic has hit the iceberg, you can tell it's in trouble but the greatest fans of the people running the ship are screaming that it's not sinking.

  8. Artificial difficulty is much much easier to get out (especially when you're rushing) than actual difficulty.

    The AI needs to drastically improve, both as a group and as individuals.

    Individual AI isn't something I have high hopes for though, DE seems to have a

    for AI that is as much use as a soggy brick.
  9. Nervos were an awful idea to begin with, they didn't add challenge, they only brought frustration.


    Even with those proposed changes, they would do nothing to hinder rushing, rushers would effortlessly glide past them, leaving normal players as the only ones inconvenienced by it. Also they would only be on about 30% of the tilesets.

    It would serve DE and the playerbase better if DE tried to understand why rushing happens and tackling that by making the levels more engaging instead of trying to throw up walls that hinder all players alike just to try and stop a few.
  10. Better off reading "beta" as "alpha" since that's much more like the state the game is really in.

    It's a term they put on as a layer of defense so people can point and go "But it's beta!", which is somewhat true, it's not feature complete, and it's certainly not ready as a release.

    Quite a flimsy one at that, beta is generally the stage where the software is feature complete and you're using a wider testing group to work on to clearing up bugs and getting it in a good state before release.

    Here it seems to be used to work out what direction the game is supposed to be going and add more bugs than they fix.


    inb4 Warfarm isn't a MMO

    It isn't, there's nothing massively multiplayer about Warframe.
  11. one of the many wrong things done by draconian forum rules was that they were not implemented to keep the forum organized, readable and useful. But clean and tidy for investors to admire.

    The timing of a lot of things done in the last week does seem a bit of a coincidence.

    I wonder if Sony aren't happy with the community/DE friction as of late.

  12. open beta... = .. they give you unfinished stuff to test... = .. make the stuff better .

    in DEs case its rush out content.

    Actually beta is the part of the software development cycle where the product is essentially feature complete and ready for wider testing as opposed to the internal testing focus of alpha.

    It's not a magic label which you apply to massively unfinished software while you decide what you're supposed to do with it.

  13. Fixed. Same principle that applies to dakka.

    I can't get enough bland, samey, generally unviable weapons!

    I do hope we get Sicarus Prime next or maybe yet another heavy melee weapon that handles the same as two other heavy melee weapons!

  14. All this is going to do is dump more empty accounts into the system, and probably make DE lose money because of bandwith costs.

    Bandwith wouldn't be much of an issue, the game is predominantly P2P with server data being updated at the end of missions. Bit of an odd and rather insecure choice for an online only game.

    Storage on the other hand will become the issue, filling their storage with extra accounts. If we go by Steve's word, storage issues are the reason they sell slots, which makes it sound like they have a fairly limited capacity for account data at DE.

  15. By the looks of it, they've slapped on an IP block to prevent you recruiting more than a handful of accounts that are on a single IP address.

    If this is true, it's not going to stop anybody determined to get the mods, proxies and dynamic IP addresses are incredibly easy to use these days.

    It'll just be another case of escalation with DE vs the players.

  16. I am hereby postulating a simple truth: If you build a hurdle for gamers to achieve something that cannot be achieved otherwise, they will climb that hurdle with the least effort necessary and the highest, controllable payout possible. The misuse is a result of a conceptional flaw.

    I find it interesting that there are companies who don't understand human nature this way, it's as if they have an absolute lack of employees who have even the slighest bit of common sense.

    It's a bit like this afk farming sentinel protection, they try to block the farming instead of understanding why it's happening and tackling that issue. Worse still is that they're only really punishing normal players (on missions like defense) with their badly implemented system while the ones who did the afk farming are free to use methods such as macros to keep their sentinel awake.

    People always find a way, the harder the developer try to block it, the harder they'll work to slip through.

    Developer VS playerbase fights like this always result in the developer's loss. Even if they eventually force the playerbase to behave how they want, they'll have dragged the vast majority of the playerbase through the mud so much that they simply quit.

  17. TheWebbliest, on 25 Sept 2013 - 10:43 PM, said:

    It won't stop them from trying, but it will get them killed and therefore waste their efforts. I'd say that tackles it pretty well.

    Why would it get them killed? It's incredibly easy to set up a basic macro that makes a few very slight movements per minute.

    It tackles nothing.

  18. What will you do if the accounts are tracked by IP address, is my question.

    DE can't do much unless they want to start banning people because they live together / use the same network.


    Megan" post="1310597" timestamp="1380145438"]


    The rules state that each new friend must play 10 unique missions for you to to be considered referred.


    I can see the effort in which you went through to make those 15 accounts, but in order to get your mod you have to play 10 unique missions on each of those accounts.

    Quite easy to use the main account to drag the alt ones through a bunch of survival or capture missions. Shouldn't be too hard to get them all done within the space of a week.

  19. Putting a quite short timer on sentinels won't even slightly stop people determined to afk farm.

    It's yet another misguided "fix" to a problem instead of tackling it head on.

    Next stop on the hotfix train will be banning for macros.

  20. I appreciate the apology by Sheldon, but until the glaring issues are resolved, 50 Plat and a Mutagen are not an answer, merely a token of tribute.

    Quite, throwing out little distractions like this doesn't fix anything in the long run. It doesn't even have much of a short term benefit other than earning them praise from players with short attention spans.

    It's a bit like their focus on events lately, it may boost active player figures for a short time but the player retention issues are still there.

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