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Posts posted by Zi-Sui

  1. 10 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Hm, now I'm curious where you saw it advertised that every Titania you acquire
    uses a separate set of Razorwing weapons, rather than all sharing the same set.

    Nowhere, but I also saw nowhere a warning that you'd have to use same mod set for the exalted weapon of a second set of the frame you acquire even though the frame's mod sets are different. I call that misleading.


    Not a bug though, just a design decision.

    What would be so different between the two configs that you can't fit both on the same set of Polarities?

    A crappy design desicion. Who or what does it hurt to have separate mod sets for the copies of same exalted weapons except the coders maybe?

    What would be so different that I can't fit the same set of polarities you ask... Primed Expel Infested max rank. I intend to use that for the plague star boss next time but there's no reason for me to use it for Profit-Taker, is there? I suppose my concern is invalid if exalted weapons dont work on Profit-Taker shield phase anyways, havent tested, but if they work, it's a valid concern. I would had also opted out for Gunslinger instead of Pathogen Rounds to use heat instead of Gas on plague star boss, it worked pretty well the last time, but this time I must use Gas if unless I wanna spend the forma.

    Now that I look at it, you can fit Primed Expel Infested in a gas build yeah but not Gunslinger with those polarities.

    So who or what does it hurt if copies of the same exalted weapons had different mod sets like frames have? And I've been on the forums a lot but never saw this topic pop up, I didn't look at this section though.

  2. So I just bought another Titania because I wanted a different set of exalted weapons for spider boss, than for plague star boss, but the new Titania has the same exalted weapons as the old one. I mean the same mods and polarities and rank there. That doesn't sound right, and if it's working as intended it's deceptive advertisement or whatever you call it.

    I dont suppose anyone else has even noticed this bug but people might start since exalted weapons are a big bonus if you wanna solo the spider boss, so maybe look into it?

  3. Right now if you have a lot of loadout slots, it's quite a pain to rearrange them all to your liking. Quite a pain indeed, you have to redo each and every loadout slot from the beginning. Imagine being in my situation, MR 25 with 18/20 extra loadout slots bought and all of them in use. Having that many loadout slots, you'd really wish you could arrange them so you wouldn't have so much trouble finding stuff and reworking your loadouts, especially if you come back from a long break and forget it. And lets face it, that's what many high MR players face after they come from a break to check stuff like Fortuna, and need to create a new loadout for spider boss since it's a special encounter where you use different weapons than anywhere else if you wanna make the most out of it. It's good devs create content like that but you need to accommodate us with the QoL to support stuff like that.

    You need to try retain the higher level playerbase, and this would be a small but meaningful step there. My wish is to be able to add a button to move the loadout slot up and down in the loadouts list. Reason for that is the sheer number of loadouts, not even for every frame but for different encounters.

  4. I find the capacity to be enough when you forma 8-9 times, but pets having no melee weapon but sentinels having their own weapons is not good. Why do sentinels get special treatment? My friend formaed his sentinel weapon a lot just for the sake of it and made it strong enough to kill sortie enemies quickly with a riven, sweeper it was. That's on top of having a sentinel that can survive. Sure, sentinels dont get link mods but the moas do, moas win in everything except utility where smeeta and adarza shine most.

    It's totally unbalanced, and I'm not saying there shouldn't be a best utility and best damage and best survival and whatnot like there is, but make others more viable. Pets will still be melee attackers anyhow without fancy ranged weapons even if you give them their own weapons, so they already lose there. Sentinels except for helios and carrier should have better utility likewise.

    It's a good system but god there's room for improvement.

  5. It's a bit on the low side compared non-arbitrations missions. I can't solo arbitrations survival without Nekros since there's just not enough enemies to keep the life support up. Used all towers, killed enemies in 1-2 hits (it was the grineer), and still had to evacuate at 25 minute mark since life support was running at 10% and the next tower was 400+ meters away.

    Since arbitrations are supposed to be harder, how about upping the enemy count so that you could at least go to first C rotation or two? It would be a big QoL for those who are forced to solo sometimes. And I do active recruitment on my clan, just can't help the online times. You can solo normal survivals and sortie ones without Nekros so why not this?

  6. I disagree, it's nice to be able to be in arbitrations and reap the rewards without having to resort to voodoo tricks. One things I dont understand with you people: if you can breeze to level 1300 which I definitely cant and dont even want to since 2 hours is enough for me in one mission, what makes you think you would stop at higher levels? From where I stand you seem to use all the meta tricks in the book and then complain there's not enough challenge and want it nerfed because of that? Think about the players who are having a hard time with arbitrations as it is. If you add challenge that can only be done with certain setups you pigeonhole people even more than they already are, is that really necessary?

  7. Aim for shotgun? Ok, thanks for the tip. Don't have to come so hard on me for not knowing the function, maybe you should take a vacation or something if you're stressed enough to lash out at what you dont like seeing.

  8. Phage is an infested shotgun which shoots 6 beams to different directions. With 100% status build it might be one of the best status weapons in game and it has quite nice stats too, you can build for crit too.

    It has one major drawback however, especially for single target use: the beams just go in separate directions in a too big angle and have too short range. I think some melee weapons have bigger range when modded for range, but that's not the worst. The worst is you need to literally hug the enemy to make all beams hit one target, the spread is so big that having even one meter between you and the enemy can make some beams miss. That's less range than what melee weapons have!

    So my suggestion is to make the beam spread smaller, because right now you would have to be a moron to use Vicious Spread on Phage. And other shotguns, save for Astilla maybe, can positively benefit from that mod. Phage could be a very good weapon, but right now it falls below MK1-Braton in my book.

  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)annihil8decim8 said:

    How about players that try their best,but are just nowhere near as strong as high-level players ? I've forma'd and maxed every mod slot on my Hydroid Prime and Arca Plasmor,but sometimes I end up with 10% damage to another players 70%,even though I've been firing and using abilities non-stop.

    Look at the kill count unless it's a bossfight, then damage count starts to matter too. Not many things can compete with a plague zaw in damage done unless again it's a bossfight. Damage done is meaningless as long as you rack up the kills, if you want damage done pick an Opticor and enjoy your low kill count.

  10. One problem with real endgame is, not everyone will be able to beat it, because player skill levels are different. If you add real endgame you will see people complaining about how hard it is to beat and demanding nerfs. And the million dollar question is, are their claims less justified than yours?

    I realize there has been suggested moot rewards like cosmetics for it, but if you add any reward people want to get their hands on, there's gonna be nerf-demanders until it's easy enough.

  11. You'll get there.

    Pro tip: turn "public" on in upper left corner, then do a fissure with a relic. When mission ends, select anything that's not forma bp. If you fail that you either have reading comprehension problems or should do lottery if you ask chinese, because abnormally bad luck like getting only forma bp in public means to them a very good fortune.

  12. Well my Oberon is built for eidolons and arbitrations and I've not played him much so take my build with a grain of salt. I use the 1st ability augment to boost ally radiation damage and Phoenix Renewal augment to keep them alive. Around 170% strength 120% duration 130% efficiency and the rest range and Vitality. I could probably boost range with overextended but that'd make me lose a lot of Smite Infusion damage so probably ain't gonna do that.

  13. If you make forma build times less, then people are not gonna bother buying so many formas from the market. That's money off DE's pockets. And if you make people able to forma their stuff without leveling it up again people wouldn't buy affinity boosters so much, more money off DE's pockets. And I doubt the new customers would make up for it. The only difference would be that you'd get to fill your power fantasy faster and thus be bored with the game earlier. And that'd make more people leave the game.

    Plus I like formaing and leveling up stuff again, got a lot of frames and weapons formaed and gonna get them all formaed before I quit. I like how it increases the lifespan of the game.

  14. 29 minutes ago, LarryOtter said:

    Curently there is Not a reliable way to Farm legendary cores or specific Riven Mod Types (shotgun, melee, secondary, primary) 

    maybe you could buff the drop chances of These items if you would Spend fore example 500 void Fissuren on a sortie.

    just like in relics there are multiple types of buffing the chances that Costa more ore less. Fore example if you Wanzen a melee weapon mod it costs less and if you have a squad the chances increase Even more.

    what do you think

    I do not Wanzen. 500 FISSURES on a single sortie, bloody hell, are you all right?

    But seriously though, not a bad idea. It would incentivize the use of boosters since they affect void traces, so that's good for DE. And I suppose you ment void traces not fissures. 500 traces means 8-12 fissures with both resource boosters which is not that bad, especially if you run an endless fissure and stay there for a while, more traces from those.

  15. I agree with a lot of stuff OP said but calling your opposition elitists is a low blow, just because you disagree? I don't support universal vacuum because the most compelling comment I've heard for it is "95% of players use it".

    But lets not derail that any more than that shall we? Two changes in OP's list I consider the most important are giving pets their own weapons and getting rid of stasis mechanic. The only reasoning I've seen for stasis is lore, but you can rebut that with the advancement of technology in game and all the absurd stuff we do already: it doesn't even need to make sense lore-wise, and lets just say we finally acquired an old orokin blueprint for advanced instant stasis and made our own version of it. There. Not very original but does it need to be? Oh wait, we already have instant stasis so it'd just be automation of that process to loadouts. Don't see a need for lore for that.

    Then there's the matter of pet weapons. The more damage mods we get to pets, the more we need this. Right now there wouldn't be much of a choise for pet weapon modding but DE could take the lazy road and do what they did with sentinel weapons, to make pet weapons use melee mods. It would create a problem if you couldn't use the same melee mods simultaneously on your melee weapons, but that'd be the lesser of two evils for sure. And I'd be happy with getting it sooner than later.

  16. I do it the old-fashioned way, without Banshee or anything and still got a pretty good catch rate, actually 1/3 or 0/3 in 25% of cases, sometimes even 2/3. I guess I could proceed to cheese it until they nerf it, which might be quite soon now that you fools decided to post about it. There's already all kinds of cheeses for most stuff, making Warframe look like a supermarket cheese section, and forums the w(h)ine section. They go well together. My personal favourite is the smoked cheese sausage, too bad they're always out on that.

  17. My clanmate did sortie spies with Octavia, it works.

    As for Loki, one place I find switch teleport be useful is in a buggy defection like the dark sector one in Neptune, where you teleport the first squad member right before he's about to glitch and go down in the tileset. Wish they fixed that though so wouldn't have to resort to this whenever I help clanmates. 

  18. Vitality + Arcane Guardian makes you able to take a lot more hits no matter the frame, except maybe Ivara. And while I haven't experimented on doing the hardest orb Fortuna bounty and get max wanted level after that, so far Fortuna mobs hit way weaker than Cetus mobs, which I have tested extensively.

    I'm just glad tanks have more uses even though they're still pretty selfish frames and not necessary even for arbitrations. Tank frames don't help others survive except Gara and Trinity so they're selfish and not as useful for team play as you might think.

  19. Soloing ESO with Saryn I use Vazarin dash and Hunter Adrenaline and that covers all my energy needs. Maxed out Vitality and Arcane Guardian cover all survival needs. For stuff like boosting people in SO and Hydron I may opt out for Zenurik. Can't remember the modding choises but I have over 200% range 180% strength 100% efficiency and probably highly negative duration since I never found myself needing it. I guess you might want duration for survival runs but I bring Nekros to those anyway or maybe Oberon if it's arbitrations and my clanmate is Nekros so yeah.

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