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  1. Bumping this, still #*!%ing broken.
  2. I've been experiencing a consistent bug-(though I'm not sure if its something that happens with other Melee weapons yet, so I listed my exact weapon and skin)-where Melee Influence proc'ing will cause my Warframe to start holding the weapon upside-down in a reverse-grip-(attached below)-until the next Tennokai hit. This causes animations to look horribly janky and I hope this gets fixed immediately. https://imgur.com/a/3bHUK6i
  3. I was wondering where it was? I've been unable to find it or track it through old posts or anything, I wanted to cross-reference to see what the abilities that got in looked like in their original writing.
  4. Left Arm Attachment's do not properly update their position while in Appearance Settings and Hub-World Idle Animations, causing attachments to be displayed in an awkward position.
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