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About LepraSK

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  1. Can we have a proper fix, as a one year anniversary gift of reporting this bug?
  2. I am getting lots of host not found/offline messages after the update. Never before i needed to switch to other region, to be able invite someone for trade.
  3. It werks now. But had the same problem, noticed even the checking for updates in launcher took longer than usual.
  4. Encountered this genestamp that i can't pick up in Sneaky sabotage, didn't have problems with the others. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2268189945159623697/6E424B3A59B928049F0B2F4B915C5801000A4287/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
  5. I can already say, that Hollow Vein is a cancer and i hate them with a passion.
  6. Did some Bifrost Echo runs, and i failed only when i did the derelict ships before the capital ship. If i go straight to capital ship, the mission didn't failed.
  7. The missing agents bug is still there, five years later.
  8. Same here, 3080 with drivers from march. Venus fisher will have to wait.
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