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Posts posted by Deidaku

  1. Auction house or not

    I think we can ALL agree that sitting in the liset and spamming WTS/WTB all day is annoying AF

    We at least need to remove that aspect from trading. It's really a pain. When it first came out it was fine. BUt now the game has grown and so has the playerbase. 

    This system is obsolete and has to be reworked like the frames weapons, parkour etc. I

  2. Just now, Skycook3y said:

    The Graphics 

    Well all i can Say is too bad you're mising out , the graphics really don't represent how much fun this game is. It's  deeper than it looks , but I get why you're uninterested :)

  3. 1 hour ago, Skycook3y said:

    No I have not and I don't plan on doing so

    Why so? :)


    I'm actually curios on why you wouln't give it a spin.;


    It's likvehte DayZ like games except it actually works

  4. Hey guys ;

    SO when I'm ,not  playing warframe , most of the time I play unturned.


    For those of you who don't know what it is ; it's an open world survival zombie game (wait please don't leave it gets better), that's really really F2P , devellopped by an 18 yo canadian I think.  It's on steam , can be modded a lot , has a lot of active players and is a lot of fun with friends. + You don't need a beast PC to run it . The only microtransaction is a 5 € gold account upgrade , but it doesn't add insanely OP stuff or turn the game into a P2W fest , it's basically cosmetics and gold servers :)


    So have any of you tried it out and if so what was your favorite moment?



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