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Posts posted by z3us32610

  1. Yeah, doesn't the exilus weapon adapter cost like 2 or 3 forma? I have never built one, only bought the adapter because regular forma are far more valuable than an exilus adapter.

    Changing at least some of the requiem relics to have something different would be far better. I like riven transmuter, even more kuva, say 2400 would be nice.

    Can't really advocate the arcanes, however. They're eidolon rewards, outside of the time limited Scarlet Spear event. And the others have their place as well.

    Neat ideas though for new arcanes. Arbitrations is probably where something like that would go, either in the rotations or in the shop.

  2. Since I've hit MR 16, I've spent very little time actually pursuing mastery. The last several days I've played with a handful of weapons I've had built for months just because I was close to MR 27. 

    I love playing with different weapons, but that little "mastered" badge the game gives us once we've ranked it to level 30 is completely misleading. One can easily jump into ESO and never use the thing, leeching xp to "master" the weapon."

    Perhaps that mastered badge could be tied to kills with the weapon, rather than xp.

  3. I actually liked it when they knocked us down. Made it more interesting.

    Just like how I "hate" the drahk masters ganking my weapon and hanging back in the fight. Or scorpions spearing me and dragging me to them. Without these, battles would be really interesting.

    That's why I wish the Elite Shield Lancers still knocked me down.

    But as for AoE, I feel many of the "heavy" units should have AoE mitigation. This would still allow AoE to clear fodder but leave the heavies to a different tactic.

  4. On 2020-06-04 at 8:48 AM, FoxFX said:





      • Garuda can easily scale against enemies in both star chart and more difficult content in terms of damage output. [Dread Mirror] highlights this with the ability to gather points for her [Dread Heart] ability which becomes a big nuke the more you invest on it. Conditional it may be, it still can match up well.


      • Whether it is to create blood altars to stop one pesky enemy and to use them as a healing beacon or to temporarily make incoming attacks cause automatic bleed procs, Garuda can make for a decent teamplay Warframe. Her [Blood Altar] can make for a decent healing support, and her [Seeking Talons] can make defeating tougher enemies faster as long as they aren't status-immune or have diminishing returns.


      • Her 3rd ability really shines as a Warframe that doesn't really need efficiency or any sort of outside energy-gain that much. Sacrificing her health with [Bloodletting] to gain Energy is a relatively useful gimmick and [Blood Altar] allows a special cycle between themselves. Garuda has slight above-average base Energy and Armor. With the addition to Shield Gating, Garuda has a slight upgrade to her survivability.




      • I have seen players comment on how clunky she feels. I feel that this is generally about how some players perceive her to be: a specialized close-combat Warframe or a mid/long range caster Warframe. Almost all of the Warframe have their abilities/stats/theme highlight the favorable position you would want these Warframes to be in combat. With Garuda, 1/2 of her kit has Garuda move closer to the enemy while the other 1/2 are more so feel more favorable for mid/long range casting style. [Seeking Talons] can leave Garuda open to attacks and Void forbid that Garuda gets hit by a stray attack while mid-casting [Bloodletting]. [Dread Mirror] and [Blood Altar] offer some self-sustainability for Garuda but also assumes Garuda to be closer to her enemies for a melee style. It can be rather confusing at times.



    Garuda will have some changes to her innate Melee Weapon eventually, but I feel an ability suggestions should be discussed. For one, I think highlighting which position Garuda should be is the most important thing to look into for Garuda. There is also another optional idea I would like to convey.





      • Dread Mirror's Shield is instead a protective sphere around Garuda. This version has a shorter protective duration and a slightly lower damage absorption multiplier to [Dread Heart]. This version maintains its ability to approach enemies. The augment [Dread Ward] increases the sphere's duration if the enemy is killed by [Dread Mirror].

      • This Dread Barrier could even be a weaker version of Iron Skin if this makes some sense especially with the fact that Garuda sacrifices her health for power.


      • Dread Mirror maintains the same current mechanics EXCEPT in removing its ability to approach the enemy [turning this into a distant mid/long range ability], [Dread Mirror] allows the blood of the target enemy to slowly approach to Garuda granting her the frontal barrier and [Dread Heart] attack points as soon as it makes contact with her.

    So for this suggestion, I have thought about if people like how Garuda approaches enemies, why not make the protection from it less restrictive but shorter and weaker in terms of gathering points for [Dread Heart]. If people want the ability to be more mid/long range and keeping the frontal barrier, they would need to have the barrier and points for [Dread Heart] to come over to them.



    For each enemy bleeding with an active Slash proc within 30 meters from Garuda, Garuda gains points/sec per nearby bleeding enemy into her next [Dread Heart] attack. Garuda's melee Talons will also add X% of damage dealt into her [Dread Heart] attack.

    An optional idea simulating that enemies bleeding on Garuda empower her more as well as the enemies she rips apart with her melee Talons.



    • Do you feel that unintended healing can be disruptive to take some advantage of Garuda's passive?

    • Do you feel that Garuda's damage passive lingering is a decent idea?

    • Do you feel Garuda should be more close combat or more mid/long range caster?

    • What are your thoughts on Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge {I never touched on this because some have found this augment a bit useful with Landing-Archwing Guns}?

    • Do you like the idea of having the blood/gore of enemies empower Garuda [The Optional passive suggestion above]?

    • Would you like the idea of Bloodletting Augment : Blood Forge adding Shield and Overshield to Garuda now that there is Shield Gating in Warframes?

    [Next Critique Article will tackle Grendel]

    As a Garuda main, this is a very interesting article. You are right that her 3 and 4 seem to be mid/longe range vis a vis her 1 and 2. I feel a simple "fix" to this would be to buff the cast speed of her 4 even more. If the targeting reticle would expand faster, getting to max radius would not leave her exposed as long.

    As to your inquiries, i DEFINITELY find unintended healing to be very disruptive to my play style. I play her almost exclusively at 2 hp to maximize her damage output, so any unintended healing disrupts this objective.

    I personally feel her passive to be the best in the game. It creates the opportunity for a great risk vs reward play style, which I find extremely fun.

    I personally feel she should be more close range, mainly because her talons.

    I have never used her blood forge augment. I cannot justify sacrificing a mod slot for an effect I can almost universally get with the "reload while holstered" exilus mods.

    I find the optional passive to be very intriguing, although not as a swap. I firmly believe her current passive is the best in game right now.

    If her Blood Forge augment added shields and overshields instead of reloading magazines, I would find a spot to use it. This would be a MUCH better augment.


    Thank you for your post. It's nice to see someone taking some time to critique/analyze my favorite warframe!

  5. I run 100% range. I tried the 79% range build with max narrow minded and stretch and didn't seem to like it as much. However, Sonar with Resonance doesn't need much range since the range grows, centered on the enemy that recasts it when you hit them.

  6. For the past month or two, every survival I spawn in begins in lockdown. After I hack the initial terminal that every survival has, the doors turn orange and I have to hack the terminal one more time.

    Normally, after I hack the initial terminal, I run through the door and start hammering the enemies. But like I said, for the past month or two, every survival requires two terminal hacks to begin.

  7. I was just thinking about Energizing Dash being a waybound if only to free it up from Zenurik. Obviously this would be a powerful waybound to have. Fortunately, I'm a Garuda main, so I don't ever feel the need to run Zenurik (I mainly run Naramon). But when I am using ability intensive frames such as Mag or Volt, Zenurik allows me to forego an efficiency mod or two to beef up another stat.

  8. 10 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    You're right! It does take forever to cast anything. For some bizarre reason, the devs decided that pressing the button should cycle, while holding it will cast. This hold period to trigger the cast is awkwardly long, leading to abilities being cast at the completely wrong time. (I have distinct memories of trying to cast Ivara's arrows while aim gliding, and because of the delay for casting I would end up gliding too far away by the time it was cast, and then my arrow would end up in the totally wrong place!) Luckily, you're not the first to discover this weird choice, and the devs have added a way to change it in options. There is a setting under gameplay called "Invert cast/hold abilities" or something like that. If you turn this on, the ability will cycle with hold, and cast with press. It feels much, much better to do it this way. The only downside is that cycling is now slow. 

    Yeah I used this invert cast/hold abilities function as well. I just wish there was uniformity among all cast/hold abilities. I believe Khora is different than the others. I know Vauban, Ivara and Titania are the same. I can't remember if Grendel is like Khora or the rest (at least I believe Khora is one of the outliers).

    • Like 1
  9. I like OP suggestions about weapon specialization. The fact that a kuva nukor or bramma can do single target damage rivaling some of the best snipers in a ~10m area is broken and reduces choice. Pablo talked about it before the Catchmoon nerf. It would seem something similar is going to happen to those weapons as well.

    Instead, OP is suggesting that each weapon "category" specializes in certain enemy killing. Heavies getting damage mitigation against AoE is a very interesting proposition. Only direct hits will do full damage to these enemies, meaning there isn't one AoE weapon to rule them all.

    It would be interesting to hear what the Devs think about this, at least before the foreshadowed nerfs come.

  10. 7 hours ago, kgabor said:

    Guess i'm no one then.

    It's part of my regular everyday use build for Vectis Prime.

    There's no reason to have so much overkill damage for sortie levels anyways and Sharpshooter works pretty well with frames like Nova or Harrow.

    You can also change up Zenurik to another focus school that way, afaik. a maxed Madurai charged up in void mode should give more dps than that slot in case you're minmaxing, but i'm not one of those people spending 0-24 hours on the wiki and the Simulacrum, so i might be wrong.

    Yeah I use it too, but I was wondering what the arguments for and against it were. You've made good points both ways, although I would argue many of the syndicate augments do more than their syndicate effect. If Sharpshooter had a syndicate effect, then I wouldn't believe it needed to be an exilus mod.

    As far as mandatory, I'm not quite sure I would put it on all, since vigilante supplies and the recoil exilus mods are very good, especially the recoil. I don't necessarily think Sharpshooter way outclasses them. Perhaps DE thinks it does, and like you said, that's why they have elected to leave it out of the exilus pool.

  11. 8 hours ago, Strahdcrown said:

    So nightwave missions are forcing to play on railjack. Its not fun. Its terrible. No one interested. So annoying having to repair the stupid ship all the time. #*!% these mechanics. I dont give a #*!% for repairing. Its boring, retarded. Im playing this game for killing enemies. Not to be a house maid of a stupid ship!


    One of the most misused words on the forums.

    I think the definition for this word should be pinned to the top of every forum.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Having a "avoid as team-mate" feature is a good thing, though it can be exploitable. Overwatch had an issue with people "avoiding as team-mate" anyone who used heroes they didn't like, causing those individuals to have trouble with matchmaking. Blizzard's current implementation feels right to me. A single player can "Avoid as Team Mate" up to three people at a time, and for up to a week. I'd personally like that, myself.

    +1 for the Blizzard rule. 

  13. yeah, I completely agree. Garuda is very much a dps frame and letting her heal to some effect would give her SOMETHING to help with that. Obviously a percent of missing health would be way too strong, but if they can just make it a flat hp amount per second that would be better than the "too bad" they gave her.

    Please DE, allow her to do SOME healing of defensive objectives.

  14. I really like the Jupiter tile sets, with all the extra stuff in there. The only thing that bugs me about them is my companion sittin in the flame coming out of the wall til it dies. Or hanging right underneath the electricity til it dies. If it had some sense of self-preservation, it would help a lot.

    But that's not a Jupiter tile set problem, that's a companion AI problem.

    • Like 3
  15. Does anybody know if we can do this, and if so how? I just had some fun with mirage and the Basmu in a corpus kuva flood shooting gas clouds everywhere but they got so big that none of us could see anything. I tried altering the emissive and the energy colors of the Basmu and it didn't seem to affect the color (I only tried changing them to black, which the clouds seem to already be that color).

    Thanks for your input.

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