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Posts posted by CataReverb

  1. Pardon if another's asked this, Archwizard, but regarding your Nekros overhaul, would the passive be disabled while shadows is up, or would it nullify itself, since when shadows are up and something dies in your rework, you'd gain energy for the passive, then lose some when shadows makes another minion?  When Inaros was released, I thought through a similar rework for Nekros, but more in line with the game as it is than as it should be.  The only notable idea for consideration I had was that Nekros would have no Health or armor, but rather shields, more energy, and passive Quick Thinking effect at 300% and Equilibrium effect at 100% (that both red and blue orbs gave full value to energy.)  As the whole undead theme would fit that way.  I know it's stepping on Inaros's special health deal a bit, but I feel it's something that makes more sense for Nekros at the end of the day.

    Also, for Volt, I was considering an additional Passive, "Powerline" where movement on ziplines is increased incredible amounts.  Speed opt-ins last for the mission or until pickup, allowing a volt to seed a map in front of him.

    Whatever happens with Limbo, the objective should be to remove his ability to disrupt other players, and make him a proper insane extradimmensional gentleman thief parlour magician.  Probably, the only thing that could live in the void are warframes, so things caught in the rift between can be interacted upon by those on both sides (Warframes in the void and outside)

  2. When a frame gets as much hatred as Limbo, or to a lesser extent Ash/Hydroid, it's because a potential for interfering with others' play exists, and a careless player can make the game more frustrating for the rest of the team, intentional or not.  

    Limbo gets the most hatred in these sorts of situations because he interferes with others' play as his core mechanic.  

    Ash's bladestorm is fine on most days but when one locks an enemy whom becomes invulnerable to everyone but the Ash - (whether this is a client/host bug or not.)  He becomes a problem frame that can choke a survival mission to death, or make a defense mission unbearable when the Ash won't leave that last gunner alone that the team could easily kill in three seconds, and its taking what feels like minutes to kill an enemy.

    A very few players and a few guides don't change the problem with a frame, which isn't that players are misusing it, but the potential to misuse it is there, and it's impossible to not slip up and become another "that Limbo player" in a rando's eyes.  

    After watching last night's Devstream, and seeing these frames brought up, the problem has not gone away, but people have stopped voicing their distaste for him either in hope that he'll be fixed, or when it feel like DE is listening to the core criticisms of him, or that their frustration with people they see as trolls (who probably just slipped up, or didn't know better,) or have given up for their own health, does not mean the problem has gone away.  It means our throats are dry.

    When going over the reworks to Limbo and Ash's Bladestorm, please keep these problems in mind.

  3. Running a Heirachon - Pluto mission, had a group of three.  One person went right to extraction after the first [cryotic drill], the other two of us wanted to keep going, so the one on the [mission complete let's go home zone] left the mission.  Just after the second [cryotic drill] finished, the two of us got a mission complete as though the timer for the person who left finished, which wouldn't have started since there was only ever one person on the [mission complete let's go home zone].

    Also, this game needs to have more terminology.  "Extraction" in this bug report was too confusing of a term when I reread this to myself for the drills or mission complete zone.

  4. For bows, Dread or Rakta Cernos, since you probably have access to Dread first, that, plus also the R.Cernos has that annoying aoe that messes up stealth.  R.Cernos definitely does have its advantages.

    As for the Mutalist Cernos, however, it's more comparable to the torid, with less damage, smaller aoe, but quicker shots and more procs per second, but to get good use out of it, you're going to have to put a few forma into it, and even then it'll be kinda unimpressive.

  5. The problem with the graphics card isn't the GPU or your CPU RAM, but the GPU's RAM (though unlisted,) if that even is the problem.  It sounds like what is setting off the frame drop is the particle effects, which fallout 4 doesn't have much of, and are usually very taxing on Graphics card memory.

  6. It might help to not use (if you are using them)  Nezha, Maglev, Cunning Drift... they all reduce your ability to not slide off a platform.

    I retried this test just now, the wall you describe can be scaled by kicking up it (hold forward + jump)

  7. Win 10's been having a few problems recently, but I am unaffected.  It's either your GPU's age (GTX580's are kinda old, though it's a good chipset, I think its memory capacity is kinda lacking)

    Though I doubt so, it's possible there's another problem that you might have to deal with, such as spyware, overheating.

    With the graphical updates that we got in 18.5, things like that always happen.

  8. There was before melee 2.0 came out, and we got stances.  For the Arson Eximus fire ring, there's a few ways to kinda avoid it beyond blocking.

    1) cover, duck behind a wall or some boxes

    2) out-range it, I think it's about 35 meters or so(?).  If you're not too close then this is a good option.

    3) roll through it, you'll still take damage, but you won't be staggered and brained by a POWAHfi$$$$t.

    4) cast an ability just as it hits, same as above, you'll still take damage.

  9. Crit chance is:

    (weapon crit) * (1+crit bonus) when people say that argon scope is additive, they mean that it adds into the crit bonus.

    For Rakta Cernos with a procced argon scope this means:

    35 * (1+1.35) = 82.25% crit chance

    For Racta Cernos with a procced argon scope and point strike it is:

    35 * (1+1.50+1.35) = 134.75% crit chance, making it 34.75% red crit.

    By additive, they mean that it adds on to the bonus calculation, instead of multiplying it.  Maiming strike is a flat bonus, meaning that it isn't affected by anything else, which some people call additive, but doesn't describe how it works in the system.  If it were multiplicative, then crit would look like this:

    RC(PS) = 35*1.5= 52%                      RC(PS+AS) = 35*1.5*1.35 = 70.875

    or, RC(PS) = 35*2.5= 87.5%                      RC(PS+AS) = 35*2.5*2.35 = 205.625

    A fang with True Steel and Maiming Strike doing a slide attack (to trigger maiming strike) looks like this:

    5 * (1+0.60) +90 = 98%

    The term flat adjustment describes an increase unaffected by variables, like if you were making a bar graph, and you put a flat book underneath all of the bars, which raised them by the same value across the board.

  10. I disagree, the Capra demon was a chump in comparison to almost the entire rest of the game.  I don't see how anyone can have difficulty with that after the twin gargoyles (which I think you need to do for the key to the Burg, at least before you know tricks? idk, I only played that once)

    Most everything else... yeah.  Still, take away Fleeting Expertise and Blind Rage becomes untenable without EV, (which is another problem that perpetuates itself.) and powers become too precious and limited to use.  We need energy restores because of energy destroying auras. We need health restores because we can't do anything about toxic auras. I still don't see why this isn't as MANY have asked for, a temporary drain.

    Nullifiers can be fixed, probably reduce their shield reboot time and lower their spawn rate a bit to make them an instance of difficulty, not a phalanx of nope, maybe the thing people were talking about with most sniper bullets piercing or popping nullifiers (or make it a mod.)  Eximus in general can be fixed as well, but need a bit more than a few stat tweaks.

    See, people don't complain about the Comba and Scrambus because they don't mess with your vision (usually) and often allow a few abilities as options to use against them.  When you kill them, their effects are gone.  It's a situation that you react to, and you are not penalized for it merely spawn.  They are tough but not immortal without making you feel like your weapon is performing wrong, and rare enough that their appearance doesn't irritate, where a Bursa is "Ugh not this crap again," nullifiers are "more of these jerks" that you either feel lucky for bringing your bullet hose of choice, you're forced to bubble dive, or just avoid them if the mission doesn't require you to deal with them.

    Warframe is a game that is everchanging, but it's not quite fluid enough.  It's gotten all twisted up like the Gordian Knot, but we have too much investment in the fibers to afford it destruction.  People don't want to see that which is needed taken because the difficulty of the enemies likely won't reset if they do take away the most vital power bases that we have.  DE wants to add new challenges, then adds rewards for overcoming those, and new mechanics, but it gets a bit too much.

    On comments: the nullified explosions was a bug that they've mostly removed, I feel that, from a game perspective, it's good to not have an instant solution to nullifier bubbles that also works on everything else, but the effect of an explosion on the bubble should be greater.  Vauban doesn't have a strong enough throwing arm to really break the game.

  11. Is there any focus on bringing older, lesser used weapon categories onto par in either the new damage/mod system, or another weapon balancing push?  Machetes (which seem like they could be folded into a combined pool with swords) and dual daggers seem completely forgotten in a way that a new syndicate weapon version won't fix, and while scythes have good stances, there's really only one worth using...

    Also, Spear melee category for weapons like the Sydon and tipedo and more?

    Also also, can we get an item to remove (even if by destroying) lenses, in case we don't want a piece of gear to be polarized and take up capacity?  

  12. DESCRIPTION: Floating weapons

    Who: Drahk Trainers

    What: Weapons disarmed by their Halikar

    Where: Likely caused by an enemy launched by Simulor, or explosive, probably would happen if hit by bounce or a floating switch teleport



    Go to any planet with a grineer mission that spawns Drahk Trainers, use bounce or an explosive weapon (Talon might work best for reproduction purposes), and launch them as another player is hit by the hammer, right before the disarmed weapon spawns.  The weapon will be floating and out of reach.


  13. On Draco:

    (tl;dr: the problem isn’t Draco, it’s that there’s nothing with competitive affinity gains, and only excavation rivals it in key and core gains.  People grind because they must, and because they must, they Draco.)


    Draco's rewards aren’t too high, as much as there's nowhere else with rewards of affinity as good.  Spy vault and stealth rampage bonus exp is alright, but it's pitiful in comparison to what you get from a round in Draco.  What's worse is how bad the vault rewards are in comparison...


    On average in 2 rounds of spy (Oceanum I think is the highest level area) you'll get 2 bronze mods, an uncommon mod, one rare fusion core, a B-tier key, one rare mod, and a fusion core or ivara part, pitiful affinity gains (especially after the new system.)  

    In the same time on draco, you'll get more mods (from the kills alone, admittedly unimportant until you can melt them into fusion cores) five gold fusion cores, a ton more affinity.  This isn’t even getting in to the balance of factions...


    What it comes down to is fun and rewards.


    With regards to fun, the most fun parts of when I was going through the system maps were the random events that spawned, where suddenly instead of hacking four consoles for a spy mission, then it was suddenly eight, then it was suddenly a deception mission where I had to drop off the data mass with eight pips I worked so hard to recover.  When I'm farming focus in a deception mission, the random crossfires spoil the mission as I can't get stealth kills any more, at all.  


    When it comes down to farming for affinity that translates to tempering a formad or new weapon, it shouldn't be an ordeal that takes a week to complete.  When it comes to focus, it shouldn't be an ordeal that takes an hour to complete for a day, or require you to run one mission just to get it finished so you're not losing a potential new ability.


    The first thing that needs to be addressed is T4 keys being only available from interception and excavation.  I understand that they went there to push those two endless modes to be played moreover defense and survival.  Defense in particular needs more than just a change from a cryopod to an operative, I have an old concept to pillage for ideas here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/470278-defense-lore-lines-purpose-and-game-rewards/


    Survival could stand a similar revamp, maybe where you're occasionally asked to help the lone tenno operative by finding a control console and hacking it every few minutes for a bit of extra life support and increased rewards?


    What about adding another endless mode ... (maybe called Raid 2.0 or something) where there's a new objective type every time you complete one?  Exterminate this pack of 20 or so eximus units, then a spy vault unlocks behind a previously red door with nothing initially loaded there, which drops a data mass that you need for a Mobile Defense, or maybe if you're not up for that there's another way to get that data but the rewards are worse, (but do you need what might drop?)


    No matter what, there will always be one best answer to the daily grind for focus, people will find it.  You should never ask yourself first, “How do I nerf this to make the fields more equal,” before you ask yourself “are the gains here right,“ if they are, 15 minutes a day for focus (remember they still have sorties to go through as well that day,) a few dozen cores, and a key or two - a good amount, but not showered with rewards, then ask “How do I make other places more competitive for frequenting.”  Obviously having rarer rewards like spy’s status-elemental is a decent start, but once someone has those rewards there’s no reason to return.






    On CC and required mods:

    In higher end content, CC or half a frame’s mod slots (if it’s tanky enough to scale well with them) are needed to get through a mission alive.  There’s no getting around it.  


    The Razorback is impossible to solo with a 100% stealth built loki, as it has missiles that will hit you, even in stealth, for over 400 damage, knocking out shields and doing a fair amount of damage.  This is in essence the problem to both CC and frame mod requirements: unavoidable damage in the form of a toxic cloud, a fire blast with no cover, or having to stay in a position, and even a few stray bullets with slashproc even when you’re running at full speed.  You need the bulk and HP restoration or a good CC mode to keep yourself alive.  It’s why people either love or hate Valkyr, but either in unhealthy quantities.

  14. Specters cannot use Staticor.  Whenever one (Equinox Duality, Tenno operative, probably crafted specters) gets a staticor, they crouch, aim at the ground in front of them, and hammer fire whether or not there's an enemy near.

  15. Doesn't fit.

    Banshee works with more angular aesthetics.

    As with the Banshee Deluxe Skin, her features are more sharp than round and blockish. 


    Sometimes primes have a way of reversing angular/rounded aspects.

    Most rounded went to pointy when primed because it's a good way to make something look more intricate, though Ash, Frost and Rhino got more rounded... (Mag and excal just got some gold trim)

  16. #2 really needs to be changed (dimmed and slowed.)  I can't use this thing charged or I start feeling sick.


    #3 would kinda be hard, since there's technically four states of charged (1 ammo/uncharged, 2 ammo, 3 ammo, and 4 ammo) 

  17. Magnetic damage needs a rework.  It's pretty bad overall.  To make Mag more universal you'll have to make it's base element more universal.  Maybe a magnetic proc temporarily removes/reduces armor for a large chunk (as corrosive is permanent but smaller, but corrosive is also better across the board for damage bonuses)


    With all the discussion of monopole, perhaps a passive as:

    Dipole: When polarity is reversed,

    (In North polarity, or shifting to South polarity) shields restoration and armor is increased a bit

    (In South polarity) Proccing magnetic causes enemy shields/armor to explode (similar to shield polarize on what was procced on)


    I like your polarized passive, but I'd prefer it as a mod in a similar way as Warm Coat or Aviator.

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