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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. 2 of my friends and my girlfriend (and her brother) quit warframe after they beat Second Dream (some went a bit deeper). All of them say that this game is obviously a GRINDAN with no purpose and no real co-op play. They all loved the fast movement, design, art, bows (all of them including me like bows in Warframe) and mod system more or less. But they all say "nothing else to do here" and moved to another games. They don't buy GRIND or fashion as endgame and see no point to continue. 
    As for me - I just like to collect things and keep an eye on Warframe's progress but the main feature of the game "Horde shooting" is what I actually don't like, I'd prefer some daily bow missions like Spy or some kind of daily assassinations with well designed maps instead of randomly generated. Some challenge and nice co-op play.

  2. 20 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:


    There are things I both agree and disagree with in the post. 

    What I agree with : request to rework old frames and mods and mechanics.

    What i disagree with : telling DE how to do their job. 


    Well, may be the last one is a bit arrogant but I just suppose they don't really want to spend their time on balance or don't have that time at all. I just wish they did that thing or hired someone capable of doing it so there is no need to wait for it for a few years.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

    doesn't it bother you guys at all that a player can not even suggest some number changes without people rushing in to complain about dev costs and effort ect...?


    Hell yeah! The recent update made a very nice boost to the bows. They are still a lot weaker than meta weapons, but at least they are ok now + enjoyable. I don't think these tweaks made a hole in DE budget but made a very nice positive impact to the game. I am a fan of bows myself and enjoy seeing more people using it.

    If the same job was done to crappy mods to make them as good as "mandatory" ones - that would be a thing to actually invent builds (now we have 5-6 mods that are must be +2-3 of the small pool as a difference).

    And sooooo many good looking weapons that are even good at mechanics, need no rework but just have very low numbers that make them MR fodders. And DE has already put a lot of effort to create them. It makes me sad and sorry to DE themselves. Just add some crit- or status ability or boost raw damage of some non-crit, non-status weapons so they can compete with meta-guns by DPS and make the job done. Whatever numbers that will make them appealing.

  4. And his reworks.

    I wish he did just that for every unused frame.

    DE, you need more guys in your team check every weapon no one cares about, and every unused mod, make parkour even more pleasant, make archwing great at last, make opening chests and lockers important on different planets and missions - there is plenty of things to do even without huge expenses, things you've put so much effort to create in past and just abandon them all, , like all these firearms that are not used most of the time ONLY because of numbers. Buff of rethink the numbers on these weapons. Or take a look at the numbers in the least used mods and up them to the level they start being used as the top mods like multi shots, 60/60s, crit/dmg, hunter mumu, meme strike, a few more and rivens with 1/5 useful stats. 
    Take a look at old mods like Status chance +15% - come on! buff it, rework it or clean it up completely (melt all to endo).

    You guys have a lot of job to do, get more people if you are tired of it yourself, do the new thing instead that inspires you and hire a team of people who make lots of the stuff you already created viable instead of you, warframe can become so much better just with this. get some more good people to help you, time to grow.

    • Like 2
  5. All I wish to be changed is whatever way to avoid loading screens. Hell with this Dojo thing, allow manual trade in chats, that's it. Or do whatever else to make the exchange fast and easy as GIFTs. I need it as a buyer, not a seller ffs. Sometimes I just want to buy prime parts for ducats because I am lazy and Baro is a busy guy. But if there isn't a guy on the marker with at least 10 pieces I won't even bother. I want to spend plat, but flying to dojo or waiting for a few guys for every trade to load is megafun..

    • Like 2
  6.  Would be so nice to have some option for this mod to work in multiplayer instantly as you fall (like solo mode).

    When you have a maxed primed regen you don't really want to wait the whole bleed out timer and only then have sentinel to revive you. You just want, you know, go faster and not lose any affinity and at the same time you don't want to slow down the others.

  7. Jeez, I was about to start the same topic right now. 

    Bump, whatever OP says.


    I have around 1k+ relics that I will never open even if I won't upgrade them. And they keep coming. I'd rather dissolve most of them for traces and play relic missions much more often.

  8. I just wish it was by default as it is now for everyone who thinks it is perfect right now. But to have an option to have it active only if you hold "action" or hold "jump" or just to be able to turn off that thing at all. May be it was needed long ago, but it just slows me down if it happens.

    • Like 3
  9. Hey, there, lone Tenno operatives and Digital Extremes.

    1 year+ Tenno waiting for the melee rework since the first week of playing and here is a list of things I and a few of my friends and other Tenno I've met discussed during this year about melee:


    1. Movement during combo, when you can't control precisely where you move and find yourself swinging  the sword while enemy is already behind you.

    2. Charged attacks: first of all - why the hell normal hit and then charge? Can it be just quick tap or hold to charge (just like a bow, what's the problem?), And the second one - it should be something strong and awesome (i.e. like an arrow ragdolling a target and send it fly and hit whoever is on it's way).

    3. Channeling - it could be still useful if it drained shields or hp instead, kind of sacrifice for damage boost (I'd say any regular bows, thrown secondaries, aka cold weapons - should share this).

    4. Combo counter vs multishot and high crit chance:

    Ranged weapons have their max potential from the first (second if bladed rounds/argon scope etc) shot

    While melee can't reach it until combo counter reaches some number of hits.

    Melee has too many mods to build for crit or status while ranged can fit a hybrid build in 8 slots.

    5. Slam attacks - they have to be affected by reach mods. And why not proc heavy impact/rhino passive?

    More effects and interesting mods for slam attacks (+status chance, +effect proc on slam attack, etc), they are cool.

    6. Combo swinging while in the air (I know this is said to be in melee 3.0, just to say it is good)

    7. Unified combos as followed:

    E,E,E,E,E... - fast wide combo to many targets in front of you and/or around while standing in place

    >+(E,E,E,E)... - holding forward - a more targeted combo to catch up and follow the target

    Block+(E,E,E,E...) - powerful but slower aoe combo while holding your position

    Block+>+(E,E,E,E...) - powerful slower swings while catching up with a target



  10. Would be so awesome to create our own levels out of those amazing tilesets and then see who makes the most popular one. 

    That's how a few standalone games were born (like dota) and warframe has such an awesome potential...

  11. I like the idea, but I'd also like the bubble to shut down buffs while inside but not remove it (it's just annoying). I'd be ok with any boost of Nullifiers like range of bubble, health pool and heavier damage of the unit itself but just so it doesn't remove every buff completely.

  12.  I think most people will agree with me that the most annoying part of these bubbles is that you need to recast buffs after touching it. This is just beyond annoying, this is not a challenge but just a frustration. 
     My suggestion: when inside bubble - buffs are "paused" but stay and their effects return as soon as you leave the bubble. You can increase the bubble range in return, make it harder to destroy or buff the unit itself (armor, lots of hp or damage, whatever) in return.

  13.  I think most people will agree with me that the most annoying part of these bubbles is that you need to recast buffs after touching it. This is just beyond annoying, this is not a challenge but just a frustration. 
     My suggestion: when inside bubble - buffs are "paused" but stay and their effects return as soon as you leave the bubble. You can increase the bubble range in return, make it harder to destroy or buff the unit itself (armor, lots of hp or damage, whatever) in return.

  14. The best I read in this topic is to make slight changes in event to solve the problem:
    1. Let the reward 50 pearls stay as it is.
    2a. Each enemy killed gives an additional pearl.


    2b. X enemies kills ends the match.

    For now even AFK is damn annoying, I dropped after one ball for 500 pearls, may be I will find patience to farm captura for 1k in a few days, may be, I mean I want it, but this is no fun as it is. (fun was just dog days 1 to 4) 

  15. On 2019-08-04 at 4:40 PM, Somi_xD said:

    Basically agree - the only Containers i love to open are those in the Void, to at least get some Mods - or finding those super Rare Containers.

    But there is this big problem in Warframe, that is 90% of the Items and the Ingame Currency have little to no Worth.
    What do you wanna put in?
    They could turn up the Credits, from 1000 - 100.000 possible credits obtainable.
    Resources are Irrelevant, since you get them better by killing enemies.
    Mods, similar to resources, but because you only need one or two of each mod.

    There aren't that many items worth getting and having a fitting value to be obtained from lockers or containers etc.

    100k credits is a good one, Endo, Kuva, More mods on different planets, cosmetics, relics whatever makes it worth slow down and open or even have MASTER THIEF on from time to time (or PRIMED MASTER THIEF :D)

    Right now Lockers and chests look like ~5 years outdated and abandoned by DE.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Avienas said:

    Honestly lockers are really just out-dated at this point, same with ayatan stars not being vaccumable since they both act as distractions to what the game mostly fits these days, being insanely mobile to get thru a mission fast & being the equilvency of a switch army knife with each knife being a way to take out many enemies at once or something along those lines. Just like how people get peeved over those grineer doors that magnetic screw you by draining all your energy with a magnetic proc, which atleast has an excuse to get in your way of reaching the main objective, not a completely unrelated side distraction. The only real reasons lockers exist is cause of some likely unlisted value on having higher odds to get ayatan stars or rare resources from them or just a semi-easy way to get life support capsules in survival, when most mid-level players already mastered the art of mass blending enemies at break neck speed.

    The only other reason why lockers exist is the secret cache ones, which are easily marked by a item box, which regular ones aren`t. Plus honestly, buffing the loot you get from lockers would have to be 5x or even 10x more potent to match/exceed the kind of rates we get thru regular enemy-genocide parades in defense/survival based missions, just to give us a actual reason to open them, which loses its reason once we are sitting on a pile of them and if we need more we can just keep killing enemies instead.

    TL;DR: Just make lockers a destructible object instead so we end up just breaking them by accident and the loot just gets vacuumed up, since without a proper & valid reason to open them, and im not taking about ayatan stars, they have not much reason for existing in warframe in its current state.



  17. 2 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    Ayatan Stars, plus you'll want to open everything on non-endless runs as chests/lockers provide the most resources, overall.

    It just needs more and better scaling on higher lvls, if it was at least ok - people would open them more willingly, don't u agree?

  18. Even when I just started playing (mid 2018) - I opened every chest and every locker. It was fun solo and exciting. But even then very quickly the need for it disappeared. The reward does not compensate the time spent on it. And if most barrels and chests are opened on the run by random aoe - most people don't care. And the lockers stay closed 99% of the time.

    Would be nice to  have some granted rewards from every locker and some rare stuff coming from lockers only.
    Same but a little less for the "barrels" - just less than for lockers but more different than what you get from enemies around.

    P.S."May be create some new concept about lockers in this looter-shooter? may be some daily like treasure hunt in the lockers from Maroo? She is kinda lonely there at her market place and not evolving"

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