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Posts posted by Scar.brother.help.me

  1. Hello, DE!

    There is an option "prefer overlay map" - this is a good one, could we have the same for the Sprint, so we don't have to tap it at the start of every mission?


    As well as there are issues:

    - you need to tap sprint again every time you fall (can't it just remain on?)

    - map goes to the corner every time you enter extraction or die in Index (could we have our chosen option stay until we press the map key ourselves?)


    Is it intended or not but it is annoying for sure (though it is a habbit already, an unnesessary habit to press a few dedicated buttons here and there)


    P.S: I'd prefer Ivara to require tapping 3 again to cancel Prowl and start sprinting automaticaly than press sprint every time after you exit Prowl by any other way (sliding, bullet jumping) 

  2. DEIbegU.png

    We have so many mew exilus mods which are fun but no way can replace some important ones in any build. But for the sake of space ninjas it would be grate to choose your move style  (wall latching, high double jumping, long aim gliding, running faster, having mo radars, whatever matches your playstyle).


    Edit: just keep the capacity as it is. And let it be unlocked by exilus adapters each.

    • Like 2
  3. On 2019-07-22 at 10:56 AM, Olphalarepth said:

    1 - You are trying to convince the wrong people. Us not devs

    2 - Wrong section

    3 - Devs already said no to extra mods slots, ESPECIALLY for augment one. I don't remember which devstream it was but they were asked an opinion about what you are discussing here and they replied with an unmistakable "not going to happen". The reason being that extra slots would allow too many options at the same time.


    Before you post "but devs can change minds, they did with the vacuum issue!", true, they did. Go change their mind in the right section as they don't read this one. You can pay at the counter on your way out, glad I could help

    Thank you. I am a bit new to forum, what section DE reads? 

  4. To whoever says OP - this is just for exilus/augmentation slots, even if u can put all 3 Drifts there - you will just make your little perfectionist

     inside a bit happy, just a bit  more numbers, not OP. I look more forward to a feu augmentations for interesting builds and most of all - space ninja stuff - Aero, Patagium, Mobilize, etc

  5. If it was just some new appearing alt-missions like Nightmare missions appear when you clear all nodes of the planet - why not? Who suffers?

    This could work out and might give some reason to play warframe when everything is farmed and complete.  This si what ppl do when they beat Dark Souls - they stay for pvp for a lot more in the game.

    • Like 1
  6. I've had the same thing yesterday. One guy was on the floor in survival for at least 20 minutes, not a single drone. We left at minute 60 without revivaling this guy.

    The same thing happened to me right after, me and another guy were on the floor for 15+ minutes and only then drones started to spawn veeeeery slowly. It took our team mates about 5 min to revive one, and about the same to revive me.

  7. On 2018-09-12 at 12:09 PM, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    The option to cycle tracks would definitely be a nice addition since even the nicest tracks can get really boring on anything that lasts more than 2-3 minutes, I avoid using her on missions unless I'm soloing for that reason only

    you can be muted by others of course but I doubt this is what this warframe is created for
    just wanted to bump this topic

    P.S: "DE, please, let us choose saved tracks during missions, really, at least this"

  8. Anything that would let switching tracks inside mission, if not a rework, i am ok to sacrifice a slot just for this, because no matter how good the melody is - you get tired of it after a few minutes, and Octavia is supposed to be FUN and make grinding more relaxing, not make it even more annoying with the same melody over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (WAVE 20 - would you extract now, Tenno, or suffer 5 more waves?)

  9. Good day, kind people!
    I've read about 20+ topics on Octavia suggestions so far and wanted to point out main suggestions, that people ask the most and, hopefully we can see it in the nearest future:

    1. longer mandachord track (x4?)

    2. change tracks during the mission.

    The best option people suggest, in my opinion, is all 3 skills toggles, like Ivara's quiver. Something like this:

    - you choose 4 specific tracks in your arsenal: A, B, C, D (alpha, beta, gamma, whatever)
    - when u tap skill 1 (mallet) - u choose one of four percussions
    - when u hold skill 1 - u activate it
    - same with 2 and 3 (4 different bass lines and melodies)

    reason: Octavia is fun at long farm, but even best melody becomes annoying after wave/minute 10-15..

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