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Posts posted by drMightyPotato

  1. I dissagre with your suggestion cause of one detail: As an enemy type Nullifiers are a decent design of a enemy that forces you to stop and engage it in a different way.

    Whats NOT good with their design is the Lanka they wield as that weapon scales so well that by later levels it can mostly oneshot everything. Remove the damage and you get what nulifiers should have been from the start: a new approach to a new enemy without the fear that when you leave you precious protection you head will explode.

  2. Ello people of the Warframe universe.


    If you read here, https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/392168-spy-20-preview/, about the new spy missions then we can all surely say that DE will change our old spy missions into something thats quite nice and fun to play with.


    After reading trough the whole thing something struck me. As much as i love what they are gonna do to the new spy missions i somehow feel like the whole thing will fall down the drain simply cause of the fact that about 90% of the community will just grab ash or loki, go invisible and then proceed to tie down corpus/grinner shoes together, put bananas instead of bullets in their guns or just make plain old mayhem before leasurly strolling trough the whole game mode.

    Here is how most will do it: First mission try to sneak it trough, then the second one  just take Loki with max duration build and craft some hacking helpers cause the whole thing will be too much of a bother after probably the 3rd time of doing it.


    As much as i love your work DE (no, realy, i do, this is the only game that is on my regular playing hours for 2 years now) but you are gonna have to do something about the fact that people are, very quickly i might add, gonna get bored and annoyed. Im also very sure someone will quickly start whinnig on the foums about the game mode being boring/hard/add-word-of-choice.


    Give us Spy 2.0 but be ready and be prepared. Cause i dont want it to end up like rescue 2.0 where the forums turned into a whine dump. :/

  3. Was male ember ever in the game? I thought that she was initially planned as male but got switched to female before she was added to the game. 

    Ember was actually male for a while, but then they dumped the idea and made him into a her. I think they called him Blaze back then.

  4. Secondary fire is used for the Quanta family and the Panthera, all four of which have zoom disabled for no reason.

    But Buzzlok has zoom, however when zoomed your only option is the tracer round. For all of those weapons sakes we need the secondary option fixed and aim down sigths added if needed.

  5. Evening

    Recently i have been diging trough the control customisation in the options of the game and i have noticed that we have the secondary fire button option to set up.

    I set the button and happly dusted off my buzzlok to test it out. 

    As it stands out the only thing the secondary fire button does is shake the screen and by talking to some clanmates i found out that its only working with panthera.

    Please DE can ya fix it. It would make so many other guns with secondary fire far, FAR more fun to play.

  6. Glave as it is is a decent weapon, Glave prime on the other hand is in a need of a serious buff.


    I just cant help but comment on how my original ''glave buff'' post was shut down in a matter of minutes while this one has positive respones >_>

    this forum has it in for me *puts tin foil cap*

  7. Ive been using Glaive Prime for a very long time.


    As in some 60% use time (whatever that means, but with some 1700 hours in WF i think that means alot) over 40m XP earned on it and some 32k kills.


    And i think its fine.



    1) Don't use melee mode with it

    2) Don't slash with it, throw it

    3) Use power throw and whirlwind to grind through enemies

    4) Bounces are your friend if you miss, they tend to home to nearest enemy (not always)

    5) Last bounce/channel explosion do massive damage.


    Glaive itself is fine, deal nice damage. Prime problem is that it only upgrade flight speed. It could ramp damage a bit. Anyway its not weapon for anyone, I prefer kestrel the room ragdoller over glaive, but its okay weapon for nekros.



    Nice idea. Although i will never use Glaive Prime for anything but throwing but that's just me.

    This is essencially the issue. While glave/glave prime are quite good as thrown weapons as far as other things the weapons falls flat at everything else. I like both functions of the weapon but one of those functions is quite good while the other is practicly shoting oneself in the foot. We were given a stance and stats for melee, at least finish the job properly and give us a functional weapon with two options to play with not just one and a half what we have now.

  8. For a weapon thats rather hard to get (even harder if you are not favored by RNGsus) this weapon is weak, weak, weak.

    I have used glave prime for a long time, i have the stance i try to use combos but alas the only good thing about that weapon is the throw damage and that gets boring quite fast.


     The problems:

    a) pathetic damage; fully modded and with a stance it takes more than one swing to down a corrupted t1 corpus unless you proc a lucky crit. The damage should be buffed big time cause as it is now its practicly overshadowed by a skana (even worse tho cause at least a skana can be quite strong with good mods and crimson dervish)


    b) throwing animation; it deals good damage, but unless modded for it throwing it in a pack of enemies expecting a limb rain most of them arent even hit by it. Question: why do i have to mod a glave/glave prime with mods to make it do the same thing its counterpart can do in Dark Sector (even more of a joke considering that in DS the thing is so powerful it can be used from start to end with little difference with the aftertouch being the icing on the cake)


    c) weird stance hitbox and lack of actual hitting; the problem here is that the attacks are slow as heck (its a light weapon, go figure >_>) the combo window is not only difficult to manage but even if you hit the enemy with the combo it takes so long to do those flashy  (but cool looking) attacks that most of enemies are already far away from its range and are counterattacking. Furthermore the enemies sometimes avoid the whole damn thing with just a simple sidestep (there is a combo part in the stance that throws the glave all around the wielder and yet the enemies that run behind you dont get hit by it (the combo takes too damn long to execute)).


    All in all the weapon is very underwhelming, unless you like the constant throwing, something im not a fan of in this game.


    Suggested fixes:

    1: increase the damage... by ALOT, the weapon with max damage mods has barely 150 slash damage while my dakra prime has 250 with the same mods. It has 10% status and 5% crit chance so looking at ALL the stats its pathetic compared to most of the melee weapons in the game.

    2: remove the bounces (or at least give us the aftertouch >_>) or reduce their ammount to two bounces per throw and remove the quick return mod. 

    3: increase the attack speed for the stance and improve the hitbox or change the attacks to not give such a wide oppening to the enemies to turn you into swiss chesse by the time you are done with the first combo.


    Thank you for your time.



  9. Then explain to me why I do just fine without it?

    I regularly use tigrus, sybaris, grinlock, lanka, braton prime. supra, vasto, lex prime, akstilettos etc and never touch pure dmg mods unless I'm going for hour-ish survivals. Most of those weapons are neither OP or UP.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm behind a removal or rework of these mods and any balances that come with it in terms of enemies and that, but really very few weapons require serration for even high level play.

    honestly utill i saw your post ive never had considered NOT using serration but after ive read it i told myself i would try. However my pc is on repair and tablet isa poor medium to play warframe so now im just lurking around. The main two issues are twofold the way i see it a) as someone said those mods maki it hard to balance the game itself and b) the community itself is like that that it would much rather call you a scrub for NOT using serration and playing endless missions than accept the fact that different people play different things.

    I could go on and on actually about but the bottom line is that the community itself is making serration a staple by min-maxing every damn thing in the game to a point where if you are not using cookie cutter builds you are a noob not worth anyones time let alone taking to a mission. There is a problem with serration and the like but weather its such a problem id say it is since everyone is acting like DE will chop their arm off for no reason ,apparently, without anything to replace that arm with without them even considering that DE will make changes about it while on the other hand more than half of comunity, more than 90% actaully uses serration in ALL builds.

    Like i said ill give your idea a try but that does not change the fact that serration, even tho i use it myself, is not welcome in this game imo.

  10. If people think that seration is not a mandatory mod they may not be playing the same game. Every damn weapon i own has one form of "serration" or another. Face if you are going to any mission past Earth you WILL take serraton one way or another simply cause you will hardly do any dammage with about 90% of the weapons we currently have.

    Besides if serration is going to. Be removed more than just weapons but every enemy and skill will have to be balanced and its something im personally looking forward to.

    And using 40+ mins as an argument against removing serration is a moot point since a) rewards just reset after a certain period and b) DE had to put such stupid scaling because people were acting like spoiled brats.

  11. I can just say 1 thing. Don't compare one game with another, it's very subjective...

    I played DARK SOULS 2 and it sucks really hard. 

    You have the tools in Warframe to be fast enough, if you can't, then it's not your game. 

    Being fast and being agile are two different things. I can put max spring and max stamina on Loki and run trough a level in a minute. But that wont help you a bit in warframe as enemies can still hit you weather you wall run, roll, flip or slide. Matter of fact i do all these things in every match, without any speed boost on my Ash, and STILL get knocked down to half health simply cause there is not way to avoid it.

  12. DS2 is so easy its not even funny. You wanna see hard? go play the first DS. As much as I do love reading peoples opinions... still TL;DR.... and for the cause of how long playing, to difficulty ratio, this game is easy. it comes in simple steps like... 

    1. Do the easy as pie tutorial. 

    2. FIND A ACTIVE CLAN! Wether in game OR on the forums! 

    3. Play the game with them! chances are, if not a new clan, they will even boost you and teach you!

    4. Learn and grow with/from YOUR experience

    5. HAVE FUN! < Main Rule

    This is one of the EASIEST! mmo's I have EVER played and there have been a fair few.... but i still cannot press on how easy it is here compared with others....


    1. played the tutorial, it was easy as pie.

    2. im in an active clan but im mostly a solo player, with the right equipment im good to go solo in t4survival for a decent period of time and im fine with that.

    3. As said, im personally a solo players, i do like clan runs tho, sometimes having someone to help is oh so nice ^^

    4. read above.

    5. Having fun as long as TrollNG does not slap me >_>

    Ive played tons of mmos as well and this is the only one ive played thus far that actively kicks you in the nuts no matter what you do. Sure its not the hardest, but ill be damn if i called it easy.

  13. For the past 2 months i have started playing Dark Souls 2 and lemme tell you i have struggled big time. The game is HARD if you are new to it, in fact its so hard that i had died more than 20 times in 2 hours of play. However i have kept to it and in a week i was able to dodge mostly everything and snipe things with ease with the bow or, in most cases, slash at stuff with the sword. I had fun, loads of it. The game itself is quite rewarding as far as emotional rewards go. However i kept loging back to Warframe on occasion to pick up log in reward or put some stuff in the foundry oven to bake.


    However ive gotten a bit burned out of it all since i played DS2 nonstop for a while and thought that i should get back to Warframe for a bit. Dear god... the revives. I wasted about 8 revives that day. Not on high level things mind you. But the mid tier ones (lvl 15-25) and ive been playing for over a year now. I was more than surprised by difficulty of warframe after that. And then i started to notice WHY.


    First of - there are no invincibility frames during dodge roll. Even with the recent update most of the mobs still hit you even during the roll animation. They dont hit you as much but only one bleed proc is neccesary at higher levels to be potentialy lethal. Furthermore dodging is still, imo, slow as a snail considering the pace of the game.


    Secondly - melee system is still in its infancy. As much as id like that my melee one shots everything like in the trailers i can just slap on my corrosive projection and with 3 more players wreck stuff way into t4 survival missions. But that doesnt change the fact that melee needs ALOT more to be the ''sword alone'' that we were promised. Like for example: we still cant use a melee attack while dodgeing; something that would, more often than not, save our kesters.


    Thirdly - Fast paced game with enemies that can deliver extreme ammount of punishment vs rather slow and imo poorly equiped tenno. Dark Souls 2 had something i thought was just a lie when people told me: equality in the world. Its not perfect, but granted everything that is done to you can be countered and vice versa. In Warframe tho, well, its not exactly so. For starters we are fighting a insane ammount of enemies  while in Dark Souls more than 3 is already a issue but in dark souls you can ensure, with propper stamina management, that you can always slip in a attack or two while staying healthy while in warframe you can only do the same with a gun and even then you cant dodge everything unless there is a nice solid wall and you have a health saver. 

    Next there is the enemy scaling. Granted both games have their version, but while in DS2 its scaling per player level in Warframe its an entire different story and i would not like to talk about it in detail. I will mention tho that some enemies scale to insane proportions as far as, example, damage is concerned (those that have been hit by a lvl 40+ nully lanka know what i mean) while others are managable. 

    Then comes the equipment. Both games are vastly different i know, but while in DS2 your equipment is more or less always good to go (even if its not you can compensate with skill, in Warframe its a different story, but more on it later), in Warframe you are so deppendant on mods that even top tier weapons cant keep up without them. With enemy scaling at higher levels one can say that ANY unmoded weapon at ANY tier CAN NOT get you trough the star map, unless you are carried. 

    Yes i get it thats why you can get the mods with a few hours of grinding but guess what, not all are lucky. As an example i can say that i was rank 10 when i first aquired Hells Chamber (Shotgun Multishot mod) and that was after month of grinding. Untill then my shotguns were more or less useless unless they were top tier. All the while in DS2 a simple Mace can last you hours into the game AND still rip some hide. 

    And thats only half of what Tenno are! There are also skills. And while some frames dominate at all levels (Nova, Loki just to name some of the best) some frames fall flat with only, perhaps, one utility skill in all (exalibur as the most glaring example) in game where enemies scale way past the damage skills provide. The plus side of the skills is that the enemies have a elemental weakness and ressistance so a propper tool for the right job, eh. Well in DS2 its a bit different. Your dodge is effective at ALL stages of the game, and your skills scale with your stats so well that you will never feel like they are obsolete. Some of them, sure, dont scale as well but those that cout do. And if all else fails you can always pick up your weapon of choice and with propper timing survive even the hardest of foes.

    Then there is the equipment of the tenno. You know, the health/ammo/energy restore pads, the orbs... well thats it actually. We have so little to use to help us with the combat that sometimes i feel like like im not in the future at all. The red orbs fill only about 25hp, the energy orbs are few and far between unless you have a room clearer and desecrate and the pads, altho usefull hardly ensure your survival considering you have to jump all around to prevent your head from rolling at your feet.

    In DS2 you have: difficulty increase items, several forms of healing, despells, bombs, revives (in the form of full health restoration, in the game you cant exactly die, but when you do suffer a defeat you lose a percent of your health up to 50% and there is an item that returns that to full 100% health), buffs, debuffs etc (there are quite a lot of items). And thats all in the past. Warframe is, as far as we know, hundreds of years in the future. All we have are bare bones compared to some games out there, hell even fps games give us more to combat enemies with. Granted we have spectres but god knows how many times ive cursed their existance -_-' .


    I hope that DE keeps improving frames and weapons as well as game mechanics themselves where one day we will relly more on our skills (there is a certain degree of skill involved but not to a extent where is actually needed unless you play extremely high level content) than using op weapons and frames to get us trough the levels (its quite shocking where some frames can roflstomp trough nearly all levels and some are usefull only on low level content)




    All in all im now playing Warframe actively again and have deleted DS2 from my pc once i had my fill of it (once you figure out the mechanics the game becomes quite simple). But there is still that feeling that Warframe, considering the mechanics and what it gives to the player to use, is hard... Suprisingly so. Its fun, its engaging (unless a bug slaps you in the face) and its enjoyable (NOT counting the TrollNG) but it is, in fact a hard game to play: you must always, at all times, be active in your movement and inteligent about it (god forbid if you make a mistake and roll into a groundslam)  and you must use what precious little of your equipment that you have to the best of your abilites to make do with all the shortcommings of using a mag vs grineer (example).


    ps. im under severe stress lately and there are probably grammar errors and for that i appologize, also i am not native english speaker so there is that >_>

  14. Not hungover but i ended up entering new year by figuratively stepping on a bear trap rigged with c4 that springs a barbed wire all the while there are 4 brats throwing legos at me.

    Not a happy start to a new year, and all that without a sip of any alcohol drink.

  15. I think most people know what I'm talking about. Everyone is tiny in archwing missions... I think de is working on it but I'm not entirely sure. Also, please buff archwing guns because melee are just too powerful at the moment. I think if you guys fix the scale, guns will become more useful (larger enemies). But Until then.. :P

    Funny thing about gun to melee comparison, personaly the way guns and melee go in archwing is exactly what de should make for the rest of thr game. Long range you are more safe and hqve more time to dodge and avoid while melee is stronger but you cna hqrdly dodge. Also we need that death dash mechanic in normal game, not as automatic but similar.

  16. To me it would suggest that we are using different type of bullets but then i look at the rifle ammo and then warframe magic hits me in the face. Imo there was never a need for such a split in damage in the first place. 

    Yes i was here for the damage 1.0 and yes it was a bad system but then again this one overcomplicates things for nothing.

  17. Ive reported the issue in the bug section, ive also commented in a thread in another bug section and 2 updates and about 3 hotfixes later i still cant use my inventory. 

    Cant sell weapons, cant sell warframes, cant sell oberon parts or anything. Aside from this i also contacted miss Megan and will submit a support ticket.

    Im just using this way to let DE know that since about thuesday morning, or monday evening i dont remember correctly now i cant use my inventory at all

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