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Posts posted by Camberwell

  1. Firstly I really like her and enjoy playing her, thanks DE

    I think it would be cool to mark blood alters on the mini map for team mates to see were they are and heal themselvs if necessary. Garuda's symbol maybe

    and I think I would increase the speed at which the number 4 targeting circle expands, or maybe instead of a targeting circle, make her do a 360 spin real quick throwing out spears in all directions to inflict her damage and bleeds.

    Thank you

  2. my moa just stands by those big white cabinet things that have moa enemies inside on corpus missions, he make alot of noises and that about it

    he also runs straight over to the console to start a survival mission, make a bit of noise and then....nothing

    edit: alltho after some thought, I'm not sure I really want him to start survival missions for me, please dont let him do that

  3. The wiki says the drop rate for the detron blueprint is 50%, the detron barrel 50% and the receiver 50%

    is that correct?


    I think i had the scimitar avioncis once aswell, but after 12-13 kills i should have had the blueprint by now surely

    @DE check the loot table again please

  4. the more i play this frame, i find myself just creating a thrall and killing it instantly just create the damagaing pillar, number 1 may aswell just be an ability that turns enemies into damaging pillars, without the thralls creating thralls mechanic

    maybe thralls could do increased damage while they're alive, or go into berserk mode or something and actually kill some stuff, they're quite weak right now i think

    I'm pressing number 2, but I'm not really getting any feedback as to what its actually doing

    I like number 4 tho, thats good

  5. 12 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    2. Mesmer Skin

    • Give a better description on who exactly gets enthralled as I've had a lot of enemies hit me and they only got stunned


    they're supposed to only get stunned, when they're stunned it allows you to enthrall them at no energy cost, except you cant because your capped at 4

  6. ok it just happened to me again, this time it triggered when an ancient healer knocked me back as i was firing

    so this is inline with the original poster, it seems to be triggered by a knock back whilst firing the weapon

    edit: oh and by the way I am using the synoid gammacor

  7. with prowl (invisible) on, I'll enter a room and put down a noise a arrow, then the enemies will walk toward it (unalerted by the way)

    then while they're bunched up i can use a sleep arrow to put them all to sleep

    but while i go round them all usuing stealth attack, i dont get the stealth multiplier come up in the top right corner

    am i doing something wrong or is this a bug?

    thanks in advance


  8. when you finnish a mission, and the host leaves you get the message "host left, squad disbanding"

    but it doesn't disband, the host leaves then the other 2 join you again, please, the message says "disbanding", make it disband


  9. I have a zaw named "Toxin Zaw" and i have noticed that its not in its right place alphabeticaly


    and also it does not show the toxin damage when i hover over it and press tab


    there should be toxin damage shown here, but it is not

    edit: and as you can see the numbers dont line up with their labels

    just pointing this out for you to investigate in your ui tweaks

    thanks for a great ui tho 🙂

  10. it worked!

    5 updates later and i finally got 1, i started following the updates forum for sacrifice,and just got an email alert for 23.0.5

    hopefully it will continue to work

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