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Posts posted by Camberwell

  1. please man, i find it very frustrating when you get some idiot who decides to use all the life support as soon as they spawn...


    also 1 guy just hid up in the ceiling while 3 of us fought our hearts out in the gorgon wraith survive or die, in the end he made 1 kill, and still got a gorgon wraith for his trouble, GGRRRRR


    and the same thing again in a void survival, a guy just goes and hides somewere, then at the end he gets the Prime part we worked so hard for.


    sorry if this has been suggested before, but i would love to know how DE feels about a vote to kick system in game?, or some other way to make it fairer?


    thanks for reading



  2. i'll have just been into the arsenal and added mods to my various frame, primary, secondary and melee weapons


    press exit to go out and play a game.


    then when i goto add more mods after some leveling, i find it hasnt remembered the last set of mods i added, and i have to do it all over again


    this was present before U17 and is really beepin annoying


    infact sometime i can add mods, press exit to go out, then go straight back in again and it hasnt remembered what i did.


    i'm not sure if i am triggering this behaviour somehow, but sometimes it does work ok




    ps. it also forgot all the sigil and syandana changes too, i now have to go and put them all on again :(

  3. thought i'd start a new topic on this one


    but yeah my guns seem invisible on equinox, i do have them all set to not visible when holstered


    but even when they out in my hands i cant seem them


    i'll try with them all visible while holstered and see if that makes a difference



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