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Posts posted by EzioTheEagle

  1. 2 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:


    Wrong thread. DE does not pay any attention to anything posted in General Discussion or Off Topic. 

    Also ooof. I can't remember when Blazing Step dropped for me, but it took a fair amount of time. Took me 88 days of farming everyday to get all the Ephemera's, not including the Eidolon Step. 

    Thanks...so I will Repost the same there

  2. Ok so I just finished my 410th ESO run(zone 8 rot C) and yes I counted..coz I was expecting to get the Blazing Step ephemera everytime I started the runs and as usual it disappointed me, well I am not complaining or this is not a crybaby post..personally I am a fan of warframe grind system yes I enjoy the grinds..I think the  harder to get something gives the more satisfaction after getting it finally.Anyway  coming to the actual point I wanna highlight...The foot cosmetics 'ephemeras'....
    Well DE pretty much said that not everyone can have these as these are supposed to be elite rewards so u gotta get lucky with the drops..for my case I dint find any difficulty while grinding these ephemeras : Freezing, Shocking, Seeding, Smoking, Bleeding, Eidolon and Fae path...but the blazing step ephemera has now become the only one reason for me to do ESO everyday everytime...I have nothing else to get from eso rather than this...also I maxed my all focus schools...Today one MR 21 guy from squad said that he got the blazing step after 4 eso runs...well one MR 9 guy said that he got it after 2nd run and here I dint get it yet after 400+ runs ..I mean this can not be fair..The grind should be somehow balanced for all the players...It feels bad and I am just not only narrating what happened but I wanna suggest what should happen to make this feel less grindy and balanced ..

    This is my request to DE..I want you to consider just this particular ephemera and make this available by some other ways possible please..Maybe u can do this : make this a guaranteed drop after 20 or 24 zones in ESO or make it purchasable from the arbiter hexis trader for 20 vitus or even more maybe or maybe like this "Do ESO 8 zones 20 times and then we will get a guaranteed resource in inbox message which resource will be needed to buy the ephemera from some trader"
    I mean there are so many ways u can put this...As a completionist I love to collect everything in the game..This is the only ephemera that I am missing out right now...and after hearing such things like " I got in 4 runs..I got in 2 runs" it just kills the excitement to grind it...whereas I am at my 410th run with no BLAZING STEP...
    (From a Warframe fan since more than 1 year and a grind lover)

  3. 8 hours ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

    I got mine on run 141 - (not counting any runs that glitched (about 15), aborted (about 3) , failed (maybe 10 like when I tried to solo it with zephyr from sheer boredom e.g, ).  When I did finally get it and posted "Yay" in the squad chat, someone replied it was their second time getting it - and they'd only done ESO 5 times and could never even to wave 8 without a full on carry.  #feelsbadman

    Personally I think that it is BS, not an "achievement" at all.  They should have given it as a reward for getting to wave 16 or something.  Make it a real achievement - not something you get or not because depending on if RNG decides to take a dump on you.

    Same as Freezing - which I still don't have - but I have 3 Electric ones. The only one that feels appropriate is the Bleeding - 20 arbitrations or whatever. You see someone with it - you know what they did to get it.  You see someone with any of the others, and just think "well there is a lucky SoB".

    yeah IKR....I know a guy who got it on his first try....then another friend got on 2nd run..I think what u said is justified. I totally agree with that, this should drop from a particular zone but guranteed drop...now that will be some achievement but I get it why people say RNG does this always..but my point is there should be a limit..this is crazy and almost killing my excitement to even farm this...but I will keep trying still

  4. man its to frustrating...even after 152 ESO runs...the ephemera dint drop at all...now I am gonna loose all my patience....almost giving up....I mean seriously? even I got seeding step easily after few arbitration runs but this one is ONE HARD to drop..Please DE if u can increase its dropchance a bit

  5. Since this morning, I cant login to the game altho i can login to the official site. I am putting correct password bt its saying login failed, check info...I am kinda feeling bad now.Does anyone know how to solve this issue? 

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