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Posts posted by (PSN)kite9000

  1. 8 hours ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    i watch the streams on mixer as it been smoother for me.
    while others have pointed out that linking doesnt always work on the first try, thus why you need to activly check to make sure it did fully link by checking https://www.warframe.com/user
    it will let you know if your account has been linked or not

    But no matter if it's Twitch or Mixer and no matter how many times you have made sure it was all linked correctly and you have watched for over half an hour... it might still not drop a single thing. In short, even that 'confirmation' that things are linked doesn't mean a thing.

    On top of that is the fact that a drop might fall after half an hour but it could just as well be that you don't get notified of the drop until 40 minutes, or more, into watching. So you can't even say 'well I didn't get anything for the 30 minutes I watched so let's refresh and recheck everything' because by the time you did all that there isn't 30 minutes left.

    E.g.: my wife watched the entire tennocon stream, having checked every hour and a half if everything was linked and set up correctly. She didn't get anything, no Nekros nor Lotus ephemera. There are guys gleefully admitting in alliance chat that they barely looked  half an hour to the entire thing and got both.

    DE will even admit that there's problems with it but in the end... it's not there fault there's so many people watching and you should suck it up and hopefully be more luckly next time.



  2. What Sir_Carl mentions are prices on PC. On console it will be a whole deal less. IF it's a zero roll then you'll do well if you get a 100p for it in my opinion.

    The good thing about Kohm, it's a shotgun. The bad thing, it's not a very good shotgun, not very many that actual use it and there for disposition 5. There's lots of other shotguns that are far better, stronger, more efficient and quicker.

    Seeing as that your riven has low puncture (armour) and impact (shields) it's not that good against Corpus. There for the 68.2% against Corpus doesn't really help the riven. Nor does the negative against infested. In short, anyone buying the riven will do so with the intention of rolling asap and only because they want to play around with it not because they expect that a riven will turn it into something that will make it vastly superior to other shotguns.

    Then again, that's just my view, I could be utterly wrong about the Kohm.


  3. 16 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

    Because obviously the way you play is the way everyone should play in public games ? And you're talking about "narcissistic", you're right there yourself right ?

    Do you actually bother to read the things you write?

    How is it narcissistic in thinking that people that want to run with others in random matchmade squads because of mutual benefit should be able to do so? How do you make that into ME demanding that people should play MY WAY? Isn't the entire idea of public open squads in whatever co-op game to have players play together, accomplishing tasks to the benefit of all?

    If that isn't the reason to have co-op games then please explain what you think the purpose is of co-op games?

    On the other hand how is it not narcissistic, and even egotistical,  for those people that don't want nor need a squad to be running in an open squad and berating, insulting, pulling those squad members that don't want to fly through each and every mission. If one doesn't need a squad but just want to do a certain thing then why not do it solo?

    There's many a time I'm selfish, that I just want to do a spy mission or run a sortie or do Simaris scans and don't want to be hindered by others, and go as quick or slow as I want to, and there for do it all by myself. And that's just it, I'm being selfish and there for I do it alone. Nothing wrong with being selfish as long as one doesn't involve other people.


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  4. If you can, notify the group in advance that you'll only do 1 round or going to bow out so as not to surprise them.

    However, this is not always possible because while you're typing away the fight doesn't stop and you don't want to end up being killed 1min into the run either.


    If people are really wanting to do endless missions endlessly then perhaps they could either play solo or set up a premade group to do it with?

    The strange thing is that in my experience the ones that cuss and call names because a player doesn't want to button mash mindlessly for an hour are the same people that can't be bothered to actually explore the map in any mission because it takes too long.

    Sometimes I myself do a 40minute run but lots of times I just do a first rotation. It all depends on what WF I'm running with what weapons, what kind of mission and how good or bad the randoms are I end up with. It's a good place to get endo, rank up weapons, get creds and possibly pick up a sought after mod.

    I prefer survivals and defense missions. The later ends is on a small map and in general you can see by the health of the defense target if another 10minutes will be doable or not and the former leaves a large map to explore without having to worrying to much as long as everyone is killing enough enemies.

    Excavations are a nuisance in my opinion because if you're squad can't be bothered to defend the excavators you can be in there for a lot longer that 10 minutes before getting an essense to show for it, at least that is my experience the few times I did it. Interception I find even worse because it's way to easy to loose or even keep going unless you have a good squad going.

  5. No. As you yourself stated, they won't get any benefits, they won't get marks to pick up nor syndicate points to earn.

    In short, to them it would be just like any other mission and just get the creds, mods and resources etc. that drop in the mission. If for instance one has to do a Capture for NIghtwave and they run with you doing a capture in your syndicate then it will count for them. The only way that I have noticed that one can have a negative impact on ones own syndicates is by actually becoming part of a syndicate that either is directly an enemy of the other syndicates one is part of or to which the partner of it is an enemy of the other syndicates one is part of.

    In other words, when I do a mission for Red Veil, then I also earn some points for Steel which being an enemy of Loka means I loss a tiny bit of standing with Loka. because I'm part of Red Veil, New Loka and Perrin Sequence. As soon as I do a mission for Loka however I undo my loss of standing with Loka as well as loose the little bit of standing I had earned with Steel.

  6. On 2019-08-23 at 1:26 PM, AkyFenrir said:

    ....syndicates marks are irrelevant to me (unless when nightwave show up), ...

    Unlike you I do like to get free relic packs. In fact I haven't had to grind missions at all to get any of the last few months of released relics to get Primes (weapons or frames) because of collecting and turning in so many syndicate marks that I got plenty of relics that led to me actually acquiring the newest released primed weapons and warframes. Newer players might enjoy it not only for that but also to make some plat by selling mods, weapons or archwing weapon parts, getting way more standing by turning in syndicate marks then solely relying on the points they earn by running around with the appropriate sigil.

    You have everything. Good for you. You don't want free relic packs. Your pick. You don't want to aid or be aided. Sure, be selfish. All I'm saying is that if you like to be selfish don't demand an audience.
    Besides, it's not about YOU, it's about the community at large.


    Well i'm never complaining about missing ressources... Thanks for this strawman of my position.


    Did I say you personally were complaining about that? No,I didn't. So I didn't use a "strawman" of your position instead you took affront to something that was a depiction of a serious chunk of the community that constantly is in need of all kinds of resources and *you* took it personally. Not my fault nor problem.


    I've been playing for a very long time, i've seen everything there's too see.

    You might be amazed how many 'experienced' long time players don't know how to get in certain locked rooms or have no clue about a short cut in a spy mission with less lasers to avoid or less access consoles to hack, as well as a myriad of other little things.

    By the way, I've got +2k hours in game and there are still nooks and crannies every so often that I didn't find before. Just out of curiousity may I enquire how many in game hours you have?


    if your main argument is Kuva is timegated, you can't go on efficiency to disprove me when I debunk your argument. 

    Huh?  Saying you debunk my argument without debunking my argument ..... are you pulling a D. Trump on me? Did you forget to write the debunking? Care to spell it out how you're debunking my argument?

    While you're at it can you also show why you think I was putting forward as an argument that Kuva is timegated? Please demonstrate. Because I wasn't.

    I'm putting forward the fact that the amount of Kuva that can be gained per time spend is much higher while doing floods then doing Kuvival or to put it plainly : the former is more efficient (about twice) then the latter (not using resource boosters in either case). On top of that, the former you can even easily do solo (with the right modded WF) where as the Kuvival needs a far greater investment in mods and forma to be able to do solo. On top of all that the former is even in a much more laid  back manner, again improved efficiency.



    I do get why your head hurt so much....


    ....might help your poor hurting head

    ???? Why do you think my head is hurting? You do know that *smh* = shaking my head.

    I'm saddened by a large portion of the 'great' community. Not surprised nor hurt though, been playing games for decades now so truly not surprised but only saddened to see that no matter if it was BF Bad company or something like WF things never change. Even although everyone wins if one plays as a group, their are lots of narcissistic people that for some reason think it makes them more of a 'man' if they have the most kills or think they are so 'bad ass' because they can one shot a boss. It's a game people and unless you play professionally your exploits mean nothing. It doesn't mean a thing now nor will it ever mean anything. No, no statues will be erected for the feat of doing an ESO run for 3 hours nor will there be folktales telling the tale in 200years of how one zipped through a derelict assassinate mission in less then 1min 45 (without getting kavat scans or opening the dragon key door).


    Again, you do you.

    People that want to run public should be able to run public and finding people that think the same without being drummed out to play solo by those that don't want nor need a squad but can't be bothered to go solo.


    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

    Exploration isn't really a focus in this game. I don't bother because of that very specific reason. Wasting time running around isn't funny for me.

    Ah yes. I see that very often. Exploring? Nah. Why, who needs resources, or syndicate marks or anything, right?

    But then they're complaining that they don't have this or that resource so until they collect enough they can't make this or that.

    And what is there solution? Something that is utterly not boring (according to them) namely running a survival mission, or one of the other endless missions, for an hour or 2, 3 or 8.


    I once tested it and I came to the conclusion that doing some Kuva floods is way more efficient, and profitable, then going for a Kuva fortress Kuvival.

    In fact, don't take my word for it : https://www.framemastery.com/warframe-kuva-farming-guide/

    Kuvivals being a frenzy of hectic running around for hours on end like a headless chicken. Even more 'fun' if you happen to have a spamming Limbo and a Frost, or a Revenant, Volt (or any other WF which your team members will have decked out with the most garish colors when using it's powers) You don't really see anything anymore not with all the visual effects going on. You're just mindless buttonmashing. Ah yes, what fun.

    Yes, sarcasm.

    You do you.

    You want to rush through everything? Go for it!

    Can't be bothered to actual enjoy the design, finding the hidden rooms and picking up goodies? Go for it!

    Couldn't care less about tactics, using the best weapons for a particular task? Go for it!

    Just one thing, GO SOLO because people in open squads can do very well without you and would like to actual enjoy the game and not being berated, insulted and made fun of because of that..

  8. *smh*

    Yeah, anything that actual asks for co-operation doesn't work unless you have a group of friends or clan members that are on the same page from the start or you get very lucky.

    I hear lots about how wonderful the player community is but whenever someone points out that there's lots of players that can't be bothered to actually try to work as a team the answer is always the same: 'play solo'.

    If you don't like how players don't have each others backs then the advise is 'play solo'. NEVER do I see someone mention that those that just want to do there own thing should play solo. No, us who like to play with a squad, we're the problem and we should just go solo. How dare we expect people to work together in a coop PvE game. How utterly silly of us.

    Run through a mission in 2.5 seconds. What? You wanted to pick up some resources or even an Ayatan? Nope, we'll pull you out. Go play solo.

    Killing Eidolons.... What? You wanted to capture them? Nope, don't have time for lures to be filled. Go play solo.

    Killing Simaris scan targets. What? You wanted to scan it? Why? No time, have to kill, kill, kill. If you wanted the scan you must be a 'noob'. Go play solo.

    So what if I start each and every excavator without ever bothering to defend any of them. Who do you think you are trying to teach me how to play the game efficiently. If you don't like it then go 'play solo'.

    What? Each of us defending one interception point? Nay, that's for losers. Don't have time for it. No let's all stand on the same one and then , in group, keep running to the next one to capture over and over again because I drank to much Monster/Red Bull and can't stand to actual chill. Go play solo you loser.

    Exploring the survival map to see if there's any goodies? Nope. Picking a place to just let the enemies come to the squad and profit from the affinity range? Nope. Everyone disperse and try to kill as many as you can by yourself, constant being frantic zipping around the entire map. You don't like that? Go play solo !

    Yep, wonderful community of players indeed.


    Are there mature minded players that enjoy the game, take the time to explore, finding the hidden rooms, working together with their squad, letting there squad know if and where something is of interest? Yes there are but truly they are not the vast majority of players. Let's be honest now, a serious chunk of the playerbase are entitled self-aggrandizing snowflakes. I've played the game now every day for a year now and after +2k hours I have found a handful of people I would run with no matter what mission or task. Another handful with which I can do somethings sometimes without them peeving me off or I them.

    • Like 1
  9. Only two possibilities to get plat.


    1/ Buy it directly from the PSN store, be it a pure plat package or getting it in a bundle with some cosmetics/weapons or Prime warframe bundle

    2/ Sell stuff in game to fellow players, be it mods, prime weapons/warframe (pieces or full sets), etc... Which is a grind and you have to deal with lots of entitled brats but it's not impossible to earn some decent plat in trade chat if you have patience.

  10. 15 hours ago, WoodedSkate89 said:

    Is there any way to get a fatter one?


    you have 3 options :

    1. Buying 2 imprints of a bulky one for plat

    2. Trading something for 2 imprints of a bulky one

    3. Keep trying until luck is on your side.

    If you desire a bulky of a particular breed then you either have to get really lucky or give in and just trade/buy the 2 imprints needed to make it.

  11. I don't really main any frame. I do have all frames and all primes. Do have lots of frames that get used depending on the task at hand or the mood.

    There for the most used are, in no particular order (prime ones where applicable).

    Rhino, Hydroid, Nekros, Nezha, Wukong, Ivara, Loki, Mesa, Mag, Harrow, Nidus, Nova, Oberon, Chroma, Inaros, Trinity, Titania and Saryn.

    All frames that are great by themselves but can also work well with others.

  12. 22 hours ago, Zilchy said:

    Indeed I do, Limbo's 4 with max range and efficiency.


    19 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    I mean.... do you even need it ?

    Limbo's Cataclysm goes further than looter.... like.... Much further !!!


    The choice between using whatever WF combined with a Carrier (that can be used in whatever mission on whatever level, solo or not) OR solely using Limbo for every mission.... hmmm..... yeah why would anyone ever use Looter?

    Except for the fact that most people don't care for Limbo and that just running Limbo to collect resources (and that should be most of the time certainly for any player that doesn't have drop boosters going and hasn't been playing a few thousand hours) is utterly boring On top of that comes the fact that most 0 forma warframe builds outclass Limbo until you drop 2 forma in Limbo. If you also like to run with other people then Limbo is even less of a choice because even if you're a 'good' Limbo, lots of people will bail as soon as they see a Limbo in the squad.


    Question for you : Why would anyone not use a mod that acts automatically and doesn't consume energy and gives you quality of life, even when you run Limbo?

  13. 18 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    The price varies from player to player, free market rules

    While i could trade certain rivens for plat, it's not something i need atm (over 30k plat here) and while you may belive players enjoy trading filled ayatan statues for rivens, i also deploy the same or similar pricing on other things, like nightmare mods, jupiter sentient room mods (4 filled for those) and i often trade ignis wraith bp for 3 filled ayatan statues.

    Going to trade chat and trading a riven mod for 25p (which is certainly not my pricing) would be a waste of my time, loading into my dojo isn't something i am willing to do for 25pl, either the trade is worth it for me or i'll pass it most of the time.

    Fair enough


  14. Just use your operator to side step the Orbital strike sequences.

    Use something like the Ignis to deal with the green lights. 

    May RNG be with you because I know out of experience that it can take a while before the right piece drops if luck isn't with you. Especially getting the systems twice, once for Saryn and once for Chroma.

  15. 12 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    I may have a shotgun, when i get home in 7 hours, we may trade, need to check what i have aswell, but since i have the rivens i want and i don't do riven trading like a mad man, i end up needing a way to get rid of veiled rivens, trading for 3 filled ayatan statues has been a good choice so far.

    I don't know on PC but on PS the average price of an ayatan anasa (filled) is 5p. Once in a while you might find someone that is willing to pay 10p for a filled anasa.

    In other words, you're trading veiled rivens for the equivalent of an average of 15p, if you're getting anasa's. If you take any ol' ayatan, then you're trading them for 3p or so.

    No wonder people love to trade with you.

    Again, don't know about PC but on PS a veiled shotgun riven can, depending on circumstances and what's reported to come out soon, go for 25 to 60p.

    You don't have to do riven trading like a mad man but if you can't be bothered to unveil a riven and just basically given them away then I take it you have all the plat that you care for.

  16. 1 Take any frame

    2 Take Carrier

    3 Get Looter mod and max it

    4 Put on a maxed Vacuum

    5 put on Animal instinct and max it

    6 do your prefered map or whatever mission

    7 Don't go in with randoms, because most people just want to rush through a map and will rather drag you out that wait 1 sec for you to pick up anything. I know, I know, it's silly that people that run in public mode in a co-op game don't really want to co-op but only show off how quick they can do a mission but *shrug* that's what you get with selfish randoms.

    8 Any loot that isn't sucked up and still looks like a bit of loot, investigate

    9 don't stay on the direct route to the task or finish but investigate each side branch even if it's in the absolute opposite direction of where you're suppose to go.

    10. enjoy your collection of ayatans


    • Like 1
  17. So little love for Deathcube and Djinn?.


    Deathcube with the energy generator mod can keep your WF full of energy without you having to spend mod slots in your warframe.

    Djinn, the resurrecting sentinel. Yes it can die but it doesn't stay dead. Add it's fatal attraction to get some crowd control and it's rather handy at times.


    In general I would say Sentinels >Kavat > Kubrows.

    But whatever you choose, please, pretty please, make it so that it doesn't constantly has to be picked up by you or the rest of the squad.

    The times that I see people bring a Kubrow in a sortie mission and it being nothing else but a distraction is just sad.


  18. If you're talking about amount of damage then my answer is neither.

    Instead check out the Daikyu. Using the specialized mods for it you have something that is a beast even before you drop forma's in it.

    The only drawback, no pun intended, is that it's slow. In other words a nice replacement of a sniper rifle not an assault rilfe like the Dread or Paris are.

  19. On 2019-08-09 at 2:29 PM, taiiat said:

    because the Mods that have an effect make this less boring to play. what's there to start with gets boring after like 10 minutes so people look for ways to fiddle with stuff to make it more interesting.

    1. if it's boring to you why keep coming back to it?

    2. Do the mods and such that have an effect make it more difficult? No, they don't. Does it make it just a tad easier to rack up a few more kills then without? Seeing that you yourself sated that it makes killing more efficient,  the answer is :"yes it make it easier".

    So you're solution, you being in the top 5% of skilled players as you claim, to a mission that you find boring is by making it even easier then it already is because making it easier = more interesting to you.

    Seriously? If I want to make a game more interesting I play on a higher difficulty setting not on the lowest possible setting and trying to find glitches to make it even easier then that.

  20. On 2019-08-06 at 3:09 PM, taiiat said:

    since a small amount of stuff does work in it, yes.
    a few specific Auras, and all Set Mods that affect either Primary Weapons or are global(plus a few other Mods). IMO of note are Rifle Amp, Aero Set, Vigilante Set.

    1. If some do then it's clearly a glitch or a fluke because DE themselves stated that none would

    2. In a solo run one should be able to get 10 kills or so easily even without those few mods and auras that might give one an edge provided you make an effort and know how to aim.

    3. In full squad runs you should be able to pick up anywhere from 10 to 25 kills without mods, auras....depending on how acitve the other members of the squad are.

    4. It's very easy even on the 4th level

    5. So considering all of the above... why bother trying mods and auras in the first place?

    Does it make it much more easy? (How bad are you at aiming and shooting?) If that is not the issue and it's just a little tweak then how will that you exactly? Is it really worth making a special config for a watergun fight or researching which mod does have an influence? For what? So you might have 1 or 2 pearls per fight more? Pearls you could have earned, and a whole lote more, if you actual bothered to use your eye-hand coordination?

    Sorry but to me it just sounds ridiculous and not unlike someone trying to engineer the best squidger so as to win at tiddlywinks against there little brother.

    Dogdays is meant as a lark, a bit of fun.


  21. Before the hotfix getting the beach scene meant 20 runs of mission 4.

    Now it all depends on how good you are at it to make less then 20 runs needed.

    It's possible to have anywhere from 10 to 20 (or more) kills in one run. So that will shorten the 'grind' by ±25%.


    On 2019-08-04 at 11:05 AM, Lutesque said:

     but doing the Last Mission Twice pretty much killed it for me.... the rounds are long the enemy scaling is a problem (because apparently DE thinks this is a feature) and the inability to even use some Auras and Passives was the final nail in the coffin


    Are there really people complaining about the difficulty level, about scaling enemies,about  long rounds (5 minutes) and not being able to use Auras and mods in a watergun fight. Seriously ?!?

    It's a bit of fun.

    You don't care for it? Don't do it.

    You don't care for anything you could trade the pearls for? Don't play the missions.


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