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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. I always went with a theory that there's only one of the Warframes in the universe (i.e. one Rhino, one Excalibur) etc.

    Just for lore's sake.


    Just look at Borderlands, same thing.


    If that's the case then that means there is no more Excalibur because he got chopped up in The Profit video by Salad V.  


    I don't think that's the case and if it were so then it wouldn't make sense to make Warframe a MMO type game to begin with.  There are multiple versions of each frame.  Some frames may be not be as numerous as the others, but there is definitely more than one of each frame.  This also explains the customization of colors and armor and helmets, and how there are thousands of Tenno running around.

  2. On the other hand Tenno are warriors, not necessarily pilots. 


    We don't know that for sure.  For all we know Tenno could be the greatest pilots of all time.  


    It would be years off, but I think it would be awesome to have a sort of "open solar system" Assassins Creed 4 type map where you can fly around in your ship in real time, meet up with other players, come across a mission or enemy ship and check it out, board enemy ships and bases in real time.  

  3. I think it should "Carry" an extra loadout for you. Pick a melee, 2ndary and primary from your arsenal to switch to at any point. Pack Mule is a good idea but I want it carry something more beneficial than extra ammo.


    And when you switch weapons it launches them towards you like how R2D2 launched Luke's lightsaber in Return of the Jedi.


    Your warframe also does a cool looking flip as it catches the weapon

  4. eff that. i'd want to play as zanuka period


    what if it was done more tastefully?


    like instead of getting a loved one cremated, you made them into a deadly dog robot to kill things for you


    Yeah, when I die I'd like to have my body cremated or buried and not brought back as some zombierobotdog hybrid.  In fact I'm gonna put that in my will and if my surviving next of kin refuse to do so then I'm gonna come back as a ghost and haunt them.


    And I won't be one of those pop up every now and then and tap on a wall or door and go "wwhhhhhoooooooooo" ghost either.  I'm gonna be a loud, annoying, obnoxious, shove you down the steps, party hard when you're sleeping, throwing things all over the place in your face ghost.

  5. No double jump.



    Make Super jump be able to be cast again only this time Excalibur does a super slam downwards that does TONS OF DAMAGE!  *think Darius ult*


    If he directly hits a nonboss enemy, it is immediately split in half and killed, boss enemies take TONS OF DAMAGE, also a shockwave spreads outward from the impact zone, briefly stunning enemies and making them vulnerable to those fancy finishers for a short time.

  6. I think that timeline is a bit off.  If you think about that, that communication with the Queens would have happened BEFORE he went to Pluto, and then later to Mercury and possibly Phobos. 


    The main way to tell is by ranks.  At the beginning he was ADMIRAL Vor, but then the Queens were tired of him failing at something and demoted him to Captain.  Every time we fought him he was always Captain, except for in the Void where he was just plain ol Vor.  

  7. Dude, one of our possible weapons is an electrified hammer and another is a flamethrower.  Naruto is more of a ninja than we are.



    But we don't yell out all our special attacks before we use them, nor do we wear bright orange jumpsuits.  But then again we can change our colors to bright orange.  Let's just call this a draw.

  8. that actually makes sense and an army of stalker like soldiers would be crazy



    Somewhere in the fan concepts section, someone had a backstory of lore for a sizable Stalker faction that has its main base on the moon.  Even has a series of missions you can go on to meet the other members and possibly join the Stalker group.


    The stalker is not a Tenno, as is pointed out by his codex entry, but rather another type of Orokin, or, as he referred to himself, a "Low Guardian", which he shows is explicitly separate then the Tenno. He also says that SOME have walked these desolate worlds while the Tenno slept. implying multiple stalkers.


    Edit: Should have read the other posts, I was only replying to the OP.


    We don't know for sure that a "Low Guardian" is not a Tenno.  Is it likely Stalker wasn't a Tenno?  Yes, but TBH, unless we get more info about these "Low Guardians" we can't be sure.


    Maybe he was a "new" Tenno, as in he just got back from the void and was starting to train and develop his powers, but due to being new he wasn't "officially recognized".  Or maybe he was part of a special unit of soldiers, or low rank Tenno who's main job was just to play guard duty at the Orokin HQ.  


    This could also be why he hunts the Tenno.  It's not so much as he's angered at the Tenno for their betrayal, but that he's angry at HIMSELF for failing in his duties.


    But unfortunately we don't know for sure.  We're just given small snippets of lore every few months and for all we know "Low Guardian" could just mean he was the security guard at the local mall and just so happened to be nearby and got to go to the big victory celebration.  


    Or he could have been a specific type of Tenno, or a "traniee" who hasn't fully developed his powers and skills and thus he wasn't given all the ranks and privileges of the "full" Tenno.


    I just wish DE would give us more updates on the lore.  Would be nice to see Loki Prime and Rhino Prime updated with more lore stuff.

  9. Took the words right out of my keyboard.


    TBH stealth and how the enemies detect you needs a complete rework.  It's cool if they sound an alarm and are looking for you, but that doesn't mean they should all immediately develop psychic powers and know that're hiding up near the air ducts right after your invisibility wore off.

  10. im sorry but this is how it works every time, i mean, who wouldn't alarm an entire grineer settlement about a monster attack?


    The alarms about the monster attack make sense, but when a garrison is alerted about monsters causing trouble, that shouldn't mean that they automatically notice a stealthy ninja sneaking around in the shadows.

  11. if you read Stalkers codex entry you'll find out that he was a non-tenno orokin elite soldier/officer who is taking revenge on the tenno for wiping out the orokin leaders or something and is now contracted by the corpus and grineer (and somehow the infested?!?!) to take down the tenno. who knows how he lived this long but it might have to do with the cryopod tech or the suit he made that is constructed from warframe parts.


    It said he was a "lower guardian", but we don't know what a "lower guardian" is or was.  It could range anywhere from the Orokin version of the rentacop security guard all the way to a "low ranking" Tenno that due to his low rank was probably not as strong back then and was used more for guard duty and not so high risk missions.    He then used the time after the Orokin were betrayed to train and acquire the weapons and technology to specialize in hunting the Tenno.


    And since he wasn't alone, that could mean that were plenty other "lower guardians" that survived and have their own "stalker faction".  

  12. They should be like shadow clones and before Ash uses his ult he should yell "KAGE BUSHIN NO JUTSU!" and then the clones pop up in smoke and start killing everything and after they're done and disappear, they disappear in a puff of smoke and leave a log behind.  And then an announcer type voice will yell out "LLOOGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!"




  13. You HAVE read his codex entry...right?

    He's still 100% loyal to the Orokin.

    He's hunting us, the Tenno, who murdered the sh!t outta the Orokin.


    I can see how he wants to avenge the Orokin but what I don't get is why does killing Grineer and Corpus and Infested "trigger" his targeting us?  


    It's like 


    Stalker : "TENNO!  You have betrayed the Orokin and have committed even more crimes by killing this Grineer boss that had nothing to do with the Orokin all those years ago and now he shall be avenged!  Prepare to die!"

  14. I think this was just a conversation from the past. The queens said he needs to crush them before they "hatch", so he ventures off to kill them in their cryopod.


    Which places us at the tutorial trailer where he gets cut in half while trying to kill/capture/whatever that Excalibur.


    I think it was too.  Also you can see that he does NOT have his special Janus Key, nor the little attachment slot built into his armor to house it.  Also in the beginning he was Admiral and at the end he was Captain, so he pissed off the queens somehow and got demoted.   We have never known him as anything other than Captain Vor before this point, except for when he's in the void and is just Vor.

  15. you just want rush through everything without a care of what is going on arent you?


    Cutscenes are cool for a little bit, but I don't want to have to watch the same exact cut scene over and over and over each time I do a mission.  Yeah I get it, the Tenno are sneaking into the enemy ship or base, or yeah I see the big boss over there, stop wasting my time with this cut scene that shows them stomping around so I can kill them for the millionth time and hopefully get that drop I need but RNG keeps denying me, despite all the goats I sacrificed.

  16. I think that DE needs more Female voice actors xD

    I love Rebecca and Megan to bits, but this is getting a weeee bit too much xD


    Maybe they're just stand in's until they can find the right voice actors.  At least I hope so, nothing against Rebecca and Megan, but we need variety.  I don't want this to be another Skyrim where you have 100's of NPC's but there are only about 10 distinct voices.

  17. Just heard Perfect World is buying/trying to buy Digital Extremes. I have... concerns about this. If this goes through, if they fundamentally change the way Warframe works to try and put in a P2W system in Warframe, I think I'm just going to delete this thread...



    Please don't this is just too amazing of a frame and artwork for it to go poof.  Also while I can't say it's cofirmed, I heard that what PWE wants isn't to own the game, but merely to get rights for Warframe to be released in Asia.  Of course that's just word on the street so don't quote me on it.


    Also don't delete the thread because if you do then many people will be very sad face.

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