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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. I see now. Thank you for Clarifying


    And to clarify further I do mean SWORDS SWORDS, and not this dagger in the main hand bullS#&$ that plagues and ruins almost all the dual weapons that we currently have.


    Full sword in one hand, full sword in the other, it's not that hard to make.


    And don't anyone even THINK about getting started with that lousy "it's more realistic" argument because it damn well isn't "more realistic".  Have you ever heard of that Real Life swordsman who used a DAGGER in his MAIN hand and a Sword in his OFF hand and then killed all those people with his special combos in which he jumped and flipped all over the place while deflecting bullets with his dagger and sword?  


    Yeah, me neither.   

  2. Or any direction other then forwards.


    and backwards.  I'm trying to run TOWARDS the bad guys to hit them with my fancy flippy combo but can't because they're up ahead and this combo requires me to hit the BACK key.  If I keep running towards them then I can't do the combo, if I do the combo then I won't be able to get up and hit them.  And I realize "Why the F*** am I messing with this in the first place?"  And then I get out my Boltor Prime, and shoot them all in the head.



    Really the combo system is a mess with it's pauses and directional keys.  The holds, and the right click combos work well enough most of the time, but DE really needs to add a new key to make different kinds of melee attacks.  The reload key isn't used or need in melee and its placement right next to E makes it easy to find and hit.  Make the normal attacks on the E and "heavy" attacks on R,  allow combos with E and R such as EERRR, and there you go.  


    Also a lot of stances need more combos overall, such as the sword and dagger stances.  Iron Phoenix in particular.  It's a rare stance but only has one main combo besides E spam, and even then it's a pretty simple and not all that great looking combo.  Swords should really be the weapons with numerous combos and they should start with a "basic" sword stance with just a few simple combos that may not look all cool and flashy, but they work well enough at beginner levels and can get the job done.  This also allows new players to be able to try out the overhyped yet poorly executed melee 2.0 system without having to grind and RNG for both a weapon AND a stance that goes with weapon.

  3. Add ability to permanently kill lotus and never see/hear her again.


    You've been detected, ready your weapon.



    Me: Oh well here I was gonna try and kill them all with my bare hands and my weapons on my back but using the weapons I have taken the time and effort to level, mod, forma, level, again, and mod again sounds like a much better option!  Thanks Lotus!  You give the most excellent advice.



    or You've been detected, you're on their sensors.


    Me: Oh, and here I thought that guy in the security office was just not gonna give a F*** and go back to watching T.V and sipping his coffee and all those alarms going off and everyone shooting at me was just a coincidence.  Thanks for clearing that up Lotus, I wouldn't have been able to figure it out otherwise!   Now, should I kill these guys with my bare hands or do I need to ready my weapons?

  4. I'd suggest Ember Prime for the part of the "other companion". Her flaming red hair seems to fit well. At least that's how I imagine Ember's hair below the helmet.


    What Frost knows:


    99% nothing

    1% where to put the bubble.


    I dunno, I'm kind of thinking that Ember Prime would be on the side of the World with a huge army and marching the wrong way with it to derp around in a city that no one cares about instead of just going to the main capital place to kick &#! and win back the Rubidium Throne.

  5. How would you redo the game if you could? Me, I would make it open world where you'll able to actually visit and explore the planets and go to different cities


    The ships and open world or in this case "open system" thing similar to how Assassin's Creed 4 worked would be pretty badass but that would also start a bunch of problems and would probably be very difficult to do with a mmo type game.  If that would happen then you would probably have to make the game single player with the option to invite friends to "your" game to help out with missions or just generally derp around while you travel across the system in your cool fancy ship.



    If I were in charge I'd do quite a few things but starting out I'd try to rework the damage and the melee system to where the combos don't have the atrocious "pause" or "press backwards" commands to initiate your fancy combo attack which does nothing because while you were doing that your teammate shot the bad guys in the face with his Boltor Prime.

  6. That's just one of the changes I would propose and it wouldn't be all about the damage.  The main purpose would be to quickly get back down if you don't want to hang out up in the air and for a a brief radial stun that would also open up the enemies to all those cool finishers that no one really uses.  


    Radial Blind could also make everyone vulnerable to the finishers but having both might be OP, and a change like the one I proposed to super jump wouldn't be all that out of the question as after all he is supposed to be "The Swordsman" frame.  



    The main thing I would like for him would be some slight buffs to his defenses(shield,HP,Armor) or at least if he's in melee mode and to be able to have a skill that can immediately open up enemies to finishers like Ash can with his teleport or Valkyr with her war shout or whatever it's called.   The buffs to his defenses should be so he can switch to melee and jump into to a bunch of bad guys to cut them up into little pieces and not have to worry about getting instagibbed, running out of stamina, or just getting CC'ed to death.  


    Like I said before, he is supposed to be "The Swordsman" so let's make him into one.

  7. To be honest, I'm with Team Greed whenever there's a chance to do so.


    But what if the lone Tenno is raiding this:




    And doesn't get anything but space fleas and other nasty stuff? Then you'd consider yourself lucky to be on the choking side of the fence.


    But apart from that I'd like to have more mission variety and if they are actually connected somehow.


    There's good stuff in the garbage you just have to look.  And the warframes protect the Tenno from the muck and fleas so it's K.  For one thing that's a S#&$ ton of scrap metal.  Also there may be some rare stuff in there.   In Family Guy they found a couch that they kept.  

  8. LOL! not that much man .. 


    That's probably pretty accurate, considering that about 2 and a half months ago, Steve said that Update 14 was "a few weeks away".  "A few" means around 3, maybe 4.  So if someone says something is "A few weeks away" and then  2 and a half months go by with no news except that "Oh it's not ready yet and probably won't be ready next week either trolololololo"   I'm not really gonna get my hopes up that they can even make that deadline.  So I'll just say that U14 is about 2 months away and if it comes out before that then I'll be pleasantly surprised. 

  9. I'd like this.   Me: "Oh sweet, Prime Parts and Rare mods galore!"  


    Lotus : "What did you find Tenno, you need to share it with the distraction team"


    Me : "Uncommon 5 Fusion core!  Go tell everyone they can take it and bail if they want."


    Lotus : "Are you sure that's all you found Tenno?"


    Me: "Um yeah, just a cpl of uncommon 5 fusion cores, and no prime parts or rare mods"


    Lotus : "I can  see you stuffing them all in your Carrier, Tenno"


    Me : "Fine I'll share a few with you, if you just go tell everyone all we got were some uncommon fusion cores and let me keep the rest"


    Lotus : "We have a deal Tenno, I'll go give everyone the news"


    Me: "Wait, let's keep the cores!  Just give them these ammo drum mods."


    Lotus : "Good idea Tenno"

  10. My laptop that was twice as expensive as my ps4 disagrees.


    Then again if I needed a high performance computer for anything, and therefore had bought one, I would play warframe there.



    Keyword is laptop.   Sure the laptop may have limited power to cost ratio, but you can take it anywhere and use it anytime.  


    Can't do that with a console, and the handhelds don't count.



    Oh and if you spend 1k plus on a laptop and it's still weaker than a console, then you got screwed.   I paid $250 at a pawnshop for one of my laptops and it runs most games just fine.  

  11. ...but I do have a ps4 thats more superior than my computer... I had my computer first and 187 hours on warframe with it. I cant switch right now so im stkll playing on the pc


    I would recommend getting a computer that consists of hardware made in this century or least getting a proper power supply instead of a potato.  That potato powered toaster computer may look cool in that school science fair years ago, but it's just gimmicky at best and has limited real use.  


    Just get some hardware from this century, watch a youtube video on computer building if you don't know what slot each piece goes in and enjoy your new comp that is now superior to the consoles.


    You'll thank me later.

  12. The absolute positive reason i will never play on PC. The elitism is so uncalled for and immature it's unbearable. I'll take a squeaker over an elitist any day of the week.


    So stating the simple fact that PC's are superior and consoles are pretty much a waste of money is now being "elitist?"  If that's so then I guess all PC players are "elitists".


    So on behalf of all PC players, I do apologize for playing on the BEST system that outperforms all consoles in every way shape and form.  



    Also keep in mind that in most multiplatform games, it's the PC players that get the S#&$ despite having the best and most powerful system.  Most games are designed around the inferior console hardware and then lazily ported over to the PC.  If more people used PC's and the games were designed around the PC's hardware then we'd be years ahead in graphics and gameplay of what is available now due to console technology only making major advances every 5 to 10 years when the new systems come out vs the PC technology which greatly improves all the time.  


    So if I come off as "elitist", it's more because I'm jaded that the game companies care only about money and pandering to the masses of little kids and dumbass deuschbags that get mommy and daddy to waste their money on a console vs those of us that take the time and effort to make the best gaming machine we can with the best bang for our buck.

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