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Posts posted by Lord_Drod

  1. My specters don't seem to do anything.  They stand their in a bugged state or die very quickly.  I've marked them and they'll last 10 seconds.  They just despawn or don't do anything across multiple missions and few different ones.  Kahl's garrison and oncall were working fine though.

    Also, should heavy attack equip oneshot SP simiaris targets?  I hit the wrong hotkey.

  2. They don't want you afk farming, yet frames like khora exist.  Its very chill to just click buttons.  Having to move when I don't need to is the annoying part.

    I'd happily farm resources on the move, but she's designed that way and they're like you need to move?  

    This is the afk frame, oh btw don't forget to jog needlessly in place or hop around in circles...must play actively..

  3. I'm not a fan of grouped stats.  These were just the ones I noticed, but they grouped quite a bit of others. 

    There's plenty of other ways to optimize for mobile without ruining the experience of other platforms.

    Please just add an option for grouped stats.  I have other apps I use that do similar things, such as a poker software that condenses information on tournament lobbies for mobile users and one that shows everything.  Desktop users have a choice.  This is no different.

    There's no stats I want grouped on my frame, weapons, necramech or anything else.  The majority of your users aren't mobile and their EDA tears will fill oceans trying to play on a phone.

    This post was brought to you from a mobile platform.

    • Like 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    You can also stop following topics and stop notifications to make it easier for yourself.

    I like this one.  Then I just periodically check back on topics I've commented on.  It's a good way to avoid potential conflicts you may have trouble resisting. 

    There's something about being notified that like pressures you to respond, even when you've cleared it the copy is still there each time someone else quotes you.

    Or it's something like that.  Anyway, just adding to what you said.  I like the surprise when I enter the thread vs the notification route, giving myself more control over content I want to see.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    You still have to calculate the whole thing. but it will definitely be expensive.
    and with a lot of money I can also buy the best games and play them at the same time. and I bet it will be a lot cheaper.

    Lol well I was just making a joke at the pay2win.  Pay2uninstall.  Yeah I'm sure it's expensive.  Judging by the feedback though its not just a throw down 10k and enter boss mode..

    Although, it's nice if I had a rich friend I could get them up to speed quickly.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    The whole thing takes much more than a year.
    and platinum without a discount for the stuff costs like a usable PC. and the stuff still has to be built, mats farmed for it and god knows what else...
    If you don't do that, you'll have to dig deep into your pockets. Because there are no serious “catch-up” mechanics here...

    What?  Are you saying you can't just throw down 10-30k and buy a completed game in 40 days, play a few EDAs, smash them with ease then go back to Mario brothers?

  7. 48 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    That being said I still use Forums a lot and have Youtube videos on in the background a lot (including right now), but funny story, is whenever I post on these Forums, its usually between an exercise set. Its my small rest period before doing my push ups, lunges, planks, etc Likewise when I play video games, I usually tie that to exercise as well.

    I have an exercise pool while I play and all of my commands are voice activated.  I just exercise on a bike inside my pool, eat super healthy and do crossword puzzles to keep my mind fresh for EDA.

    As for OP, nobody is judging you here, or they are, but I wouldn't worry about it.  There's plenty of posts of lesser quality than yours.  As long as you're getting something positive here, then there's nothing to worry about, unless its interfering with your daily functioning.  I wonder the same thing myself at times, but overall the interaction is mostly positive and there's lots of good posters here that lead with a good example, many of them are in this thread.  Some posters are best not to engage with and even the manner in which you engage with people makes a big difference on your experience. 

    If you really feel like you're addicted to the forums and it's taking away too much time, you could always block the address in your hosts file.  I think the forum ban would only block your account, not IP.  Although I'm not sure how to do that on phone, but at least it would be enough of a deterrent to keep you more focused on whatever you're trying to focus on.

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  8. Well it's bugged for operator for sure.  Kills don't contribute, even though operator can't use abilities either, and other sources of kills don't appear to count if you're in operator mode either.  I'm sure its not limited to just these interactions.  Necramech also requires killing again, but that's also related to operator.

    • Like 1
  9. The problem is DE will listen to this feedback and impose a rank 30 warframe restriction, even though it's largely not relevant or going to stop the OPs issue.  It's like looking at end of mission stats after a failure and determining it was the other guys fault, even though you have no idea what they did based off that.

    Although, if there are lower MR people taking unranked and unmodded waframes in and not contributing, going down a lot etc, maybe that should be looked at..

    • Like 3
  10. Thanks @CrendKing.  That was helpful.  So I figured it out.  Operator kills don't count, which should be a bug, since they are not able to cast abilities, their kills should contribute.  Also, specter kills totally count, but not if you're in operator mode, also a bug.  Reporting, that made it much more annoying!

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  11. Topic.  Also, I cannot use abilities with operator, so kills from operator should contribute.  The description of powerless is very vague so it is unclear what is considered part of your squad.  I had to do the entire mission with no ability access since I was using operator, specters.  It procc-ed one time the entire mission on the 8th conduit of disruption somehow.  I do not know what caused it to proc.  Another thread mentioned they had to kill again when using the mech after the 50 kills threshold had been met. 

    Again, its unclear what's actually determined as part of a squad for this debuff by the wording, so I didn't initially report as bug.  Hopefully a better description or if this is a bug that needs fixing, will alleviate the mission for others.

    Also, I noticed specter kills do count towards the threshold, but not if you're in operator mode.  This is why I felt powerless the entire mission.

    I didn't test this, but I bet no kills are counted in operator mode, such as companion or umbra, wukong specter or any other warframe abilities.

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  12. 28 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

    That's definitely a bug then. DE needs to fix this ASAP.

    I was going to report it as a bug, but I was not sure what was being defined as "squad".  In my mind, it should be all sources of kills, including specters, companion, operator, mech, warframes, and weapons across the entire squad, and then enabled abilities for all when that threshold is met.  If that's true, it definitely is bugged, and was an added layer of unintended challenge.

    The other thread mentioned they had to kill 50 again when they got into the mech to have abilities.


    I can confirm, operator isn't considered part of the squad, not sure if that's intended or not.   I wonder what procc-ed it finally on last disruption conduit lol.  Oh, it has to be a bug, since the debuff applies to operator.

    • Like 1
  13. I didn't see that either, but why are some kills not counting?  It's unclear what is considered part of my squad or also bugged.

    How can I not be part of my own squad?  And how did it proc in disruption?  The exterm is like 176 kills and no proc.

    I will check again knowing that.

    • Like 2
  14. 18 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Good potential solution, don't get me wrong, but I think it also comes with its own issues depending on how its executed. 

    Yeah true, just look to the uproar about EDA rewards, but this game could use modes like that everywhere that reward you more for modifiers and subpar gear, kinda like maps do in Path of Exile.  Of course, I'm loosely talking and anything that changes things up from the same rinse and repeat stuff is a good thing.  Disruption is okay, but I like my aoe, non incarnon.  I'm sure melee is okay, with slam and tennoki changes.  I'd rather have stronghold defense more accessible.  I think they can do better than disruption.

    They could have made armageddon so much better, just by rewarding pinions and having true angels.  There's no reason why they should rewards quills.  You can find pinions faster anyway.  Void flood is most fun when the meter is all the way up.  I'm not sure why slight changes won't be done on many modes that are almost there.  Disruption gets boring to me, and its even more boring now.  I feel like its mainly played because nothing is close as far as efficiency goes.

    I still want endless scaling exterms, where you navigate a tile and then onto the next one.  I don't like being in the same tile over time, or the same room, like ESO.  And a variety mode that isn't in the sky, since parkour in the undercroft is practically nonexistent.  Yeah, there's still lots to be desired past disruption.  Why is cascade like the only mode that demands such a nice operator/warframe mix as part of the main gameplay, and not just as a result of extreme enemy scaling?

    • Like 1
  15. 37 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    I was worried about this as well but the game gave me Grendel so I just munched everything that came close to the Conduit.

    That said, the 50 kill requirement not working on a Necramech is stupid. All kills should count towards everything you own.

    It should and to be honest, I don't really understand that how that 50 kills thing works.  How am I not in my own squad?  How are my specters not in my on squad?  It's so vague, and I"m pretty sure its bugged in more ways than one.  I did not notice the conduit perk though.  I read about it and was wondering how it would work, but then forgot about it.

    I feel like it should work as just a kill count for everyone in squad, everything you put out, to delay the ability to cast abilities, and not having separate kill counts for mech, operator, warframe, while not counting specters or companion kills or whatever its doing.  I couldn't really figure it out.

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  16. They shouldn't have it as a toggle, but as part of a modifier for the mission.  So you could choose which type of disruption you'd want to load into.  If people were running the toggle on, it would just be a handicap for you, since they'd beat you to the demo most of the time or lead you to it.  Personally, I thought disruption was best on release and then they made it easier from there. 

    SP had tankier demos, but I feel like there was a lot lost from where they could spawn from.  It ended up being very repetitive and predictable.  The timers between each round should be like 5 seconds. 

    Yes, now it is very lame as far as the feeling you get to quickly find the demo, it was a search and destroy mission, not a race to the mark.  The pressure to get there or search a few directions quickly and get back to the conduit is completely gone.  I agreed with this post and was worried about it when I first read about the changes.  Disruption isn't a mode I play often though.

    They should make the demo invulnerable except to like 4 separate things you have to search for that spawn somewhere in the map, and emit a sound, requiring teamwork to find in time.  I mean they need new modes, not simplifying things.  I do understand though and think its good for people that struggled to play that mode as it was before. 

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  17. This also happened to me, it was inside the netracells red circle, but the circle disappeared.  I looked around for it, and found it, but it had infinite hp, not show, I am unable to kill it and unable to continue.



    Edit: So I got the idea to look around for another necramite and went around far away just looking around and shooting things, while that one was still marked and it allowed me to continue.  I think it lets you continue after a certain time or something.

  18. I don't really know how this is supposed to work.  It says "all abilities are disabled until the squad kills 50 enemies."  I would have guessed that includes me, but I had no abilities for the entire run except on the last conduit of disruption, it finally gave me credit for 50 kills.  It's simply not possible that my specters stole all my kills for all 3 rounds, but disruption.  Are they not part of squad?  Is operator not part of squad?  Am I not part of my own squad?  My specters definitely killed 50, I guess they aren't a squad. 

    Anywho, I guess that's the "turn off solo play" modifier, that will only reach its purpose with a combination of other modifiers, like with the rest of this mode.  I still just did it in one run without even understanding it on max, it was just lame, having no ability access.  No abilities also applies to operator, no shield gating, which means I'm stuck in operator mode.

    So my specters are killstealing all my kills.  So I have to kill 50 solo, then drop them I guess for next time.  Ironically, powerless is probably even harder in groups since people use abilities for survival and offense, so you'd have to just slog it out, but if people dropped any specters, they'd be screwed.

    So, I did just attempt it again without specters, killing 50 and I am not part of my own squad.  So how did it proc in disruption?  I don't know what this modifier is supposed to do.

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