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Posts posted by AM-Bunny

  1. 13 minutes ago, KYLoooo said:

    75 Base Shields + 125 Base Health



    I use Redirection on her too. Shatter Shield is one of the few powers that reduces damage dealt to Shields.

    I run two maxed out Arcane Barriers on Mesa, and it makes her Shields effectively impenetrable to anything that Shatter Shield blocks.

  2. Just now, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

    That woulda been true a year ago but now we have a gameshow hostess and old ladies cracking orphan jokes.

    "Couldn't they have cloned something a little less.....ugly?"

    Yeah, I used to have this entire headcanon that the Grineer were this well-intentioned galaxy protection force that dedicated itself to defending the weak, but eventually resorted to cloning to replenish their numbers.

    As time passed and they continued the process, their minds degenerated as I described and they became incapable of distinguishing between protecting and oppressing; between recruiting and enslaving. 

    However, a smaller number of Grineer retained their coherency enough to hold their original values of protecting the weak and splintered off, forming their own group, Steel Meridian. 

    Obviously this theory has been blown out of the water, but I'm still fond of it.

  3. I'd love to see Mirage have a passive that leaves behind a 2 second Decoy each time she rolls (maybe even just 1 second, considering it would be free and spammable).

    The very brief distraction would give her an interesting method of added survivability and also work well with her current passive that allows her to roll quicker and further. It would really work together to make a more cohesive acrobatic playstyle.

  4. 5 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I would like to see characters that conflict with the Tenno/Lotus in their ways of obtaining peace or maintaining balance within the system.

    I honestly think there's a lot of room for this with The Syndicates. For certain Syndicate Quests like The Glast Gambit, players are helping The Perrin Sequence regardless of where their loyalties lie. It could be interesting to see Steel Meridian pop up as an antagonistic force during the Quest.

    Additionally, I would love to see more development of the factions that exist in the game. I've always been fascinated by Sargas Ruk's dialogue and how he seems to perceive Grineer as protectors. I like to imagine that Grineer brains have devolved to the point they can no longer distinguish between protecting and oppressing and truly believe that they are heroes, uniting the system. Would add some interesting depth.

  5. 4 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    The credits of the game itself list Gregory Louden as 'narrative director'. Whatever that role means, I have no idea, but from all that I can gather, Cameron wrote a book, and maybe had input into the game. He might just be credited in the game because of the book. He's listed as writer under "additional team", but not listed as a lead writer, which is given to two other people.

    It's very safe to say he did not write the game, at least the majority of it.

    Hm... just looked a little more into it and you seem to be correct. There seems to be this interview mentioning he 'worked on' Quantum Break but not in what capacity. He's not listed with any of the writers.

    Okay. Well. He wrote the story for a couple apps then.

  6. 1 minute ago, Rambit23Z said:

    Oh boy, this reminds of a certain topic that reached 500 replies in the span of mere hours when someone said:

    "The Second Dream isn't canon."

    Man, what an adventure that was.

    I definitely foresee a lock before 500 on this one.

  7. Just now, Naith said:

    Equinox used to be both or at least it was suggested in the devstream, if I remember rightly.

    Then it eventually changed as there were discussions on the forums and DE decided to put it to bed. It also confused some people with the order of frames released.

    Yeah, in the official Warframe profile, it's pretty obvious that Rebecca avoids using pronouns for Equinox like she does in every other Warframe profile. Makes the thing read awkwardly at points.

  8. How come Alad V was cured of his Infestation in Second Dream when he was infected in Patient Zero?

    Yeah I know. Just poking fun at how patchy the narrative is as a consequence of the time limited events.

    6 minutes ago, Vantooth said:

    The whole event was that the acolytes of the stalker came to hunt alad V because he helped us during second dream, and he asked us to get rid of them.

    To be honest, I always thought this was kind of a scummy way to repay the favour we owed him. The only reason the Acolytes were after him is because he helped us, so us 'repaying' our debt was just cleaning up the mess we got him into.

  9. I think games are certainly reaching a point where the line between genres starts to blur. Nearly every game has 'RPG Elements' and Warframe is no different. Level based progression and equippable gear which were originally the hallmarks of an RPG is now found in fighting games, for crying out loud.

    Unless it's a turn based RPG which makes the classification pretty obvious, I have a hard time deciding what I'd stick into that genre.

  10. It's a little early to be upset. The Alerts weren't referred to in the stream, so the only context we have is some random text on the dev build.

    It could just be placeholder. It could have been an old plan. It could be in addition to something else. We just don't know, and this isn't enough to get fired up over.

  11. Isn't every Prime Time a 'waste of time' in the sense that it's meant purely for entertainment? Ray's contribution was simply that.

    For what it's worth, there's a lot more work that goes into these things than a rough sculpt, so it's not as though it's ready to be played. Even in the unlikely case that the concept was adopted to be put in-game, it would probably receive a new visual design, with only loose inspiration from he original Hennya concept, and the sculpt still wouldn't be used.

  12. 1 minute ago, Buzkyl said:

    Limbo went from the guy you zero to top CC frame real quick.

    However, please let us hack in the rift DE. Or allow us to banish consoles/Hack in cataclysms.

    You think? The new additions were certainly cool and stylish, but he still didn't seem particularly effective to me. I honestly don't think it's going to help his situation a lot.

    ZA WARUDO is cool looking, but it takes too much time and effort in a game that's based around killing armies in a moment. I think players that already enjoy Limbo or that play him solo will love it though (he has always been a great solo Warframe)

  13. devstream88banner.png

    Limbo Revamp
    • Limbo has a completely new roll animation that is a 'Void Dash' -- this dash will take him in and out of The Rift with no Energy cost
    • Banish has been upgraded to a small AOE 
    • Limbo's #2 is a completely new power, Stasis -- Stasis pauses enemies and projectiles inside The Rift
    • Only a certain number of enemies/projectiles inside The Rift can be Stasis'd -- surpassing this limit will force you out of the Rift for a short duration
    • Limbo's #3 is similar to Molecular Prime -- a radial charge of all enemies in The Rift, they will explode upon dying, affecting enemies outside The Rift and creating mini-cataclysms
    • Cataclysm remains relatively unchanged -- it will now have a short stun to enemies upon entering so that Limbo has more time to react to them
    • Limbo revamp has no current ETA, but it seems to be completely playable 
    • Watch Rebecca test the new Limbo HERE

    Photobooth Mode
    • There is a new mode being added that will allow players a deep number of customizations to get nice screenshots
    • This mode will allow players to customize the background, animation frames, camera angle, filters, and more to give maximum control
    • Watch Rebecca test Photobooth mode HERE



    Chroma Deluxe Skin 
    • The Chroma Deluxe Skin was displayed -- this is the next deluxe skin to be released
    • Skin is coming packaged with a two-handed sword skin



    Helminth Charger Re-design
    • The new model for the Charger is close to complete -- since it's rigged to the Kubrow skeleton still, it should be easy to implement
    • Should definitely release in February



    Enemy Cell Dojo Room
    • The upcoming Enemy Cell feature was spoken of again
    • The procedurally generated kingpin enemy will be appropriate to Clan size and member number -- smaller Clans don't need to worry
    • The Enemy Cell is not intended to be solo content, but it will be much harder -- this is optimized for a group experience
    • In a coming update, Clans will have levels that will determine what kind of Enemy Cells they can go after and perhaps have other privelages
    • As Dojos grow and new things are built, Clans will gain levels -- this will be retroactive, so large Dojos will start out at a higher level
    • Dojos will start working on Relay servers rather than being hosted by a member
    • The Dojo War Room that will house the Enemy Cell features was shown HERE



    Other Stuff
    • Corpus Gunspear is virtually complete; should release very soon
    • Tenno pump shotgun is far from complete; model hasn't been started and it needs new pumping animations
    • Not currently planning on adding Relics to Eximus droptables as was proposed previously
    • The devs feel that they went a bit too far with the new flight-sim feel of Archwing -- it doesn't really work in tight areas, but it doesn't sound as though it's much of a priority currently
    • Ash does have a completed Gunspear animation set, but it didn't get submitted by accident -- will be implemented ASAP
    • Cephalon Samodeus is partly written and voicecast -- still a ways to go before being implemented in-game
    • Volt will get cloth physics eventually -- no firm release date though
    • Valkyr Prime trailer is very close to being done, however Geoff was told to delay releasing it until after Banshee Prime's trailer -- unclear why exactly
    • Anniversary Alerts teased at?

  14. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I've been fighting back Misery my whole life......

    depressing jokes aside, he's not even in the Codex, so I don't know what he drops, but it would be nice to get another chance at him. I think there should be a quest where we discover the Acolyte's hideout/Ship and take each of them out one by one in a series of boss fights. maybe have Stalker come in at the end too, would be pretty fun IMO.

    He's in the Codex -- at least for people that scanned him originally. He drops all of the Acolyte mods except for Malice's. If I recall correctly, I think he had an increased droprate for the rares.


    That being said, his mission was directly tied to defending Alad V, so I don't think he would be as easy to re-integrate into the game as the others. He's also less necessary since - as I mentioned - his drop table is just a combination of the others, so he doesn't offer anything unique. It would be nice to see these guys return though, at some point. They're pretty mysterious at the moment.


  15. As someone that owns all the Arcane Helmets, I don't think there are any that are truly critical to gameplay. I've never had any trouble at all omitting them.

    That being said, I think that the way DE handled the situation with them was one of the worst actions they've ever taken. As you say, for player like you and I that own them, nothing has changed. We're 'forced' to use them and sacrifice fashion like before. The change didn't fix anything for us. For players that don't own them, they are left with the gnawing knowledge that they are missing a piece of Warframe maximization that veterans have that they never will, lest they venture into the treacherous realms of Trade chat. For the min-maxers, this situation would be truly frustrating.

    The correct course of action was simply to rip the stats from the helmets completely, whether they were previously owned or not. Sure, some people would have been angry, but they would have gotten over it, and we wouldn't have any of these issues now. I think it's a perfect example of how DE sometimes pursues lukewarm solutions in an attempt to satisfy everyone and ends up satisfying nobody.

    I would rather Arcane helmets just be nuked for a nice, clean solution, but I can certainly understand disagreement on that stance.

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