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Posts posted by residente

  1. 13 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    Ok, so a legitimate way to get rid of them is not good enough for you? K


    Dude I want to get rid of those S#&$ty prime coils and put either the normal ones or it or have nothing else. Having to use another armor is a disgusting bandaid fix.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Sannidor said:

    I would pay so many plat total for 5 plat one hour boosters it's not even funny.

    3 hour multi-booster combining all (affinity, credits, drops+chance) would sell like crazy if sold for 20 plat.

    I guess DE does not like easy money and keeps challenging themselves to create better content. 

    That's why we still don't have 10 Forma bundle, right?

    Meanwhile Chinaframe has 10/20 potato and Forma bundles and boosters work per mission instead of per time.

  3. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    What you expect DE to do?

    Change Limbo's abilities so they don't F*** up other players' sanity levels.

    1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Seems like your wasting more of your precious time on the forums when its actually simple to just recruit to avoid trolls. I rarely run into them if not at all. 

    Not an argument. What I do with my time is irrelevant. What I said is true, a frame shouldn't be designed in a way that makes it impose a certain playstyle over other players. Right now one limbo can force three other players to play melee only if he wants. The fact that you can avoid it by wasting time recruiting is irrelevant. You should not be forced to recruit just to avoid a certain frame that is badly designed.

  4. 11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Toxic players will always be toxic players. Go to recruiting and make your own squads instead of going into public matches. Problem solved.

    How does that solve the problem? That just hides it.

    Why should I be forced to waste precious time recruiting because there is a bad designed frame that some pub people troll with?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dark.Chaoz.Bringer said:

    Pls be patient if you msg on of the leaders. We're doing things just like the rest of the community. Moreover, you're not the only one we're interacting with in most cases. Allow like 5-10 mins before spamming us with "HEY LISTEN".

    Hey I thought you were savages that wanted savages to join in.

    Just joking, good luck and prosperity to your clan.

  6. 20 minutes ago, low1991 said:

    I disagree with you on this part. I have yet to spent plats on potatos and forms. Only Slots. 

    But you don't represent the entire community, lots of people who work 8 hours a day don't have time to farm forma or reach the potato alerts.

    To put it simply, in your case they would lose a potential slot purchase if you didn't like the weapon in your test room.

    Edit: not only the slot, but you're forgetting that you would be still wasting formae and potatos even if you didn't pay for them. You farmed them, you spent time on the game to get them and you would have wasted them, unless a thing like what OP is porposing existed. And that is still makes DE lose money, they don't want you to save your formae and potatos, they want you to spend them, so you farm more of them (spending more time in their game) or buy them.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)bostero19- said:

    Creo que no podes regalarte cosas usando un cupon de descuento

    Ya veo, igualmente en PC sí puedes usar los descuentos para comprar platino más barato y luego regalarte cosas, por eso está prohibido.

    No sé si en PS4 tenéis las mismas reglas o no, pero yo por si acaso me las leería.

  8. Not going to happen because that would reduce the grind and DE doesn't want that.

    Say you get a Riven for the Karak with a decent roll. You've always liked the Karak but never bothered too much with it because it always underperformed later in the game. Now you have a good riven for it and wonder if it could be an awesome weapon again. But instead of spending a potato and 3 or 4 forma on it you go to the Simulacrum and test everything out for free, and at the end of the test you conclude that you don't want to bother with it because it's still not enough for you.

    That way DE has lost the possible expense of platinum or simply resources on potatoes and formas. And I didn't even take into consideration building the weapon if you dont have it already. Now multiply that for hundreds or thousands of players.

    I can't count the many formae and potatos I've wasted trying to make some weapons good, and that's (sadly) part of the game, they dont want that gone.

  9. 1 minute ago, (PS4)bostero19- said:

    lo que podrias hacer es crearte una cuenta psn de usa, comprar el pl y que algun amigo de confianza entre en esa cuenta y te pase el pl a tu cuenta principal

    ¿No va eso en contra de las políticas de DE? Aunque dudo mucho que le pillasen, en teoría está prohibido comprar platino con una cuenta y pasártelo a otra para que la gente no se cree múltiples cuentas y abuse de los descuentos de platino aleatorios.

  10. 3 minutes ago, shiro.OoKami said:

    Why is flow not needed?  Will zenurik replenish energy faster than i use it?

    With her 3,4 being toggle abilities i thought that having a larger energy pool means you can have it active longer?

    What mods would I need to get the 260 range, and 180 strength and good efficiency?  

    Based on experience, no, it's not needed. With Zenurik you replenish a lot of energy. Of course there will be times when there are so many enemies that it will down faster, but those are very rare.

    Anyways, if you have room for it, use Flow, it's always good to have a larger enemy pool, I just can't put Flow over any other mod I use.

    Overextended + Stretch + Cunning Drift on your exilus slot for max range (250 not 260 my bad).

    Level 5 Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude + Energy Conversion for 199% Power Strength (you need 200, not 180 my bad again).

    Fleeting Expertise + Stramline for 160% Power Efficiency (max is 175% but with 160 you're more than good to go).


    Final build would be Overextended - Fleeting Expertise - Streamline - Peaceful Provocation - Energy Conversion - Stretch - Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude

    I personally change Streamline for Vitality, so I end up with 130% Efficiency. You might think that's too low, but even without Flow, Zenurik covers all my energy expenses with that efficiency.

    You can change Energy Conversion for Intensify, that will give you 180% Power Strength, you wont be maximizing your build but it's pretty close anyways.

  11. Maim build: max Range (250%) + Natural Talent + enough Efficiency and Duration to cast it constantly. Strength is not needed but having some helps giving a small Str buff on allies and clears lvl 30 and below enemies with the initial Slash proc. With proper Duration and Efficiency, Flow is not needed at all.

    PP build: max Range (250%) + 200% Strength (for max buff/slow iirc) + max Efficiency + Zenurik + augment. Rest of the mods are up to you. Duration is not needed. With Zenurik and good Efficiency Flow is not needed at all.


  12. 3 minutes ago, baldestrom said:

    But this boss will probably be more for veteran players who have mastery over the parkour mechanic. It will be fun for us veterans but verying daunting for perhaps new players and people who just aren't ready for this type of challenge yet."

    Nah it would be a 1:30 minute fight because people would go 4 Titanias and kill the thing in matter of seconds without effort.

  13. Rhino Prime: HP 100; Shield 150; Armor 275; Energy 100; Speed 1

    Mag Prime: HP 100; Shield 150; Armor 65; Energy 100; Speed 1

    Volt Prime: HP 100; Shield 150; Armor 100; Energy 200; Speed 1


    Really makes you think eh?

  14. 12 minutes ago, Repiru said:

    (like Corrosive b Corrosive proc)


    and thanks for answering my quesion :D

    Yeah, like corrosive procs, since both corrosive procs and avalanche reduce armor, but it has nothing to do with them :satisfied:

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

    + Reduction increases with Power Strength. U must have 250% PS to hit 100% Armor reduction.

    Yeah and duration increases with power duration, and if you use your first ability on frozen enemies it makes it even longer.

  15. "Frost summons an avalanche that freezes enemies over a duration of 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds within a radius of 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters. Frozen enemies have their armor reduced by 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% of their current armor for the duration of the freeze."


    It has nothing to do with Corrosive procs.

  16. Just now, (Xbox One)Spaztic Magic said:

    To counter: vivisection has disappeared/lost meaning and yet dissection is still retained? I call bollocks.

    Why not? We don't know how the languages spoken in WF universe have evolved.

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