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Posts posted by Thural

  1. Why does everyone always want everything to be nerfed? NOTHING needs to be nerfed, EVER.

    Anyone who's got enough spare prime parts to get the Mara Detron (usually 50-100) has seen the Zanuka Hunter enough to have stacks on stacks of Detron parts. Within 2 months of playing warframe I had already sold dozens of Detron parts, and the only reason I don't have one yet is that I didn't feel like wasting Orokin cells on it. 

    You're not calling for a nerf because you think it's overpowered, you're crying because it's better than a similar weapon. Just stop.

    I was able to buy the mara and both primed mods within seconds of the patch fixing the trader, and I've seen the harvester once, so yeah, 100%.  Cuz everyone has the exact same experience right?

  2. So, people keep complaining about Excal p being founder exclusive, and I thought, excalibur is the original Warframe, why not make him special.  Just like how the nikana is symbolic of the whole ninja-esque theme, Excal is THE warframe, and he deserves to be built upon by everyone, and not just those who were here first.  


    He could have the same stats as excal, or be slightly better, like excal prime.  The reason why is everyone tends to look down on excalibur players, since excal is the go to beginner frame, making people think that that player is inexperienced.  This would solve this problem without getting the founders' panties in a knot.

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