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Posts posted by Thural

  1. On 2018-11-18 at 12:47 AM, super2sentai said:

    Hey I've had so many issues with this type of mission in bounties too, the kill counter seems to glitch out for me so often, half the time I kill a designated enemy the counter DOES NOT go up, if I had to kill say 15 moas, I probably would have to kill like 30 to reach the mission criteria.

    This bug is caused by the host switching to operator mode or being on a k-drive when the mission starts from my experience.

  2. The most obvious ones are:

    • Experimental flight is back even when disabled
    • Fish are still spawning in the ground in caves, seemingly even more frequently

    The flight change applied in 24.0.4 made things work as they should, so I don't see why you reverted it.

    And I never actually noticed a decrease in the number of fish spawning in the ground, but after 24.0.8 the amount went up from about 10% of fish to about 50% spawning in the ground. 

  3. Old system: wow this guy used a lot of weapons
    Your system: wow this guy rushed insert meta mastery gain mission a lot of times

    The only way a system like this can work is if mastery is tied to something that can't be farmed, otherwise everyone will hit the cap and stop caring.  As it stands, there are a significant number of people who come back with new content just to get the mastery.  With your system a lot would probably drop the game altogether once they hit the cap.

    Also I've never maxed a weapon on an affinity farm, I reserve those for forma, so if the way to gain mastery was changed, I would probably never use a new weapon.

  4. When Facial accessories were made incompatible with operator helmets, it sort of made sense for the diadems due to clipping issues.  But a lot of accessories don't clip at all, such as the atmos mask and eye accessories.  Could you lift the embargo on customization for operator helmets?

    Players should be the one to decide whether they can use the cosmetics they purchased, not clipping.

    (Also, the clipping reason doesn't really make sense when the umbra scarf is allowed to clip with the atmos mask.  (Please don't remove the atmos mask from the umbra scarf))

  5. On 26/11/2017 at 8:42 AM, Sloan441 said:

    Don't run the gun dry. Problem solved.

    But it's exactly 40 rounds in the mag, reloading early would lower the already low ammo economy due to wasted ammo pick ups

  6. chroma has insane armor, with up to 80k effective health, can boost his damage to insane levels, can slow/stun enemies (depending on his element), and a sentry that stuns and draws aggro

    inaros has a LOT of health and decent armor, for an easily achievable 13k effective health, with a decent CC and can easily heal himself

    valkyr is literally invincible in hysteria and does RIDICULOUS damage, and has a comparable version of inaros' CC, but if you leave hysteria, you'll die if enemies are within a certain range, and it drains a LOT of energy

    atlas can spawn super tanky rock monsters than seem to draw aggro, and can get upwards of 150k effective hp each (he spawns 2)

    rhino has a cheap health buffer that can be reapplied whenever it breaks, which can easily get 5k health per cast, and has incredible CC with stomp

    trinity can get 30k effective health, and bless restores her to full health.  she can also heal her team and give everyone unlimited energy

    other, less traditional tanks include:

    zephyr can deflect 99.9% of bullets, making her unkillable unless you're really unlucky, and can get 2.5k ehp, with lots of escape by flying away

    wukong can defy death and be invulnerable for a short duration, but each time he "dies", he comes back with less and less health, and in panic situations he can turn into a cloud and float away

    nekros can sort of tank, but it's tricky to make work, and I've never tried it


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