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  1. Rather unfortunate, that. I quit warframe 2 times before actually picking it up for real because it was always so difficult to learn without third party resources. Even now I still stay away from most games that have a research requirement, and I doubt I'm the only one who does that. Probably prevents a bunch of players from picking up warframe too.
  2. Most of this sounds great, but I have one question: How are you going to address the fact that I can no longer turn into a water pool at extraction and ask people "water you doing"? This negatively impacts my experience, a lot.
  3. Nah, there are tutorials about plenty of things, and if there aren't, they're fairly obvious, or not mandatory. The tutorials are usually in the form of a quest, or by Lotus, Ordis, or some other character, telling us how to do something in a transmission. That's completely absent in Duviri - we could have the old guy (not naming because spoilers) tell us how to do things. He IS the teacher type after all.
  4. It isn't, but I've been away from the game for about a year now and I barely have anything to do in it. I can farm some of the things I never got like the tenet weapons and a few kuva ones. It's not particularly engaging content. I could do duviri bounties but the mechanics for them are never explained. You hit an enemy and it doesn't take damage, you chase the orowyrm but can't reach it, etc. Going with a group would probably solve that except then I'd be getting carried, and that's not exactly "me" playing the game.
  5. Yeah I was away for about a year and was fairly disappointed to come back today to only one new quest and a bunch of primed and new frames and weapons. Actually came to the forums to rant, and found this post, so I'll rant here. I went solo with the "play as intended" afterwards (because let's face it a skilled player is enough to do any supposed 4 man content), and I did have quite some fun. That is until I kept running into things that there was never a tutorial for. Capture an orowyrm. Thanks mom how do you do that? Get dismounted repeatedly before you can even reach the wyrm even though you dodge the hell out of orbs? Get dismounted and killed at the same time because there are two orbs launched one after the other? "You will need the orvius" which doesn't function like it does when you build it for the warframe, it doesn't function like it does in New War.. Plus, because it forces you into drifter, you can't access any gear. So I can't place a loc-pin at where the exit is. So, I can't find where the exit is. Three hours of fun roguelike stuff, then poof, all progress gone because there was never a tutorial for the orowyrm. And honestly, that's fine, I've lost similar amounts of progress before due to similarly stupid reasons. The gameplay /is/ fun. But the issue is recognized and stated by Teshin as soon as you finish the quest that unlocks duviri. "Remember, out there, you won't be like you are now. You'll be like you were then." - You don't get to be a badass drifter with melee weapon and unique skills. They even kept the smoke bomb ability, as if taunting us that we can't do spy or rescue missions with drifter. Insane. It's another content vampire. Sure here you go new toys. Oh, but you can't use them anywhere else. You only grind the content for this in order for you to be able to grind more of just this content. It's the same problem Railjack has. The same problem Necramech has, even, because while you can use it on some missions, it's.. not a viable alternative to warframes for 90% of the content that it's even summonable in. K-Drives, yet another thing that was introduced that only feeds itself. Sure it's cool to ride on it for like half an hour, an hour. If you actually want to get anywhere though, archwings. Where are K-drive upgrades useful? K-drive races. Even then they're not required. There's a lot to do in the game, like you say, OP, but all of it is just isolated as all hell. Nightmare missions add a cool layer of difficulty, but they're not taken to their best potential. How about every objective done or every 5 rounds that pass etc., a new nightmare modifier is added, maybe with a maximum, and past the maximum, it shuffles every objective / every 5 rounds etc. "Open world" content is also insular as hell, because things don't work in open world the way they do in regular missions. Yeah guns still shoot swords still slash, but now enemies come literally from nowhere, there are bosses moving all around the map at random, enemy difficulty is higher despite all of the open worlds being available at a very low MR, enemies have tactics, they can summon an endless number of enemies in if you don't pay attention to the flares, etc. Mining and fishing are also meh because you always have the chance of a random squad of enemies spawning behind you. Not that they're literally any trouble, they just interrupt your mining and/or fishing for a few seconds. The reason? Hell if I know. And then we got the training room simulacrum or whatever from Simaris. You can test builds without having to go into missions, great. But you can't practice against the actual game mechanics. Can't see how well you can defend an objective of a certain type with a certain amount of hp and shields, can't see how you'd do against an orb mother or an eidolon, etc. So, it's just for optimizing your speed at killing in survival and extermination, or how much you can pump out of a supernova ability that deals damage to everything around (and/or explosive guns because.. yeah, meta.) I'm MR30, I'm only missing a few guns, a few primed frames, the 3 newest frames. That's not enough content to keep me going. And it's getting me down. The quest chain in Duviri was actually very fun. I got to put armor and a syandana on my operator, and then use a (fairly underwhelming because it can't be modded and moves at snail speed) melee weapon with it. All great stuff. Riding a horse is also nice. The fact that it can fly is even better. But then you have the intrinsics that improve your character.... and they're not needed. That 3 hours of wandering duviri doing side objectives? I was completely fine until the orowyrm. The roguelike abilities you get to stack are great, and make intrinsics maybe useful for.. I don't know, starting out faster? I have no incentive to get them. Railjack I have at full 9's in intrinsics, and that's because railjack is, again, pretty fun to play. But I'm not getting anything out of it except the momentary fun. No progress except making the railjack ever stronger. The problem, though, is that it's already piss easy by the time you get to such high intrinsics, because of the equipment you get which makes it just about unkillable. I don't know how warframe is doing on a larger scale - if new players are joining, they'll have content for quite a while. Always things to work toward to improve their frames, their guns, their operators, everything. But I do feel like I finished the game and now I'm just getting occasional updates on what happened after everything was over. Like if you just finished Fallout 3 and every once in a while you get a text about how Moira Brown released a new chapter of Wasteland Survival guide, or how Fawkes learned how to crochet. Sure, fun stuff for a few moments, but.... what do I do with that? If there was suddenly a new toy to play with, the drift as it is in duviri, and i could take it to every mission - hell yes. I could challenge myself to do the whole starmap with just the drifter. I already did it with operator, it was fun. Drifter has a different and unique skillset, just like operator has a different and unique skillset. It's something new you can do. To put it in a way that makes it more understandable for most people: Imagine if every warframe you create could only be played in its acquisition mission, on repeat. You can only play Mesa in the Patient Zero maps, you can only play Octavia on the Lua missions that have music rooms, etc. That'd get boring pretty fast huh?
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