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Everything posted by Lustrouss

  1. Yea... i was shocked when I went on wiki and all the part says "C" ... i kept getting lense... the fact that people think this game is tedious is literally due to this, endless farming, I'd understand an assassination mission drop chance be lower but in a rotation C drop? Why?? Mastery Rank is already a pain to rank up, gathering all the gear... and now DE is making all these weapons so hard to farm is even worse....
  2. Just got a 50% again today and I heard couple of people saying they were getting 3-4 75% in a month while I get 0 in 1-2 years
  3. I could care less, that's the fastest way to farm forma. And how is that not easy enough for you to understand, it's all about forma.
  4. It's been too long but safe to say over a year since I got a 75% coupon, I kept getting 25, 50 just not 75. How rare is it...
  5. Let's just hope that 3 days have gone by and for the next hotfix, we will expect major fixes on Duviri.
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