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Posts posted by AethonWalker

  1. The operative is an ally, not an enemy. It makes sense her wall wouldn't affect them, and while it is nice to cordon them off and away from enemies, it's also exploitative to say the least. Surely you didn't want to play a game like Warframe on easy mode? /Is joke

  2. Bringing Warhammer 40k into Warframe huh? I'd be interested, but DE kind of moved away from that sort of thing. Would that be an endless mission? Would there be a new tileset for it? Also, you say the enemies could leave a debuff to nullify warframe abilities, but the abilities work because of the void in the first place. How does that work exactly? Kind of reminds me of the time when survivals took the place of excavations.

  3. 6 minutes ago, LupoDWolf said:

    we get a riven, it doesn't have any stats, we go and fuse mods to then to give it stats like the 90%, or the IPS ones. Disposition increases the number and rarity of he usable mods, and affects their values

    So basically we forge our rivens by combining other mods into them? Sounds neat, if grindy. How would the disposition affect all those stats? There are 5 main dispositions, so do you have an idea for what it'd look like? Maybe like the max mods you can use and the rarity, how would those be dealt with?

    Also, would we be permanently fusing other mods in, or would it be like making a build for frames and weapons?


    1 minute ago, seprent said:

    the market would be even more saturated with god/amazing teir rivens that cost absurd prices it might drop but i doubt it 

    ive said it several times ill say it again the riven market is a sphere container full of nitroglycerin and near a ramp

    For those who are wondering what nitroglycerin is its a volatile chemical that response explosively to outside force applied on it  

    EX: Disposition sweep lowering some of the meta stuff = Ball rolling down ramp into a wall the resulting fallout is people complaining DE invalidated there purchase of X riven 

    For that, I'd say people will complain about anything. Rivens aren't set in stone, just like the rest of the game. It'd be neater to see disposition do something more than just  increase/decrease stats, but that's a beast on it's own at that point.

  4. Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Might want to take a step back and explain this out better, I can't make heads or tails of what you are trying to say.

    Sounds like @LupoDWolf wants the riven mods to only include stats from normal mods you have. Do you want the rivens to literally just be cards/slots that you mod using several other mods? It really does need better explanation.

  5. 3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I'm only really seeing this as a nerf to be honest, I know I've asked for it before, but with how things currently work we're actually going to be losing power overall.

    For example, Exodia's generally work with Melee Abilities, and Wukong with Exodia Force is actually pretty fun imo.

    Once the Iron Staff is it's own separate weapon... No more Exodia Force for extra damage and status procs, no Exodia Hunt for minimal CC.

    Since DE are going through with this and Melee 3.0 they must buff melee abilities in one way or another, specifically Hysteria and Primal Fury, because they're hardly unique weapons that deserve to cost energy, (not counting Hysteria's other components, just the weapon itself).

    I'll remain hopeful that they'll allow Exodias, even if you have to do something to unlock them for abilities. Considering there are certain mods they don't allow, it'd definitely be a drawback if they didn't. Here's to hoping somebody gets this bug in their ears.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ascarith said:

    I'd push back a little and ask if artificial intelligence bothers you. AI is common in many sci-fi settings and is not "alive" in the sense that a human or animal is. Depending on the game/series/movie/etc. in question, AI's have demonstrated a wide range of human-like characteristics, despite not being "alive." I'm curious where you would draw the line.

    What drives the assumption that being "alive" is necessary to have a consciousness? 

    Top it off, I thought viruses just don't fit our definition of alive? Hippy space magic has a way of doing what it wants I guess. Maybe the whole thing was a virus that evolved into something more, but the name stuck. That said, the amount of times I get corrected on Warframe's lore is a bit ridiculous, so whatever.

  7. I've been wondering if I was just unlucky, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only person dealing with this. I run a GeForce GTX 950 with an AMD FX-8320 8 Core Processor and plenty of RAM. When Plague Star first came around, I did alright but noted a bit of a spike in loading time, although I typically host due to my internet connection and a friend was due for upgrades with his PC, so no fault there.

    A hotfix or  two later, loading times were better optimized but I started getting bits of lag spikes every so often. I fixed it for a bit with a driver update, but they came back a couple weeks after. They stayed after that, always popping up when I play with others but rarely when I'm solo, and even after driver updates. I'm going to try reinstalling my driver, and I sincerely hope that fixes it because having a second of freeze every few seconds made me avoid PoE altogether.

    Shoot a message if you find any fixes, I'd really love to know myself.

  8. 13 hours ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

    Since the devs did say that all frames will be primed, I wonder how they would explain this one. Plus, this would kinda defy lore because if Nef Anyo was capable of actually creating a new frame, then it would be inevitable that Tenno would be able to create their own frames. That would be really hard to balance and would destroy a large portion of the games purpose. 

    As for the Lore, I would really hate to see Nef Anyo being that significant in the story progression. I would rather see Alad V than this scum bag. The frame concept overall is nice but a bit repetitive. We already have Titania and we don’t know what to expect from Zephyr’s Rework. His first ability is basically Wukong’s Cloudwalker without the invisibility or the Finishers. Yeah, based on the feedback on Cloudwalker, not many will like this frame. I like the design though.

    You could say the Corpus-version went about the same as Valkyr. They were much more successful, but this prototype "warframe" is more of a robot with a higher-level ai than it is a being. The actual warframe just takes the true parts from the construct and repairs them into an actual warframe. That'd meet the goal of priming it and also not quite lore-breaking.

    Besides, how exactly would you go about priming Titania? It's assumed we already have her original version which would mean that primes aren't actual the original orokin-made versions, but instead they're just other flashier versions. I think.

  9. 10 hours ago, R3b3ll10n90s said:

    Very interesting but IDK because of I'm infected with Rotavirus right now which severely affected my focus or those ability are really complex but I'd ask for simplify your content.

    I feel like it's a lot simpler than it seems. On paper it's harder to describe everything since it almost feels like Equinox, but with more flow between the two forms. I'm sure it would be easier to use than explain.

  10. If I remember correctly, beam weapons work just like other weapons. That damage is for every bit of ammo spent, so faster fire rate will show higher numbers in the field than the arsenal does, and vice versa. I'm not completely sure on this, but my old Phage riven gave really nice amounts of damage, allowing me to hit 30k damage in the arsenal, for the trade off of 99% less fire rate. Every second I dealt damage it only showed 40-90 damage. So that's my guess. Maybe somebody knows better?

  11. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    So vacuum should be innate to the player, but the one warframe that has an innate vacuum has a poor passive? I'm not sure that I quite understand you. Everyone make it sound like it's a big deal to have it innate... Mag has it, but it's not a big deal?

    She has a crappier version of it. Yes, she has it, but being required to bullet jump can be dangerous at times, and takes attention away from other actions.


    1 minute ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    If you die and revive you get your sentinel back with a fresh set of regen.

    Yeah but that's not limitless, nor is it tied specifically to your sentinel. That's due to you using your own revive first, which doesn't exactly count as a sentinel feature.


    Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Seriously? You test that in the simulacrum? Because the max number of revives you can get is 3 or 4. 

    While I don't have Primed Regen maxed, this was under the bug section on the wiki: Full revival of a Warframe does not reset the regeneration count of the sentinel equipped with this mod. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Primed_Regen

    1 minute ago, Templar_365 said:

    i honestly think this whole vacuum "problem" needs to stop if DE does something about it then oh well you get what you want but like legit if you want a damn vacuum so much use a sentinel.

    Templar, I'm not sure if you've got something going on in your life that has you on edge, but something trivial like this shouldn't really get under your skin, should it? Why not just ignore the thread like any other person if you won't post anything constructive? Is there any fix to this (other than just dealing with it) that you would be willing to see?

  12. 7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    With prime regen and sacrifice, you will literally never die. Kubrows need vacuum Kubrows need better AI. Damage is negligible if it can't to jack shnit to bosses. Sentinels utility is far superior than any sort of damage a kubrow will do. 

    Don't mean to be ~that guy~ but Primed Regen only gives 3 regens, which Sacrifice eats up. You only get up to 4 lives based on that I would think, unless you've found a bug.

    Vacuum honestly should just be innate to the player, not companions. Reduce the area of effect a bit, and make it so Vacuum itself buffs your radius, while Chesa Kubrows drastically increase it as it is now. I do agree that AI needs fixed up, but that's everywhere, not just kubrows.

    In the end it's a lot like comparing apples and oranges. Sentinels are designed (at this point) to be utility based with possible damage capability, while Kubrows and Kavats are, when properly modded, serious bullet sponges and damage dealers respectively.

    1 minute ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:


    Honestly, talk about poor passives. Could have been something really neat, like magnetic procs actually magnetizing enemies together or something, but no.

  13. I think the second would be okay if it was made up of other players that were in about the same progress in your mission, such as being able to join up if you both are 15 minutes in. That said, I also think it would be kind of weird to incorporate into Warframe smoothly.

  14. On 26/01/2017 at 0:33 AM, Lokiner said:


    I honestly doubt they make much money off of the credit bundles, and as for boosters I know of plenty of people that never needed them. Besides, the 2x is the minimum, so that's being a bit unfair. Finally, if they weren't thinking of us, Warframe would have failed a few years ago. Sure they make mistakes, but they know how to fix them. Again, be constructive.

  15. On 1/19/2017 at 11:41 PM, Krackerbox said:

    Oh so by just killing another mob instead of scanning things it would have reset the erroneous timer and I could have stayed in the mission instead of extracting?? Interesting I didn't realize there was this kind of mechanics in the game?

    Sorry for the late reply

    I'm not completely sure. It's something that's been added in the past year or so afaik. I never had much of a problem with afk players since I almost never play public, and can cover for friends, but it's understandable to say the least.

  16. I'm pretty sure it's an afk system. I've had it happen to me in a mobile defense that I was soloing. Had to go help with stuff irl and came back just in time to see that message. One kill was enough to cancel the countdown for me, but it still kind of puzzled me. I thought the missions and stuff were hosted by players themselves, so I dunno why an afk system would kick a solo player.

  17. 23 hours ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

    No one really cares about something being complex or not. It's mostly about efficiency and sadly many of the new frames seem to be lacking in this regard. Titania I'm looking at you as well as the new infested frame. No one wants gimmicky powers that are hard to pull off and at the same time do very little.

    Meh, this might be a matter of subjective opinion, but I find Titania exceeds in her crowd control capabilities. Mix in decent (not amazing) damage, along with nice little buffs that are easy to keep up with and she's surprisingly useful in my experience. The infested frame seems like he'll be good cc, and who knows, maybe there'll be a bit more to him when he's released.

    I honestly think people want real synergy, which is what DE is supposed to be supplying old frames. When I say synergy, I obviously don't mean the simple 2+2=4 crap people think it is, nor do I mean the 2+2=5 type of synergy. What they really need is more complementary synergy, abilities that are perfectly fine on their own, but if you want you can create more astounding effects by combining multiple things, much like One Punch Atlas and a large melee combo counter.

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