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Posts posted by DrivaMain

  1. On 2024-05-02 at 6:08 AM, PollexMessier said:

    If people are farming an event so hard it makes you concerned, it might be time to consider that how restrictive the normal way of obtaining the same items is, is the problem. The Eidolan arcanes are the absolute worst farm in the game hands down. The obscenely low droprates of the desirable arcanes coupled with the absolutely stupid time restrictions makes it damn near impossible to obtain what you want from them in any reasonable amount of time or effort. I've been playing this game for several years, captured a couple hundred hydrolysts at this point, and seen a legendary arcane drop from them twice. ever. Just two, in hundreds of attempts across several years. The only reason I have literally any arcane from the eidolans capped is cus I famed out these events way too hard.

    I could play through half my steam library in the amount of time it would have taken me to max out any legendary arcane from eidolans. That's not okay.

    Just let us buy the eidolan arcanes for eidolan shards.

    DE has created other ways to obtain the Eidolon/Trial Arcanes without engaging the content. Case in point: Orphix and Arcane Dissolution. Another pretty obvious reason is how lucrative the Arcane trading market is. They'll never make the "grind" more forgiving. 


  2. 8 hours ago, BalaDeSilver said:

    Gas has one gigantic mechanical issue: its stacks are replaceable. For example, if I fill its 10 stacks with an extremely high damage weapon, it'll have 10 very strong gas procs, but then a teammate who modded their weapons with gas happens to proc 10 shotgun shells on that enemy with a barely modded weapon, and all of a sudden, all those 10 procs get their damage reduced to pretty much nothing. 

    You guys need to either make gas procs selective to the ones with the higher damage, or you completely uncap gas and make it like Heat, where it only strips armor on the first stack, but Gas would only grow the bubble with the first 10 stacks, all other ones are just damage. Really, gas can be a pain in the clem in some instances specifically because of this quirk of it. Gas may be misunderstood and very strong in some cases, but this one is the absolute worst offender and needs changing.

    Agreed, this is why the gas changes back on Warframe Revised utterly destroyed gas-focused builds on high RoF weapons. Another change is the lack of elemental damage mod scaling on its DoT damage calculation. Why do toxin, electric, and heat damage get this benefit while gas doesn't? 

    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Or how about people saying that healers shouldn't heal Defense Objectives. "Awww but then it would reduce the challenge if the Defense Objective gets actually Defended!!!!" It's wild that a game mode where you need to maintain the health of an objective, and Warframes that can HEAL and apply DEFENSE are objectively the worse choice due to how much their healing and defense is limited on that objective. And you people wonder why people just use DPS, when the few time Vazarin found a niche in Defense, you all screamed at the top of your lungs how horrible that this one Focus School DARES to not be a Offense Focused tool. That got Nerfed into the ground, and now Defense is literally better served bringing in an AoE Nuke than a Healer.

    You're incorrect on this stance. The reason why defence objective healing methods, Vazarin included, nerfed to the ground because of Scarlet Spear. DE doesn't like that Warframe players use Khora's Venari to heal Scarlet Spear missions' defence objective (The Oplink). At first, this interaction (Venari heal) was disabled, then DE proceeded to rework the defence objective healing interaction game-wide in the following update after Scarlet Spear. The aftermath? Burst healing is dead while sustained healing like Venari and Motes reign supreme. 

    This was when [DE]Scott handled DE's balancing department, dubbed the "Guy who nerfs everything in Warframe" or the "DE Fun Police" by the community. 

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  4. On 2024-04-12 at 1:22 AM, sh0shin said:

    And those who would prefer nerfing strong and popular frames to buffing clunky, old, and weak ones: f*ck off, sincerely.

    And your way of buffing is to turn them into another meta-nuke frame of the season? I'll take the Nerf route instead, sincerely.

    Some frames are just that mechanically broken, no matter how hard the nerfs get on the number side of things, people will still gravitate towards them.  Nerfs must be enough for people to drop that meta frame and try something else. Yes, that's the GOAL. DE nerfs your favourite frame so that YOU can stop playing it 99% of the time. 

    If DE implements more LoS checks, those outliers must be "disciplined". They can buff damage or spread range to compensate.

    • Like 4
  5. 13 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    They have Damage Attenuation, just like the Voidrigs. DE doesn't want people bursting them down in a split second, so they add this annoying mechanic to high value targets so they don't have to try balancing the game.

    DE can balance the game if they put in the effort, but are they willing to alienate many players that may result in them quitting in the process? 

  6. If you do not want to engage with build crafting and wanna use the best of the best for having fun, you must cope with DE having a chance to take that enjoyment away from you if your way of having fun intervenes in others' enjoyment. Fortunately, the meta is like The Hydra, you chop off its head, another one will take its place. You can always find a replacement.

    If you're not that type of person, explore what the game offers; find what you find enjoyable and then stick to it. If you wanna take me for reference, I find fun doing these activities:

    • Eidolon Hunting
    • Arcane Dissolve Farming from Void Cascade game mode.
    • Making platinum through relic cracking.


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  7. Requiem Relic cracking is one of the most repetitive and stale processes I have ever experienced. Why? Because there is no tileset variety and unfortunately the only zone eligible is one of the most unpopular tilesets in the game, The Kuva Fortress, because of its cramped space. Once I discovered that Omnia Fissures would be coming to the game, a spark of hope lit inside me and said, "Hey, maybe, you can finally crack those dusty piles of red cabbage!". To my disappointment, Requiem Relics are not eligible.

    Please DE, consider making them eligible in a future hotfix or update.

    • Like 4
  8. 3 minutes ago, Cram_Duahcim said:

    I'm going to agree with you 100% on this, the game needs a place to really put end-game builds through its paces. 

    Adding High Challenging Activities doesn't take away from the casual area's it already has. There's no negative to adding it, at all to the game. It needs more of it 100%. 

    They'll complain no matter what. I've seen it with Fortuna, I've seen it with Railjack. I won't be surprised if the deep archimedia game mode will suffer the same fate.

    DE needs to bait players to play their new content they've poured resources into it, unless it's a one and done content like The Fragmented One. In order to do that? They have to put something of gameplay value. Then here's where the problem starts. Dd add something of value, players who disliked challenge will get it through another method, which is complain to DE to lower to the difficulty to their standards.

    At this point, you may want to look another game where the developers says "Suck it up and get good! Don't like it? Don't play our game!" to those challenge-phobic casuals if you don't want your challenge to be taken away.

    • Like 3
  9. 59 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

    He dont want to see Grendels floating around wiggling their booty seductivly. 

    Jks aside no idea

    Oh no no, he doesn't want to see Pink Rhinos with Butterfly Wings floating around the mission burning his eyes.

    • Like 4
  10. 22 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    Convoluted doesn't mean good. The most used warframes are usually the least amount of brain power required that you can play Warframe while watching Netflix or something.


    In my humble opinion, if you think the frame demands mashing more than 1-2 buttons for it to work is not fun for you, then you should stick to your "braindead" frames.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    My overarching message is why they used language to fleece players with the wording, but are adamant that they can't remedy past solutions because it would be "disrespectful". I am not saying "you can't have my items, they said exclusive", it's "how come when we talk about Founders (and later Heirlooms), we want to "respect" the FOMO marketing (which is disrespectful to players to begin with), but here it doesn't matter?"

    If DE gets brownie points for exploiting ambiguous wording, why can't we just have transparent marketing and re-sell past bundles? Again, I think too many people are assuming I am upset that I "lost money" or "lost my exclusives". What bothers me is that I felt fleeced by their marketing, because even though I knew deep down that they could re-release these at the time of sale, I assumed that the usage of urgency and words such as exclusive put them under the umbrella of other situations.  I like to have the exclusives of Warframe, however annoying they are. This made me feel compelled to purchase the items offered, because they could have easily ended up as the next TennoCon cosmetic, Rank 5 Equilibrium, Arcane Helmet, or other handful of niche examples of exclusive items in this game that you need to be around for to have.

    My thread is merely to bring attention to DE using this language in a disingenuous manner when their intentions are the opposite. They are still selling the Angels of the Zariman package with this language despite these items not being exclusive at all, not even to the bundle. The whole "exclusive for a limited time" is just lying on the store page.

    I really apologize to all the people thinking I am a hypocrite purely because I both despise the marketing and ask to respect their commitment in their language. If they aren't committed to something being an exclusive, rid that from your marketing page. Don't single out items with asterisks or use these terms or phrases with the intent to rug-pull people who are compelled to make a purchase due to those terms. I do not like exclusives in games. However, don't try and sell things in that way with the intention of exploiting a player to make a purchase they may otherwise not because they aren't sure if it returns at all, even though there are intentions to release them later. It's dishonest, and not what Warframe's foundation is built off.

    Unfortunately, that's marketing these days. It's all sleight of hand. We, as a consumer, should be vigilant of their tactics and not fall for it. I sympathize that you fell to their tactics, going forward, don't just believe what marketing says outright, no matter how "honest" they make them to be even in the fine print. 

  12. 17 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    Look, Sayrn CONTRIBUTES, and honestly Mesa would be a better example, she mostly just fundamentally steals kills. But what does Revenant DO>?

    Yeah, they contributes so much that I can't enjoy the horde killing aspect of Waframe. I might as well AFK at that point.



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  13. As long as something is not "stealing kills" for me (looking at you Saryn), I'll tolerate it. 

    If I have the same mentality as you, I would make a rant post on how disruptive Saryn is to gameplay and ask for a Nerf so bad it will make that frame worthless. 

  14. I always hold this principle :

    "Anything that is not the Founder's Pack will always return at a later date".

    Holding this makes me able to steer the marketing bullcrap DE throws at me; preventing me from getting screwed over because this is the only pack DE explicitly states that it will never return. 

    To those losing their minds, you pay the "early adopters" price. At least be happy that you can get earlier than those you called "f2p peasants".

    • Like 2
  15. 45 minutes ago, Raikh said:

    fun is subjective and I'm absolutely willing to a believe that some are going to find it fun. But I'm also convinced that those people will be a tiny minority.

    The people of the forums themselves are the minority. The people who enjoyed things in the game don't come here and write a 20-page essay about supporting them. They are busy enjoying the content. Look at Duviri for example, is there enough backlash that causes the number of concurrent players to tank on Steam? Nope, it's mostly business as usual. 

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  16. If an over 1400 post mega thread asking Chroma for a complete overhaul back in 2018 falls on deaf ears on DE, then I am not optimistic this will also be heard. The Problem is Chroma has a niche and it's good at it (e.g. Boss Hunting). Unfortunately, said content drops one of the game's most valuable items (Arcane Energize from Eidolons) and one of the best ways to earn credits (Profit Taker).


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